Sunday 14 January 2018

Numericals on current by AIIMIIT

1.what is charge flowing in a conductor when 10 milli amperes flow for 1 minute?
2.what is the current flowing in a conductor when 10 mega electrons flow for 10 seconds?
3.what is the charge if 5 milli amperes flow for one micro second? many electrons are present when 1.6 amperes flows for one milli second?
5.what is the charge when 10 amperes flow for ten seconds? much current flow when one avagadro no of electrons flow for 6023 seconds?
7.what is difference between electronics and electrical?
8.what is ammetre ,how do u convert galvanometre to ammetre?
9.why ammetre is always connected in series,what happens if connected in parallel?
10.define one amperes?
11.a current of 0.25 amp flows in a much charge passes through it in 1 hour?
12.A current of 20 milliamperes flows for 1minute 30 Seconds. Find charge?
13.what is a semi conductor give examples?
14.what is meant by drift speed.what is its formula?
Drift speed formula is i=vanq
Where v is called drift speed
A is area of cross section of conductor
N number of electrons passing per volume
Q  is charge
1.Current is denoted by letter I
2.Units are ampere
3.Definition is rate of flow of charge is called current
4.Formula q=i/t
5.1 ampere
When 1 columb of charge flows for one second it is called one ampere
6.Current detected by galvanometer
7.Measured by ammeter.
8.Ammeter  is always connected in series
a.i t has low resistance measure total current .
9.Two types of currents are
1.electrical current
Flows from negative to positive
2.convectional current
Flows from positive to negative
10.Circuit definition
Continuous and closed path of electric current is called circuit.
a.Open circuit.; circuit in which current is not flowing (switch off )
b.Closed corcuit;circuit in which current is flowing (switch on).
11.Ameter is shunt resistance
12.Galvanometer to which high resistance is connected in parallel is called a meter.

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