Tuesday 3 November 2020

our environment lessson 10th class case full notes


Place where biotic and biotic components interact with each other is called ecosystem.

2.types of ecosystem
A.natural ecosystem
B.artificial ecosystem

3.natural ecosystem examples
Big tree

4.artificial ecosystems---made by man
Crops feild

5.food chain
Interdependence of various organisms in an ecosystem is called food chain
Examples of food chain

Grass land food chain
Grass- grasshoppeer-frog-snake-hawk

Forest food chain

Aquatic food chain
Phyoplnaktons-zoopanktons-small fish-big fish

So many examples of food chains are given at the end of topics

6.levels of food chain

7.sun is primary energy producer in ecosystem
As whole world acquires energy directly or indirectly from sun only

8.decomposers are present at top
As they decay and decompose dead and decaying matter
Examples.bacteria and fungi

9.producers are so called
Example all plants
1.they trap sunlight
2.prepare foood by photosynthesis
3.directly or indirectly all organisms depend on plants for energy
4.like example herbivore eat plants and get energy
5 others omnivores and carnivores eat herbivores and derive energy
6.so plants are called producers.

10.herbivores are called primary consumers
They directly depend on plants for energy
Other omnivores and carnivores depend on them for energy directly or indirectly

Example.deer,goat,giraffe,cow etc

11.omnivores are called secondary consumers
Omnivores eat both plants and animals
Eg.cockraoch,dog,cat etc

12.carnivores are called tertiary consumers
Ate those which eat only animals for energy directly
Eg.tiger lion,fox leapord

The energy present at each level of food chain is called trophic level

14.food chain
is like pyramid shape always
With producers at bottom as they are more in number
And carnivores at top as they are least in number
On the whole food chain looks like pyramid

15.flow if energy in ecosystem is UNIDIRECTIONAL
Energy moves from producers to carnivores
As energy is produced by producers
The energy from other food chains cannot be baught back
So flow of energy is unidirectional

16.food web
Interlinked food chains are called as food web
In ecosystem many organisms depend on many other organisms
So all organisms are interlinked in food chains
Such inter linked food chains is called food web

17.always remeber in food chain energy keeps decreasing from herbivores to carnivores at the rate of 10%

18.Ten percent law
Transfer of 10% energy at each level of food chain is called ten percent law

Means 90% organism will use for its metabolic activities
Whoever feeds that organism will only get 10% energy

Basing on this they are asking numericals also
1.if at plants level 10000j of energy is there how much will be at carnivores level
Plants 10000 j means
10%of it goes to herbivores
Herbivores 1000j
10%of it
Omnivores get 100j
10%of 100 j is 10j
Goes to
Carnivores will have 10 j

2.if 5j is at carnivores level how much energy at producer level
Carnivore 5 j means
Omnivores will have 50j
Herbivores will get 500j
Carnivores will get 5000j

3.if food chain is represented as
If at grass level 30000j is there
How much will be at eagle level

4.in the below food chain
In the given food chain, suppose the amount of energy at fourth trophic level is 5 kJ, what will be the energy available at the producer level?
Grass → Grasshopper → Frog → Snake → Hawk

5.if 2 j is available at carnivore level how much available at producer level

6.if 12345 j energy available at producer level how much energy available at carnivores level

19.bilogical magnification
Accumulation of harmful substance in food chain is called bio magnification.

In food chain
if any pollutant enters it keeps on accumulating in food chain

at producers levels it will be least and at carnivores level it will be highest
Because producers are many in number
Carnivores are less in number

20.on the whole
Energy in food chain decreases
Pollutants level in food chain increases

21.ozone layer
Ozone layer main function is to obstruct
Ultra violet Ray's
Reaching earth

Sundays have various components of Ray's
Among them UV Ray's are very dangerous
If they reach earth

They can cause
Skin allergies
Plants growth stops
So many other effects

But ozone layer getting depleted by
Cfc means
Chloro flouro carbons
They can destroy and deplete ozone layer

Cfcs are liberated by
Rocket and jet engines

In 1986
They came to conclusion that
CFC s should be freezed all over the world

After stopping usage of cfcs ozone layer formation took place
And now it is at convenient levels

United nations organisation

Ozone layer is formed
When oxygen molecule splits into oxygen atoms
Each oxygen atoms again combining with oxygen molecule

O2------- O + O

O + O2 --------- O3

22.methods of disposal of wastes
A.recyling and reuse
C.burning if wastes


Organisms which decay and decompose dead and decaying matter are called decomposers

Bacteria and fungi

They occupy highest position in food chain
They decay dead matter
If dead and decaying matter accumulates
They decay and liberate
Poisonous gases
Which are very toxic and dangerous
So decomposers
Cleans the environment

Environment definitions

Environment lesson only definitions

Place where biotic and biotic factors interact with each other

2 food chain
Interdependabmnce if various organism with each other in ecosystem

3.food web
Interlinked food chains are called food web

5.trophic level
Energy present at each level of food chain is called trophic level

6.ten percent law
Transfer of 10% of energy at each level of food chain is called ten percent law

7.biomagnification or bioaccumulation
Accumulation of harmful substances in food chain is called bio magnification

Organisms which decay and decompose dead and decaying organisms are called decomposers

Plants are called producers as they produce energy by photosynthesis to entire ecosystem

Organisms which fees only on plants
Eg .cow,goat,deer,elephant

Orgnaisms which feed both on plants and animals are called omnivore

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