Monday 21 June 2021

ages sums quadratic equations


1.Three years ago, a man was 5 times the age of his son. Four years hence, he will be thrice his son's age. Find the present ages of the man and his son.

2.The sum of the ages of a father and his son is 45 years. Five years ago, the product of their ages was 124. Determine their present ages.

3.The present age of the mother is square of her daughter's present age. 4 years hence, she will be 4 times as old as her daughter. Find their present ages.

4.The product of a girl's age five years ago and her age 3 years later is 105. Find her present age.

5.Find the percent age of a man if his age 40 years hence will become equal to the square of what his age was 32 years ago.

6.Mrs Tendon has two sons, one being exactly one year older than the other. At percentage, her age is equal to the sum of the squares of the ages of her sons. If 4 years hence her age becomes five times the age of the elder son then find the percent ages of her sons.

7.zeba were younger by 5 years than what she really is then the square of her age would have been 11 more than five times her actually age. What is her age now?

8.The product of the ages of Sally and Joey now is 175 more than the product of their ages 5 years prior. If Sally is 20 years older than Joey, what are their current ages?

9.The product of the ages of Alan and Terry is 80 more than the product of their ages 4 years prior. If Alan is 4 years older than Terry, what are their current ages?

10.The product of the ages of Cally and Katy is 130 less than the product of their ages in 5 years. If Cally is 3 years older than Katy, what are their current ages?

11.The product of the ages of James and Susan in 5 years is 230 more than the product of their ages today. What are their ages if James is one year older than Susan?

12.he product of the ages (in days) of two newborn babies Simran and Jessie in two days will be 48 more than the product of their ages today. How old are the babies if Jessie is 2 days older than Simran?

13.The sum of the age of a man and his son is 35 years and the product of their ages is 150. Find their ages.

14.The product of the man’s age 5 years ago and 5 years later is 600. Find his present age.

15.year ago a father was 8 times as old as his son. Now his age is square of his son’s age. Find the present age.

16.Five years ago, John’s age was half of the age he will be in 8 years. How old is he now?

17.Ten years from now, Orlando will be three times older than he is today. What is his current age?

I18.n 20 years, Kayleen will be four times older than she is today. What is her current age?

19.Phil is Tom's father. Phil is 35 years old. Three years ago, Phil was four times as old as his son was then. How old is Tom now?

20.Lisa is 16 years younger than Kathy. If the sum of their ages is 30, how old is Lisa?

21.Father is aged three times more than his son Ronit. After 8 years, he would be two and a half times of Ronit's age. After further 8 years, how many times would he be of Ronit's age?

22.The sum of ages of 5 children born at the intervals of 3 years each is 50 years. What is the age of the youngest child?

23.A father said to his son, "I was as old as you are at the present at the time of your birth". If the father's age is 38 years now, the son's age five years back was:

24.A is two years older than B who is twice as old as C. If the total of the ages of A, B and C be 27, then how old is B?

25.Present ages of Sameer and Anand are in the ratio of 5 : 4 respectively. Three years hence, the ratio of their ages will become 11 : 9 respectively. What is Anand's present age in years?

.26. Father is four times the age of his daughter. If after 5 years, he would be threee times of daughter’s age, then further after 5 years, how many times he would be of his daughter’s age?

26.What is Aman's present age, if after 20 years his age will be 10 times his age 10 years back?

27.Nisha is 15 years elder to Romi. If 5 years ago, Nisha was 3 times as old as Romi, then find Nisha’s present age.

28.One year ago, the ratio of Honey and Piyush ages was 2: 3 respectively. After five years from now, this ratio becomes 4: 5. How old is Piyush now?

29. Ten years ago, the age of mother was three times the age of her son. After ten years, mother’s age will be twice that of his son. Find the ratio of their present ages

. 30.Saransh is 50 years old and Nazma is 40 years old. How long ago was the ratio of their ages 3:2?

31.The ratio of the present ages of Pranav and Qureshi is 4:5. Five years ago, the ratio of their ages was 7:9. Find their present ages? (In years) said to his son, "I was one-third of your present age when you were born". If the present age of the man is 48 years, find the present age of the son.

33.Dinesh is younger to Roshan by 9 years. If their ages are in the respective ratio of 4:5, how old is Dinesh?

34.The ratio of Sara’s age 4 years ago and Vaishali’s age after 4 years is 1: 1. Presently, the ratio of their ages is 5: 3. Find the ratio between Sara’s age 4 years hence and Vaishali’s age 4 years ago.

35.Ashu is x years old while his mother Mrs. Veena is x2 years old. Five years hence Mrs. Veena will be three times old as Ashu. Find their present ages. 

35.The sum of the ages of a man and his son is 45 years. Five years ago, the product of their ages was four times the man’s age at the time. Find their present ages.

35.The product of Shikha’s age five years ago and her age 8 years later is 30, her age at both times being given in years. Find her present age.

36.The product of Ramu’s age (in years) five years ago and his age (in years) nine years later is 15. Determine Ramu’s present age. 

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