Tuesday 26 May 2020

AIIMIIT potential energy work sheet and numericals

Potential Energy Definition

Potential energy is defined as the energy stored in an object. Potential energy can be divided into many types; Gravitational potential energy, Elastic Potential energy, Electric Potential Energy etc. Here the gravitational potential energy is defined as the energy possessed by an object by virtue of its position relative to others. Elastic potential energy is defined as the energy possessed by virtue of stresses within its body and an electric potential is defined as the energy possessed by an object by virtue of the total charge stored within.

Potential Energy Formula

The formula for gravitational potential energy is given below.

PE = mgh


• PE is the potential energy of the object in Joules, J

• m is the mass of the object in kg

• g is the acceleration due to gravity in ms-2

• h is the height of the object with respect to the reference point in m.

Example Of Potential Energy

We all know that dams are constructed on rivers for the generation of electricity. But do you know the reason behind this? Here, the potential energy possessed by water is used to harness electrical energy. Water raised to a certain height gains potential energy with respect to the ground due to the gravitational force acting on it. This energy is used to turn the blades of turbines positioned in the dams that eventually helps in the generation of electricity.

Derivation Of Potential Energy

As per the potential energy function for a conservative force, the force acting on an object can be 
But f=ma
All work done converts to potential energy

Here the force acting on the object can be given as

F=mg, and the distance from the point of reference can be given as h.

1.define energy
2.what are different types of energies
3.define potential energy
4.derive formula for potential energy
5.give egs of some bodies having potential energy
6.what eneergy does a bird flying in air will have
7.how does potential energy gets converted to kinetic energy on falling from a height
8.what is unit of porential energy
9.what is potential energy of 2kg mass body which is at a height of 10m
10.what is potential energy of a body which is at height of 5m whose mass is 2 kg
11. What is potentail energy of body 200 gms when it is at heigh of 10 m
12.if potential energy of body is 100 j
Of mass 2 kg .find the height
13. A mass of 2Kg is taken from the ground to the height of 10m. Find the potential energy of the object.
Question 2: A mass of 5Kg is taken from the ground to the height of 100m. Find the potential energy of the object.
Question 3: A mass of 5Kg is taken from the ground for 5 m uphill on the wedge. The wedge makes an angle of 30° with the ground. Find the potential energy of the block. 
14: A mass of 10Kg is taken from the ground for 10m uphill on the wedge. The wedge makes an angle of 30° with the ground. Find the potential energy of the block. 
15. Find the velocity of the ball just before hitting the ground. Assume that initially, the ball was at a height of 100m, and its mass was 4Kg. 
16: The entire potential energy of a ball is transformed into its kinetic energy by coming on the ground from a certain height. The height at which the ball was initially placed was 10m. The mass of the ball is 1 kg. Find the gain in the kinetic
17: A spring is stretched upto 9cm, the spring constant of the spring is 2 N/m. Find the value of Potential energy stored in the spring?
18. Two objects are kept at different heights, first object is at 5meters and second object is placed at 15 meters. Which object has more Potential energy if the first object is 5 times heavier than the second?
19: A ball of mass 0.8 kg is dragged in the upward direction on an inclined plane. Calculate the total potential energy gained by this ball given that the height of the wedge is 0.2 meter.
20: A wagon loaded with iron blocks is pushed up an inclined plane to its highest point. The total mass of the wagon is 50 kg and the height of the topmost point from the ground is 5 meters. What is the total potential energy of the wagon at the top?
21A box has a mass of 5.8kg. The box is lifted from the garage floor
and placed on a shelf. If the box gains 145J of Potential Energy (Ep),
how high is the shelf?:

22A man climbs on to a wall that is 3.6m high and gains 2268J of
potential energy. What is the mass of the man?

23A 800g ball is pulled up a slope as shown in the diagram. Calculate
the potential energy it gains.

24: This 2 kg hammer is 0.4 m up. What is it's PE?

25.We drop this 0.1 kg apple 1 m. What speed does it hit the ground with?

26.An object with 100 N weights is raised to a height of 15m. Find the potential energy possessed by the object at that height. Also find the new potential energy:
a.If the same object is raised half of its original height.
b.If the same object is raised to three times of its original height?
Given g=10m/s2

27.A crane lifts a 75kg mass a height of 8 m. Calculate the gravitational potential energy gained by the mass (g = 9.8 N/kg).

28.A ball with a mass of 500g is lifted onto a shelf which is 1.5m above the ground. Calculate the gravitational potential energy gained by the ball (g = 9.8 N/kg).

28.How much G.P.E. does a 5kg rock that is 10m above the ground has?.

30.A helicopter is flying at a height of 1.5km. If it has 50MJ of G.P.E., what is the mass of the helicopter?

31.A boy throws a 0.2kg rock up with a speed of 5m/s. If all the kinetic energy becomes gravitational potential energy, how high will the stone go?

32.. A 1-kg body free fall from rest, from a height of 10 m.

33. A 1,500 gram object at 20 meters above the ground, free fall to the ground. What is the gravitational potential energy of the object. Acceleration due to gravity is 10 m/s2.

34.An object of mass 40 kg is raised to a height of 5 m above the ground. What is its potential energy. If the object is allowed to fall, find its kinetic energy when it is half-way down.

35.Two bodies A and B of equal masses are kept at heights of h and 2h respectively. What will be the ratio of their potential energies?

36.A body of mass 100 kg is lifted up by 10 m. Find :
(i) the amount of work done
(ii) potential energy of the body at that height (value of g = 10 m/s2)

37.A boy weighing 50 kg climbs up a vertical height of 100 m. Calculate the amount of work done by him. How much potential energy does he gain? (g = 9.8 m/s2)

38.To what height should a box of mass 150 kg be lifted, so that its potential energy may become 7350 joules? (g = 9.8 m/s2)

39.A body of mass 2 kg is thrown vertically upwards with an initial velocity of 20 m/s. What will be its potential energy at the end of 2 s? (Assume g = 10 m/s2).

40.A body of mass 2 kg is thrown vertically upwards with an initial velocity of 20 m/s. What will be its potential energy at the end of 2 s? (Assume g = 10 m/s2).

41.A weightlifter is lifting weights of mass 200 kg up to a height of 2 metres. If g = 9.8 m s−2, calculate :
(a) potential energy acquired by the weights.
(b) work done by the weightlifter
(b) A person of mass 50 kg climbs a tower of height 72 metres. Calculate the work done. (g = 9.8 m s−2)

42.A girl weighing 400 N climbs a vertical ladder. If the value of g be 10 m s−2, the work by her after climbing 2 m will be :

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