Saturday 19 December 2020

Is matter around us pure 9th cbse notes and video links

Is matter around us is pure


Solution is homogeneous mixture of solute and solvent

properties.of solution

1.solution is homogeneous
2.smaller then 1nm
3.cannit be seen with naked eye
4.dont scatter light
5.path of light is not visible
6.solute particles cannot be filtered
7.they do not settle down also

1.sugar water
2.salt water brine
3.lemon juice
3.aerated drinks

Solution has
Solute which is less
Solvent which is more im quantity

Types of solutions
Correct amount of solute is present

2.unsatitayed solution
Less amount of solute is present

3.super saturated solution
More amount of solute is present
More caan be mixed by heating solution.
But when cooled
All the extra solute sites down

Concentration of solution
1.mass by mass percentage
Mass of solute ×100/mass of solution

2.mass by volume percentage
Mass of solute x100/volume of solution

Moles of solute/volume of solution in lts

Mass of solulute x100 /mass of solvent

Numericals to practice

1.0.5 g of salt is dissolved in 25 g of water. Calculate the percentage amount of the salt in the solution.

2.A solution of urea in water contains 16 grams of it in 120 grams of solution. Find out the mass percentage of the solution
3.A solution has been prepared by mixing 5.6 mL of alcohol with 75 mL of water. Calculate the percentage (by volume) of alcohol in the solution.

.mass by mass numericals

1.A solution contains 50gms of sugar in 350 gms of water .find mass by mass percentage of solution

2.a solution is prepared by mixing 15gms of NaCl in 200 gms of water find mass by mass percentage of NaCl in solution

3.65 gms of glucose mixed in 435 gms of wqter .calculate mass by mass percentage much water should be added to get 15gms of salt to get 15% solution

5.sugar syrup of .ass 214.2 g has 34.2 gms of sugar .calculate concentration of sugar in syrup

6.36 gms of NaCl is mixed in 100gms of water .find concentration. Of NaCl much water should be mixed with 12 ml of alcohol so as to obtain 12% of alcohol solution

8.what mass of potassium nitrates is needed to produce 40% saturated solution of potassium nitrates mixed in 200 gms of water

9.what mass of water is needed to produce 20 % of saturated solution of 50gms of sugar

10.what mass of salt is needed to produce saturated solution of 30% salt solution of 120 gms of water.

11.A solution contains 60gms of sugar in 360 gms of water .find mass by mass percentage of solution

12.A solution contains 70gms of salt in 280gms of water .find mass by mass percentage of solution

13.A solution contains 80gms of baking soda in 400 gms of water .find mass by mass percentage of solution

14.A solution contains 90gms of lime in 340 gms of water .find mass by mass percentage of solution

15.A solution contains 10gms of starch in 240 gms of water .find mass by mass percentage of solution

16.A solution contains 20gms of sugar in 380gms of water .find mass by mass percentage of solution

17.A solution contains 30gms of saltr in 370 gms of water .find mass by mass percentage of solution

18.A solution contains 40gms of na2co3 in 560gms of water .find mass by mass percentage of solution

19.A solution contains 50gms of kno3 in 150gms of water .find mass by mass percentage of solution

20.A solution contains 60gms of caso4 in 740 gms of water .find mass by mass percentage of solution

Volume by volume percentage

1.10 ml of h2so4 is dissolved in 90 ml of water .calculate concentration of h2so4 in water

2..20 ml of h2so4 is dissolved in 180 ml of water .calculate concentration of h2so4 in water

3..30 ml of h2so4 is dissolved in 270ml of water .calculate concentration of h2so4 in water

4..40ml of h2so4 is dissolved in 360ml of water .calculate concentration of h2so4 in water

5..50 ml of h2so4 is dissolved in 450 ml of water .calculate concentration of h2so4 in water

6..60ml of h2so4 is dissolved in 540 ml of water .calculate concentration of h2so4 in water

7..70 ml of h2so4 is dissolved in 630 ml of water .calculate concentration of h2so4 in water

8..80 ml of h2so4 is dissolved in 720ml of water .calculate concentration of h2so4 in water

9..90ml of h2so4 is dissolved in 810ml of water .calculate concentration of h2so4 in water

10..100 ml of h2so4 is dissolved in 200ml of water .calculate concentration of h2so4 in water

Solubility numericals

1.find solubility of 20 gms of salt mixed in 80 gms of water

2..find solubility of 30 gms of salt mixed in 70 gms of water

3..find solubility of 40 gms of salt mixed in 160gms of water

4..find solubility of 50 gms of salt mixed in 350 gms of water

5..find solubility of 25gms of salt mixed in 250gms of water

6..find solubility of 35 gms of salt mixed in 865gms of water

7..find solubility of 20 gms of salt mixed in 180 gms of water

8..find solubility of 30 gms of salt mixed in 520gms of water

9..find solubility of 20 gms of salt mixed in 430 gms of water

10..find solubility of 90 gms of salt mixed in 610 gms of water


1..find molarity of NaOH present in 90gms
In 500ml solution

2.find number of molarity of
132 gms of CO2 in 200 ml of solution
68 gms of NH3 in 250 ml of solution
72 gms of H2O in 500 ml
252 gms of HNO3 in 750 ml
24.5 gms of H2SO4 in 1500 ml
196 gms of H3P04 in 2000 ml
45 gms of C6H12O6 in 5000 ml
684 gms of C12H22O11 in 200 ml
92 gms if C2H5OH in 250 ml
15Gms of CH3COOH in 500 ml
171 gms of AL2(SO4)3 in 400 ml
148 gms of NAHCO3 in 2000 ml
229 gms of KCLO3 in 200 ml
284gms of NA2SO4 in 250 ml
39 gms of AL(OH)3 in 500 ml
1590 gms of (NH4)3PO4 in 1000 ml
312 gms of AL2O3 in 200 ml
288gms of NaALO2 in 250 ml
97 gms of H2S208 in 500 ml
229 gms of KClO3 in 100 ml
292.5 gms of NaCl in 200 ml
4gms of So2 in 250 ml
96 gms o f CH4 in 500 ml
210gms of C2H6 in 750 ml
39 gms of C6H6 in 2000 ml
51gms of Na3AlF6 in 500 ml
370gms of Ca(OH)2 in 2000 ml
530 gms of Na2Co3 in 250 ml
610 gms of MgSo4 in 100ml
150gms of Mg3N2 in 1000ml
1310 gms of Mg3(Po4)2 in 200 ml
71 gms of P2O5 in 500ml
47.5 gms of MgCl2 in 1500 ml


A suspension is heterogenous mixture in which solute particles do not dissolve but remain suspended through out the bulk of the medium

It is non homogeneous

Solids are dispersed in liquids

Properties of suspensions

1.They are heterogenous

2.particles can be seen with naked eye

3.they scatter light

4.particles get suspended when left undisturbed

5.they can be separated by filtration

Examples of Suspension

Muddy water.

Milk of magnesia.

Sand particles suspended in water.

Flour in water.

Slaked lime for whitewashing.

Paints in which dyes are suspended in turpentine oil.

Paint (Use of suspension)

Mud or muddy water, is where soil, clay, or silt particles are suspended in water.

Flour suspended in water.

Fog water suspended in air.

Chalk powder suspended in water.

Dust particles suspended in air.


Particles of colloid are uniformly spread

They are smaller then suspension particles

Due to smaller size if particles

It appears to be homogenous

But actually they are heterogenous

We cannt see with naked eye

Pqrticles scattered light

Effe r is called Tyndall effect

Tyndall effect examples

Fine hole light coming


Dark qcnopy of forest

Mist in the forest also sxatter light



Particles are not big

So don't settle down

But can scatter light

Can't see with naked eye

Can't be separated by filtration

The components of colloid s
Are dispersed phase
Dispersion medium

Solute =dispersed aprticles
Solvent= dispersing medium

Types of colloids

Phase liquid
Medium gas
Egs fog,cloud,mist

Phase solid
Medium gas
Egs.smoke ,automobile exhaust

Gas in liquid
Shaving cream

Liquid in liquid
Milk and face cream

Solid in liquid
Milk of magnesia and mud

Gas in solid

Liquid in solid
Jelly cheese butter

Solid sol
Solid in solid
Colured gem stone ,milky glass

Separation of mixtures


This method is used to separate solute from solvent

Like eg.
Salt from sea water
Ink dyes from ink

Sea water is subjected to heat in sunlight
Water gets evaporated
Leaving behind salt

Ink is put in watch glass
Mix some water
Heat it
Water gets evaporated leaving
Behind ink dye

Blue Copper suplate becomes white as it looses water of crystallization on heating by evaporation

Drying any food item is also a method of evoparation in sunlight


This is used to separate insoluble materials from liquid

The principle is denser particles are forced to bottom and lighter particles stay at top
When spun rapidly

In Washing machine to squeeze water from wet clothes

Cream from milk

In diagnostic labs for blood and urine samples

Separating funnel

To separate mixture of two immiscile liquids

The principle is immiscibel liquids separate out in layers depending on their densities

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