Thursday 12 August 2021

Acids and bases MCQs,assertion reasoning,true or false,filll up the blanks,case studies for 10th cbse

cids and bases mcqs

1. Which of the following acid is present in sour milk?
(a) glycolic acid (b) lactic acid
(c) citrus acid (d) tartaric acid

2. An acid ( ) A with sodium hydrogen carbonate is used
in making the cakes fluffy and spongy. It is due to the
release of ( ) B gas in the reaction. Here, X and Y are
(a) A : Oxalic acid : B : CO2
(b) A : Tartaric acid : B : O2
(c) A : Succinic acid : B : H2
(d) A : Tartaric acid : B : CO2

3. When CO2 is passed through lime water, it turns
milky. the milkiness in due to formation of
(a) CaCO3 (b) Ca( ) OH 2
(c) H O2 (d) CO2

4. Incorrect statement about acids is/are
(a) they have sour taste
(b) they may change the colour of indicator
(c) they changes the colour or blue litmus to red
(d) they change the colour of red litmus to blue

5. When aqueous sodium carbonate ( ) Na2 3 CO reacts
with HCl(aq), it gives
(a) NaOH, H g 2( ) and CO2( )g
(b) NaCl, H O2 and CO2( )g
(c) NaHCO3 , H g 2( ) and CO2( )g
(d) NaHCO3 , H O2 and CO2( )g

6. Chemical formula of baking soda is-
(a) MgSO4 (b) Na CO 2 3
(c) NaHCO3 (d) MgCO3

7. The acid used in making of vinegar is-
(a) formic acid (b) acetic acid
(c) sulphuric acid (d) nitric acid

8. CuO X CuSO H O + + ( ) " 4 2 . Here ( ) X is-
(a) CuSO4 (b) HCl
(c) H SO2 4 (d) HNO3

9. Acetic acid was added to a solid X kept in a test tube.
A colourless and odourless gas was evolved. The gas
was passed through lime water which turned milky. It
was concluded that.
(a) Solid X is sodium hydroxide and the gas evolved
is CO2
(b) Solid X is sodium bicarbonate and the gas evolved
is CO2
(c) Solid X is sodium acetate and the gas evolved is
(d) Solid X is sodium chloride and the gas evolved is

10.Consider the following reaction:
Here, A B, ,C and D respectively are :
(a) A = Conc. HCl; B = Fe; C = NH OH 4 ; D = PbO
(b) A = Conc. H SO2 4 ; B = Fe; C = NH OH 4 ;
D = Pb( ) NO3 2
(c) A = Conc. H SO2 4 B = Fe; C = NH3 ;
D = Pb( ) NO3 2
(d) A = Conc. HCl; B = Fe; C = NH3 ; D = PbO
Ans : (c) A = Conc. H SO2 4 B = Fe; C = NH3 ;
D = Pb( ) NO3 2

11. Antacids contain-
(a) weak base (b) weak acid
(c) strong base (d) strong acid
Ans : (a) weak base
12. A solution reacts with crushed egg-shells to give a gas
that turns lime-water milky. The solution contains
(a) NaCl (b) HCl
(c) LiCl (d) KCl
Ans : (b) HCl

13. You are having five solutions A B,,, C D and E with
pH values as follows:
A = 1 8. , B = 7, C = 8 5. , D = 8 and E = 5
Which solution would be most likely to liberate
hydrogen with magnesium powder?
(a) Solution A and B (b) Solution A
(c) Solution C (d) All of the above
Ans : (b) Solution A

14. In one of the industrial processes used for manufacture
of sodium hydroxide, a gas X is formed as by-product.
The gas X reacts with lime water to give a compound
Y which is used as a bleaching agent in chemical
industry. The compound X and Y could be
(a) H2 and NaHCO3 respectively
(b) CO2 and CaOCl2 respectively
(c) Cl2 and CaOCl2 respectively
(d) Cl2 and NaHCO3 respectively

15. Plaster of pairs is made from-
(a) lime stone (b) slaked lime
(c) quick lime (d) gypsum

16. On prolong supply of CO2( )g in lime solution (lime-
water), it is observed that
(a) lime solution changes to gaseous state
(b) the milkiness of lime water disappears
(c) the milkiness of lime water changes from white to
(d) the colour of lime water becomes black

17. When Ca( ) OH 2 reacts with CO2( )g , it will give
CaCO3 ( )s and H O2 ( )l . The nature of CaCO3 is
(a) acidic (b) basic
(c) neutral (d) All are possible

18. The correct statement regarding universal indicator is
(a) it is an indicator having pH 7 =
(b) it gives blue colour at pH = 3
(c) it becomes colourless at pH 7 =
(d) it gives orange colour at pH = 3

19. A blue litmus paper was first dipped in dil. HCl and
then in dil. NaOH solution. It was observe
(b) changed first to red and then to blue
(c) changed blue to colourless
(d) remains blue in both the solutions

20. Bleaching powder is soluble in cold water giving a
milky solution due to-
(a) available chlorine
(b) lime present in it
(c) calcium carbonate formation
(d) The absorption of carbon dioxide from atmosphere

21. Reaction of an acid with a base is known as-
(a) decomposition (b) combination
(c) redox reaction (d) neutralization

22. Which of the following acid does not react with metals-
(a) sulphuric acid (b) phosphoric acid
(c) carbonic acid (d) nitric acid

23. Bleaching powder gives smell of chlorine because it-
(a) is unstable
(b) gives chlorine on exposure to atmosphere
(c) is a mixture of chlorine and slaked lime
(d) contains excess of chlorine

24. When NaOH and HCl are mixed in equal molar
quantities, the result is
(a) the formation of salt +H O2
(b) the formation of salt +H g 2( )
(c) the formation of salt +O g 2( )
(d) All above are correct

25. Acid turn blue litmus-
(a) green (b) red
(c) yellow (d) orange

26. Washing soda has the formula-
(a) Na CO H O 23 2 $ 7 (b) Na CO H O
(c) Na CO H O 232 $ (d) Na CO 2 3

27. An aqueous solution turns red litmus solution blue.
Excess addition of which of the following solution
would reverse the change?
(a) Baking powder
(b) Lime
(c) Ammonium hydroxide solution
(d) Hydrochloric acid

28. The organic acid present in tomato is
(a) oxalic acid (b) lactic acid
(c) malic acid (d) tartaric acid

29. Which of the following is acidic in nature-
(a) apple juice (b) soap solution
(c) slaked lime (d) lime

30. The reagent used to distinguish iron (II) chloride and
iron (III) chloride is
(a) distilled water (b) NaOH
(c) dil. HCl (d) Warm water

31. The pH of a solution is 4.0. What should be the change
in the hydrogen ion concentration of the solution, if its
pH is to increased to 5.0.
(a) decreases to 1/10 of its original concentration
(b) halved
(c) doubled
(d) increases by 10 times

32. 2NaOH MgSO + 4$?
(a) MgO Na SO + 2 4 (b) Mg OH Na SO ( )2 24

2NaOH MgSO + 4 $Mg( ) OH Na SO 2 24 +

33. The reaction of metal with acid results in the formation
(a) only hydrogen gas
(b) only salt
(c) both salt and hydrogen gas
(d) none of these

34. Plaster of Paris hardens by-
(a) giving of CO2 (b) changing into CaCO3
(c) combining with water (d) giving out water

35. Aqueous solution of copper sulphate reacts with
aqueous ammonium hydroxide solution to give.
(a) brown precipitate (b) pale blue precipitate
(c) white precipitate (d) green precipitate

36. The pH of a solution is 5.0. Its hydrogen ion
concentration is decreased by 100 times, the solution
will be :
(a) more acidic (b) basic
(c) neutral (d) unaffected
Ans : (c) neutral
pH =- logH+
5 =- logH+
10-5 = [ ] H+
When hydrogen ion concentration is decreased by 100
times, then solution will be neutral
10-5 [ ] H
10 = -2
10 10 5 2 #- - = [ ] H+
10-7 = [ ] H+
37.Anhydrous sodium carbonate is commonly known as
38. Binary acid contain ......... atom.

39. ENO contains ........ and is ......... in nature.

40. Alkali reacts with ammonium salts to produce
corresponding salt, water and evolve .......... .

41. Zn OH ( )2 is .......... base.

42. The strength of acids and bases depends on the number
of ......... ions and ......... ions produced respectively,
when dissolved in water. Acids like HClO4 which
dissociate almost completely in water are called .........

43. Acids are .......... in taste and change the colour of blue
litmus to ......... .

44. An acid that contains more than one acidic hydrogen
atom is called a .........

45. Bases are ......... in taste and change the colour of red
litmus to ......... .

46. .......... is a natural indicator whereas ......... is a
synthetic indicator. A .......... indicator is a mixture of
several indicators.

47. Oxy acids contains ......... atoms in addition to
hydrogen atom.

48. ......... is the fixed number of water molecules
chemically attached to each formula unit of a salt in
its crystalline form.

49. When an acid reacts with a metal, ......... gas is evolved
and a corresponding ......... is formed.

50. Soda-acid fire extinguisher contains a solution of
sodium hydrogen carbonate and ........ .

51. All alkali are bases but all bases are ........ alkali.

52. Hydrogen chloride gas turns the blue litmus red.

53. Neutral solutions have a pH of 0.

53. Acids and bases neutralise each other to form
corresponding salts and water.

54. When a base reacts with a metal, along with the
evolution of hydrogen gas a salt is formed which has a
positive ion composed of the metal and oxygen.

55. Baking powder is used in baking cakes.

56. Mixing concentrated acids or bases with water is a
highly endothermic process.

57. Acidic nature of a substance is due to the formation of
H a( ) q + ions in solution.

58. Solution of sodium hydrogen carbonate is acidic in

59. Sodium hydrogen carbonate is used in fire extinguisher.

60. Washing soda on strong heating gives sodium oxide
and carbon dioxide.

61. Hydrogen chloride gas turns blue litmus red.

62. Plaster of Paris is obtained by heating gypsum at
373K in a klin.

63. The colour of caustic soda turns pink when
phenolphthalein is added.
Caustic soda means NaOH

64. Acidic or basic solutions in water conduct electricity
as they produce hydrogen and hydroxide ion
the following questions, a statement of
assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason (R). Mark
the correct choice as:
(a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and
reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion
(b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but
reason (R) is not the correct explanation of
assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
(e) Both Assertion and Reason are false.

65. Assertion : While dissolving an acid or base in water,
the acids must always be added slowly to water with
constant stirring.
Reason : Dissolving an acid on a base in water in
highly exothermic reaction.

66. Assertion : On adding H SO2 4 to water the resulting
aqueous solution get corrosive.
Reason : Hydronium ions are responsible for corrosive

67. Assertion : Phenolphthalein gives pink colour in basic
Reason : Phenolphthalein is a natural indicator.

67. Assertion : HCl gas does not change the colour of dry
blue litmus paper.
Reason : HCl gas dissolves in the water present in wet
litmus paper to from H+ ions.

69. Assertion : HCl produces hydronium ions ( ) H O3 + and
chloride ions ( ) Cl- in aqueous solution.
Reason : In presence of water, basic give H+ ions.

70.Assertion : H CO 2 3 is a strong acid.
Reason : A strong acid dissociates completely or
almost completely in water.

71. Assertion : Sodium hydroxide reacts with zinc to
produce hydrogen gas.
Reason : Acids reacts with active metals to produce
hydrogen gas.

72. Assertion : Salts are the products of an acid-base
Reason : Salt may be acidic or basic.

73. Assertion : Ammonia solution is an alkali.
Reason : Ammonia solution turns blue litmus paper

74. Assertion : Weak acids have low electrical conductivity.
Reason : Strong acids and weak acids have equal
concentration of hydrogen ions in their solutions.

75. Assertion : Baking soda creates acidity in the stomach.
Reason : Baking soda is alkaline.

76. Assertion : During electrolysis of concentrated aqueous
Psolution of sodium chloride, hydrogen is produced at
anode and chlorine gas is produced at cathode.
Reason : Ions get attracted to oppositely charged

77. Assertion : To dilute concentrated sulphuric acid
water is added to the acid slowly.
Reason : A lot of heat energy will be given out in the
dilution of concentrated sulphuric acid.

78. Assertion : Pure water is neither acidic not basic.
Reason : The pH of a solution is inversely proportional
to the concentration of hydrogen ions in it.

79. Assertion : When common salt is kept open, it absorbs
moisture from the air.
Reason : Common salt contains magnesium chloride.
Ans : (a)

80. Assertion : Gas bubbles are observed when sodium
carbonate is added to dilute hydrochloride acid.
Reason : Carbon dioxide is given off in the reaction.

81. Assertion : pH of ammonium chloride solution is in
acidic range.
Reason : Solution of a salt of weak base and strong
acid is acidic.

82. Assertion : When zinc is added to dilute hydrochloric
acid, hydrogen is given off.
Reason : Hydrogen chloride molecules contain
hydrochloric acid and hydrogen atoms.

83. Assertion : H PO 3 4 and H SO2 4 are known as polybasic
Reason : They have two or more than two protons per
molecule of the acid.

84. Assertion : If the pH inside the mouth decreases below
5.5, the decay of tooth enamel begins.
Reason : The bacteria present in mouth degrades the
sugar and left over food particles and produce acids
that remains in the mouth after eating.

85. Assertion : pH 7 = signifies pure water.
Reason : At this pH, [][ ] H OH 10 7 = = + -- .

86. Assertion : The aqueous solutions of glucose and
alcohol do not show acidic character.
Reason : Aqueous solutions of glucose and alcohol do
not give H+ ions.

87. Assertion : The acidity of Mg OH ( )2 is two.
Reason : The acidity of a base is equal to the number
of hydroxyl ions.

88. Assertion : Plaster of Paris is used by doctors by
setting fractured bones.
Reason : When Plaster of Paris is mixed with water
and applied around the fractured limbs, it sets into a
hard mass.

89. Assertion : In water, Hydrochloric acid behaves as a
weak monobasic acid.
Reason : In water, Hydrochloric acid acts as a proton
Ans : (d) it is strong not weak

90. What happens when a solution of an acid is mixed with a solution of a base in a test tube?
(i) Temperature of the solution decreases
(ii) Temperature of the solution increases
(in) Temperature of the solution remains the same
(iv) Salt formation takes place
(a) (i) and (iv)
(b) (i) and (iii)
(c) (ii) only
(d) (ii) and 4

91. When hydrogen chloride gas is prepared on a humid day, the gas is usually passed through the guard tube containing calcium chloride. The role of calcium chloride taken in the guard tube is to
(a) absorb the evolved gas
(b) moisten the gas
(c) absorb moisture from the gas
(d) absorb Cl– ions from the evolved gas

92. Which one of the following salts does not con-tain water of crystallisation?
(a) Blue vitriol
(b) Baking soda
(c) Washing soda
(d) Gypsum

93. In terms of acidic strength, which one of the following is in the correct increasing order?
(a) Water < Acetic acid < Hydrochloric acid
(b) Water < Hydrochloric acid < Acetic acid
(c) Acetic acid < Water < Hydrochloric acid
(d) Hydrochloric acid < Water < Acetic acid

94. What is formed when zinc reacts with sodium hydroxide?
(a) Zinc hydroxide and sodium
(b) Sodium zincate and hydrogen gas
(c) Sodium zinc-oxide and hydrogen gas
(d) Sodium zincate and water

95. Tomato is a natural source of which acid?
(a) Acetic acid
(b) Citric acid
(c) Tartaric acid
(d) Oxalic acid

96. Brine is an
(a) aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide
(b) aqueous solution of sodium carbonate
(c) aqueous solution of sodium chloride
(d) aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate

97. Na2CO3 . 10H2O is
(a) washing soda
(b) baking soda
(c) bleaching powder
(d) tartaric acid

98. At what temperature is gypsum heated to form Plaster of Paris?
(a) 90°C
(b) 100°C
(c) 110°C
(d) 120°C

99. How many water molecules does hydrated cal-cium sulphate contain?
(a) 5
(b) 10
(c) 7
(d) 2

100. Sodium carbonate is a basic salt because it is a salt of a
(a) strong acid and strong base
(b) weak acid and weak base
(c) strong acid and weak base
(d) weak acid and strong base

101 Alkalis are
(a) acids, which are soluble in water
(b) acids, which are insoluble in water
(c) bases, which are insoluble in water
(d) bases, which are soluble in water

102. Which of the following statements is correct about an aqueous solution of an acid and of a base?
(i) Higher the pH, stronger the acid
(ii) Higher the pH, weaker the acid
(in) Lower the pH, stronger the base
(iv) Lower the pH, weaker the base
(a) (i) and (iii)
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (i) and (iv)
(d) (ii) and (iv)

103. The apparatus given in the adjoining figure was set up to demonstrate electrical conductivity.

Which of the following statement(s) is (are) correct?
(i) Bulb will not glow because electrolyte is not acidic.
(ii) Bulb will glow because HCl is a strong acid and furnishes ions for conduction.
(iii) Bulb will not glow because circuit is incomplete.
(iv) Bulb will not glow because it depends upon the type of electrolytic solution.
(a) (i) and (iii)
(b) (ii) and (iv)
(c) (ii) only
(d) (iv) only

104. Lime water reacts with chlorine to give
(a) bleaching powder
(b) baking powder
(c) baking soda
(d) washing soda

105. Nettle sting is a natural source of which acid?
(a) MetiWanoic acid
(b) Lactic acid
(c) Citric acid
(d) Tartaric acid

106. Tooth enamel is made up of
(a) calcium phosphate
(b) calcium carbonate
(c) calcium oxide
(d) potassium

107. What is the pH range of our body?
(a) 7.0 – 7.8
(b) 7.2 – 8.0
(c) 7.0 – 8.4
(d) 7.2 – 8.4

108. Rain is called acid rain when its:
(a) pH falls below 7
(b) pH falls below 6
(c) pH falls below 5.6
(d) pH is above 7

109. Sodium hydroxide is a
(a) weak base
(b) weak acid
(c) strong base
(d) strong acid

110. An aqueous solution turns red litmus solution blue. Excess addition of which of the following solution would reverse the change?
(a) Baking powder
(b) Lime
(c) Ammonium hydroxide solution
(d) Hydrochloric acid

111. When copper oxide and dilute hydrochloric acid react, colour changes to
(a) white
(b) bluish-green
(c) blue-black
(d) black

112. Sodium hydroxide is used
(a) as an antacid
(b) in manufacture of soap
(c) as a cleansing agent
(d) in alkaline batteries

113. Sodium hydroxide turns phenolphthalein solution
(a) pink
(b) yellow
(c) colourless
(d) orange

114. Chemical formula of washing soda is
(a) Na2C03 . 7H2O
(b) Na2C03 . 5H2O
(c) Na2C03 . 2H2O
(d) Na2C03 . 10H2O

Fill in the blanks

115. Acids turn …………. litmus solution…………. .
116. pH of basic solution is always …………. than 7.
117. …………. are the products obtained when bleaching powder reacts with dilute sulphuric acid.
118. Potassium nitrate has pH value equal to …………. .
119. …………. is the fixed number of water molecules chemically attached to each formula unit of a salt in its crystalline form.
120. …………. is one of the raw materials for the production of baking soda.
121. The salts of a strong acid and weak base are …………. with pH value …………. than 7.
123. Use of mild base like …………. on the bee-stung area gives relief.
124. During indigestion the stomach produces too much …………. and this causes pain and irritation.
125. The presence of …………. Ca in acids is responsible for their acidic properties.
126. Mixing an acid or base with water results in decrease in the concentration of per unit volume.
This process is called
127. Among HCl, H2SO4 and CH3COOH, …………. is a weak acid.

 128.Some fruits like mango, lemon, raw grapes, orange, etc., have a sour taste due to the presence of:
a. Acetic acid
b. Citric acid
c. Lactic acid
d. Oxalic acid

. Zinc granules on treating with an acid X, form the zinc sulphate (ZnSO4) salt along with the evolution of a gas Y which burns with a pop sound when brought near to a burning candle. Identify the acid X and gas evolved Y.
a. X- Sulphuric acid and Y- Oxygen gas
b. X- Hydrochloric acid and Y- Oxygen gas
c. X- Sulphuric acid and Y- Hydrogen gas
d. X- Hydrochloric acid and Y- Hydrogen gas

130. The figure given below represents the experiment carried out between conc. sulphuric acid and sodium chloride, which react with each other to form HCl gas.
Blue litmus paper is brought near the mouth of the delivery tube to check the presence of HCl acid but no change is observed in the color of litmus paper because:

a. The litmus paper used is dry
b. The litmus paper used is moist
c. Blue litmus paper does not change its color with an acid
d. The litmus paper is kept very close to the mouth of the delivery tube

131. Which of the following phenomena occur, when a small amount of acid is added to water?
i. Ionisation
ii. Neutralisation
iii. Dilution
iv. Salt formation

• (i) and (ii)

• (i) and (iii)

• (ii) and (iii)

• (ii) and (iv)

132. Which of the following indicators turn red in an acidic solution?
i. Phenolphthalein 
ii. Litmus
iii. Turmeric
iv. Methyl orange

Choose the correct option:

• (i) and (ii)

• (ii) and (iii)

• Only (ii)

• (ii) and (iv)

133. Dilute acid does not produce carbon dioxide on being treated with:
a. Marble
b. Lime 
c. Baking soda
d. Limestone

134. The sample of soil from a particular place was tested for its pH value. It came out to be 5. Which one of the following should be added to the soil to make it suitable for the plant growth?
i. Calcium chloride
ii. Calcium Hydroxide
iii. Calcium oxide

Choose the correct option: 

• Both (i) and (ii)

• Both (ii) and (iii)

• Only (i)

• Only (iii)

135. Identify the products of the following reaction:
a. Calcium hydrogencarbonate and chlorine gas
b. Calcium chloride and water
c. Calcium oxide, carbon dioxide and water
d. Calcium chloride, carbon dioxide and water

136.  An ant’s sting can be treated with …………which will neutralise the effect of the chemical injected by the ant’s sting into our skin.
Choose the correct option from the following to be filled in the blank space:
a. Methanoic acid
b. formic acid
c. Baking soda
d. Caustic soda

137. In the following reaction, identify the salt formed 
NH4OH (aq) + H2SO4 (aq) →  _____  +   2H2O (l)

a. NH4NO3

b. (NH4)2SO4

c. (NH4)3PO4

d. (NH4)2S

138. Which of the following salt will give acidic solution when dissolved in water?

a. NH4Cl

b. NaCl

c. Na2CO3


139. Bleaching powder is used as a disinfectant for water to:
a. Make water tastier
b. Remove all the dirt from water
c. Make water germ-free
d. Make water clear

140. Which among the following represents the chemical formula for ‘Plaster of Paris’?

141. Which one of the following salts will dissolve in water to form an alkaline solution?
a. Potassium carbonate
b. Sodium chloride
c. Sodium carbonate
d. Potassium sulphate

142. Copper sulphate crystals when heated strongly, lose their water of crystallization to give anhydrous copper sulphate accompanied by a change in color from:
a. Blue to green
b. Blue to white
c. Blue to sky blue
d. Blue to grey

143. Which one of the given is a mineral acid?
A. Lactic acid
B. Formic acid
C. Tartaric acid
D. Hydrochloric acid

 144. Which one of the given is an organic acid?
A. Citric acid
B. Hydrochloric acid
C. Lactic acid
D. Both (1) & (3)

 145. Which one of the given is incorrect?
A. Acids turns blue litmus paper red
B. Aqueous solutions of acids conduct electricity
C. Acids react with certain metals to form hydrogen gas
D. None of these

 146. Which one of the given acids is used in the treatment of bone marrow and scurvy diseases?
A. Acetic acid
B. Hydrochloric acid
C. Ascorbic acid
D. Nitric acid

147. Acid present in apple is :
A. Oxalic acid
B. Malic acid
C. Acetic acid
D. Formic acid

148. Which one of the given is hydracid?
A. H₃PO₄
B. H₂SO₄

 149. Most of the oxides of metals when react with acid, form____
A. A base
B. An acid
C. A salt
D. Either (1) or (2)

 150. Generally, when certain metals react with an acid they release _______ gas.
A. Nitrogen
B. Oxygen
C. Hydrogen
D. Argon

 151. Which one of the given is formed when sodium hydrogen carbonate reacts with hydrochloric acid?
A. Sodium chloride
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Water
D. All the these

 152. A strong acid:
A. Completely gets ionized in water
B. Partially gets ionized in water
C. Do not get ionized in water
D. All the these

 153. Which of the given is a strong base?
A. Calcium hydroxide
B. Magnesium hydroxide
C. Ammonium hydroxide
D. Potassium hydroxide

 154.Which of the given is used as an antacid?
A. Sodium hydrocarbonate
B. Calcium hydroxide
C. Magnesium hydroxide
D. All the these

 155. Which one of the given is the pH value of pure water?
A. 0
B. 7
C. 8
D. 1

 156. Which one of the given is true, if a substance has a pH value of 4?
A. The substance is a base
B. The substance is an acid
C. The substance is a neutral substance
D. Either (1) or (2)

157. Which one of the given is true, if a substance has a pH value of 7?
A. The substance is a base
B. The substance is a acid
C. The substance is a neutral substance
D. Either (1) or (2)

 158. In which one of the given reactions a salt is reacting with a base?
A. NaOH+HCl→NaCl+H₂O
B. Cu(OH)₂+H₂SO₄→CuSO₄+2H₂O
D. 6NH₄OH+Al(SO₄)₃→2Al(OH)₃+3(NH₄)₂SO₄

 159. Which one of the given is commonly known as blue vitriol and is used as a fungicide?
A. Potassium nitrate
B. Copper sulphate
C. Sodium carbonate
D. Sodium chloride

 160. Which one of the following is formed when calcium hydroxide reacts with carbon dioxide?
A. Hydrogen gas
B. Water
C. Salt
D. Both B and C

 161. Which of the following phenomena occurs when acid is mixed with water
(a) Neutralization
(b) Dilution
(c) Ionization
A. Only (B) is correct
B. (A) & (B) are correct
C. (B) & (C) are correct
D. Only (C) is correct

 162. Which one among the given is a weak base?
A. Sodium hydroxide
B. Potassium hydroxide
C. Ammonium hydroxide
D. All the these

163) Which Acid is present in Tomato ?
(A) Citric Acid

(B) Oxalic Acid

(C) Lactic Acid

(D) HCl

164) Which Acid is a strong Acid in the following:

(A) HCl pH 1

(B) CH3COOH pH 5

(C) Lemon juice pH 2.2

(D) Pure Milk pH 6

Q165) Na2CO3.10H2O is known as-

(A) Baking Soda

(B) Baking Powder

(C) Washing Soda

(D) Bleaching Powder

166. pH value less than 7 indicates that the solution is –

(A) Acidic

(B) Basic

(C) Neutral

(D) No effect

167) Which salt is Neutral salt?

(A) NH4Cl




168) Lactic Acid is present in-

(A) Orange

(B) Tea

(C) Curd

(D) Vinegar

169) Farmers neutralize the effect of Acidity on soil by adding

(A) Slaked Lime

(B) Gypsum

(C) Caustic Soda

(D) Baking Soda

170) Which of the following are present in a dilute Aqueous solution of Hydrochloric Acid?

(A) H3O + Cl–

(B) H3O + OH–

(C) Cl– + OH–

(D) Unionised HCl

171) CuSO4.5H2O In this Compound the water molecule is called –

(A) Pure Water

(B) Water of Crystallisation

(C) Soda Water

(D) None of these

172) Which of the following salts does not contain water of crystallization?

(A) Blue vitriol

(B) Baking soda

(C) Washing soda

(D) Gypsum

173) An aqueous solution turns the red litmus solution blue. Excess addition of which of the following solutions would reverse the change?

(A) Baking powder

(B) Lime

(C) Ammonium hydroxide solution

(D) Hydrochloric acid

174) In which pH range does our body work to survive in the atmosphere?

(A) 5.5 to 8.5

(B) 7.0 to 7.8

(C) 2.3 to 7.0

(D) 7.5 to 12.5

175) What is the chemical formula of POP (Plaster of Paris)?

(A) CaSO4.2H2O

(B) CaSO4.3H2O

(C) CaSO4.1/2H2O

(D) CaCO3.1/2H2

176) What happens when a solution of an acid is mixed with a solution of a base in a test tube?

(i) The temperature of the solution increases

(ii) The temperature of the solution decreases

(iii) The temperature of the solution remains the same

(iv) Salt formation takes place

(A) (i) only

(B) (i) and (iii)

(C) (ii) and (iii)

(D) (i) and (iv)

177. Which salt is Acidic in nature?

(A) NH4Cl


(C) NaCl


178) When a base reacts with a metal, it forms a salt and hydrogen gas is released. By what method can the presence of hydrogen be detected?

(A) by water

(B) by litmus paper

(C) by methyl orange

(D) by a burning candle

Q179) The image shows the pH values of four solutions on a pH scale.

Which solutions are alkaline in nature?

(A) A and B

(B) B and C

(C) C and D

(D) A and D

180.  Which one of the following is acidic?

(a) Lemon juice    (b) Tomatoes    (c) Milk    (d) All

181.  Which one of the following will turn red litmus blue?

(a) Vinegar    (b) Baking soda solution    (c) Lemon juice    (d) Soft drinks

182.  Which one of the following will turn blue litmus red?

(a) Vinegar    (b) Lime water    (c) Baking soda solution    (d) Washing soda solution

183.  Methyl orange is

(a) Pink in acidic medium, yellow in basic medium

(b) Yellow in acidic medium, pink in basic medium

(c) Colourless in acidic medium, pink in basic medium

(d) Pink in acidic medium, colourless in basic medium.

184.  Lime water is

(a) CaO    (b) Ca(OH)2    (c) CaCO3    (d) CaCI2

185.  The nature of calcium phosphate is present in tooth enamel is

(a) Basic    (b) Amphoteric    (c) Acidic    (d) Neutral

186.  Which of the following salts has no water of crystallization?

(a) Blue vitriol    (b) Washing soda    (c) Baking soda    (d) Gypsum

187  The function of quick lime in soda lime mixture is to

(a) Absorb moisture present in soda lime

(b) Increase the efficiency of soda lime

(c) Increase the pH of soda lime

(d) Take part in reaction with NaOH

188  The Ph of a solution of HCL is 4. This shows that the molarity of the solution is

(a) 4.0M    (b) 0.4tM    (c) 0.0001M    (d) 0.001M

188. The difference of molecules of water in gypsum and PoP is

(a)5/2    (b) 2b    (c) 3/2    (d) ½

189.  Which of the following does not form an acidic salt?

(a) Phosphoric acid    (b) Carbonic acid    (c) Hydrochloric acid    (d) Sulphuric acid

190.  The chemical formula of caustic potash is

(a) NaOH    (b) Ca(OH)2    (c) NH4OH    (D) koh

Q.191.  Which one of the following is acidic?
(a) Lemon juice    
(b) Tomatoes    
(c) Milk    
(d) All

Q.192. What is the pH value of sodium chloride?
(a) 7
(b) More than 7
(c) Less than 7

.193.  Which one of the following will turn red litmus blue?
(a) Vinegar    
(b) Baking soda solution    
(c) Lemon juice    
(d) Soft drinks

194. What is the pH value of distilled water?
(a) 7
(b) More than 7
(c) Less than 7

.195.  Which one of the following will turn blue litmus red?
(a) Vinegar    
(b) Lime water    
(c) Baking soda solution    
(d) Washing soda solution

.196. What happens when carbon dioxide gas reacts with sodium hydroxide?
(a) Carbon monoxide is formed
(b) Carbon dioxide is formed
(c) Sodium carbonate is formed
(d) Carbon dioxide does not react with sodium hydroxide

197.  Methyl orange is
(a) Pink in acidic medium, yellow in basic medium
(b) Yellow in acidic medium, pink in basic medium
(c) Colourless in acidic medium, pink in basic medium
(d) Pink in acidic medium, colourless in basic medium.

.198. Which of the following gas if formed when an acid reacts with metal carbonate?
(a) Carbon monoxide
(b) Carbonic acid gas
(c) Carbon dioxide gas
(d) Hydrochloric acid gas

.199.  Lime water is
(a) CaO    
(b) Ca(OH)2    
(c) CaCO3    
(d) CaCI2

.200.  The nature of calcium phosphate is present in tooth enamel is
(a) Basic    
(b) Amphoteric    
(c) Acidic    
(d) Neutral

Acids and bases mcqs

Q.201.  Which of the following salts has no water of crystallization?
(a) Blue vitriol    
(b) Washing soda    
(c) Baking soda    
(d) Gypsum

Q.202.  The function of quick lime in soda lime mixture is to
(a) Absorb moisture present in soda lime
(b) Increase the efficiency of soda lime
(c) Increase the pH of soda lime
(d) Take part in reaction with NaOH

Answer(a) Absorb moisture present in soda lime

Q.203. Which of the following acid is also known as vinegar?
(a) Dilute hydrochloric acid
(b) Dilute sulphuric acid
(c) Dilute acetic acid
(d) Dilute tartaric acid

Q.204.  The difference of molecules of water in gypsum and PoP is
(b) 2b    
(c) 3/2    
(d) ½

Q.205. Which of the following is taken orally as medicine in the case of hyperacidity to get relief?
(a) Sodium hydroxide
(b) Calcium hydroxide
(c) Milk of sodium
(d) Milk of magnesia

Q.206.  Which of the following does not form an acidic salt?
(a) Phosphoric acid    
(b) Carbonic acid    
(c) Hydrochloric acid    
(d) Sulphuric acid

Q.207.  The chemical formula of caustic potash is
(a) NaOH    
(b) Ca(OH)2    
(c) NH4OH    
(d) KOH

Q.208. What happens when excess of carbon dioxide gas is passed through lime water?
(a) Lime water first turns milky and then colorless
(b) Lime water turns bluish
(c) Lime water turns milky
(d) Lime water turns blackish

Q.209. What happens when a base is added to vanilla?
(a) Color of vanilla changes into red
(b) Vanilla becomes colorless
(c) Vanilla loses its smell
(d) Nothing happens

Q.210. Which of the following compound is formed when zinc reacts with hydrochloric acid?
(a) Zinc sulphate
(b) Zinc chloride
(c) Zinc carbonate
(d) Zinc hydroxide

Paheli Is Writing Some Statements. She Wants To Know In Which Of The 1Following Statements Is Or Are Correct?
A]. When a person happens to touch the leaves of a nettle plant accidently, the stinging hair of nettle leaves inject methanoic acid into the skin of the person causing burning pain.

[B]. An ant’s sting injects methanoic acid into the skin of a person causing burning pain.

[C]. When a wasp stings, it injects an alkaline liquid into the skin.

[D]. All the above

Which Of The Following Statement Is Or Are Incorrect?

[A]. Our body works well within a narrow pH range of 7.0 to 7.8.

[B]. When the pH of rain water is about 5.6, it is called acid rain.

[C]. If the soil is too acidic (having low pH), then it is treated with materials like quicklime (calcium oxide) or slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) or chalk (calcium carbonate).

[D]. Most of the plants grow best when the pH of the soil is close to 4.

Consider The Following Statement And Choose The Incorrect One:

[A]. Pure water is neutral, the concentrations of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions are equal.

[B]. Acidic solutions have excess of hydrogen ions.

[C]. The basic solutions have excess of hydroxide ions.

[D]. A solution having a high concentration of hydrogen ions has a high pH value.

Equal Volumes Of Hydrochloric Acid And Sodium Hydroxide Solution Of Same Concentration Are Mixed And The PH Of The Resulting Solution Is Checked With A PH Paper. What Would Be The Colour Obtained? (You May Use Colour Guide Given In Figure Of NCERT Book (Science Class X) On Page 26).
A]. Red

[B]. Yellow

[C]. Yellowish green

[D]. Blue

Which Of The Following Statements Is Not Correct?

[A]. All metal carbonates react with acid to give a salt, water and carbon dioxide.

[B]. All metal oxides react with water to give salt and acid.

[C]. Some metal reacts with acids to give salt and hydrogen.

[D]. Some non-metal oxides react with water to from an acid.

Consider The Given Statements And Choose The Incorrect One:

[A]. Bases are those chemical substances which have a bitter taste.

[B]. A base is a chemical substance which can neutralise an acid.

[C]. Bases are the chemical opposites of acids.

[D]. Sodium oxide (Na2O) is a metal oxide, so it is an acidic in nature.

10 ML Of A Solution Of NaOH Is Found To Be Completely Neutralized By 8 ML Of A Given Solution Of HCl. If We Take 20 ML Of The Same Solution Of NaOH, The Amount Of HCl Solution (The Same Solution As Before) Required To Neutralize It Will Be:

[A]. 4 mL

[B]. 8 mL

[C]. 12 mL

[D]. 16 ml

Which Among The Following Statement(S) Is/Are Correct? In An Attempt Try To Demonstrate Electric Conductivity Through An Electrolyte, By Using 6-Volt Battery, Bulb, Switch, Beaker, Nail, Dilute NaOH Solution, Rubber Cock.

[A]. Bulb will not glow because electrolyte is not acidic, Bulb will not glow because circuit is incomplete.

[B]. Bulb will glow because NaOH is a strong base and furnishes ions for conduction, Bulb will not glow because it depends upon the type of electrolytic solution.

[C]. Bulb will glow because NaOH is a strong base and furnishes ions for conduction.

[D]. Bulb will not glow because it depends upon the type of electrolytic solution.

Which Of The Following Is Acidic In Nature?

[A]. Lime juice

[B]. Human blood

[C]. Baking soda

[D]. Antaciid

Which One Of The Following Can Be Used As An Acid-Base Indicator By A Visually Impaired Student?

[A]. Litmus

[B]. Turmeric

[C]. Vanilla essence

[D]. Petunia leaves

Which Of The Following Phenomena Occur When A Small Amount Of Acid Is Added To Water?

[A]. Ionisation, Neutralisation

[B]. Ionisation, Dilution

[C]. Neutralisation, Dilution

[D]. Neutralisation, Formation

Consider The Following Statements And Choose The Correct Statement(S):

[A]. Calcium carbonate reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to form calcium chloride, carbon dioxide and water.

[B]. Calcium carbonate reacts with dilute sulphuric acid to form calcium sulphate, carbon dioxide and water.

[C]. When hydrochloric acid reacts with sodium hydroxide solution, then a neutralisation reaction takes place to form sodium chloride and water.

[D]. All the above

To Protect Tooth Decay We Are Advised To Brush Our Teeth Regularly. The Nature Of Toothpaste Commonly Used Is

[A]. Acidic

[B]. Neutral

[C]. Basic

[D]. Corrosive

n A Science Exam, You Are Asked A Question Where You Have To Choose The Statement Which Is/ Are Incorrect?

[A]. Curd and other sour foodstuffs such as vinegar, lemon juice and orange juice, etc., should not be kept in metal vessels like copper vessels.

[B]. If someone is suffering from the problem of acidity after over eating, we can suggest taking baking soda solution as remedy.

[C]. Egg-shells, limestone, marble and chalk are the different forms calcium carbonate.

[D]. None of the above

One Of The Constituents Of Baking Powder Is Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate, The Other Constituent Is

[A]. Hydrochloric acid

[B]. Tartaric acid

[C]. Acetic acid

[D]. Sulphuric acid

Pallavi Is Writing Some Statements. She Wants To Know In Which Of The Following Statements Is Or Are Incorrect?

[A]. The solutions of all the acids conduct electricity.

[B]. When carbon dioxide gas is passed through lime water, the lime water turns milky due to the formation of a white precipitate of sodium hydrogen-carbonate.

[C]. When dilute hydrochloric acid reacts with sodium carbonate, then sodium chloride, carbon dioxide and water are formed.

[D]. When dilute sulphuric acid reacts with zinc metal, then zinc sulphate and hydrogen gas are formed.

Pallavi Is Writing Some Statements. She Wants To Know In Which Of The Following Statements Is Or Are Incorrect?

[A]. The solutions of all the acids conduct electricity.

[B]. When carbon dioxide gas is passed through lime water, the lime water turns milky due to the formation of a white precipitate of sodium hydrogen-carbonate.

[C]. When dilute hydrochloric acid reacts with sodium carbonate, then sodium chloride, carbon dioxide and water are formed.

[D]. When dilute sulphuric acid reacts with zinc metal, then zinc sulphate and hydrogen gas are formed.

Sukhvir Appeared In Test Of Class 10th Standard, Where He Wrote Some Statements But He Confused To Know The Incorrect Statement. Would You Help Him To Know That?

[A]. A concentrated acid is one which contains the minimum possible amount of water in it.

[B]. A dilute acid is one which contains the much more amount of water in it.

[C]. When water is added to concentrated acid to dilute it then the heat is evolved gradually.

[D]. None of them

Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate, When Added To Acetic Acid, Evolves A Gas. Which Of The Following Statements Are True About The Gas Evolved?

[A]. It turns lime water milky, and it extinguishes a burning splinter.

[B]. It turns lime water milky, and it extinguishes a burning splinter, and it dissolves in a solution of sodium hydroxide.

[C]. It extinguishes a burning splinter, it dissolves in a solution of sodium hydroxide, and it has a pungent odour.

[D]. It turns lime water milky, and it has a pungent odour.

If A Few Drops Of Concentrated Acid Accidentally Spill Over The Hand Of A Student, What Should Be Done?

[A]. Wash the hand with saline solution.

[B]. Wash the hand immediately with plenty of water and apply a paste of sodium hydrogen carbonate.

[C]. After washing with plenty of water apply solution of sodium hydroxide on the hand.

[D]. Neutralise the acid with a strong alkali.

Which Of The Following Gives The Correct Increasing Order Of Acid Strength?
[A]. Water < acetic acid < hydrochloride acid.

[B]. Water < hydrochloride acid < acetic acid.

[C]. Acetic acid < water < hydrochloride acid.

[D]. Hydrochloride acid < water < acetic acid.

Payal Is Writing Some Statements, Choose The Correct Statement And Help Him:

[A]. Sodium hydroxide solution turns red litmus to blue, so sodium hydroxide solution is basic in nature.

[B]. Methyl orange indicator gives red colour in acid solution, and yellow colour in basic solution.

[C]. Phenolphthalein indicator gives colourless in acid solution, and pink colour in basic solution.

[D]. All the above

Consider The Following Statement And Choose The Incorrect One:

[A]. An indicator is a dye that changes colour when it is put into an acid or a base.

[B]. The most common indicators to test for acids and bases are litmus, methyl orange and phenolphthalein.

[C]. The most common indicator used for testing acids and bases in the laboratory is phenolphthalein.

[D]. None of the above

Calcium Phosphate Is Present In Tooth Enamel. Its Nature Is

[A]. Basic

[B]. Acidic

[C]. Neutral

[D]. Amphoteric

An Aqueous Solution Turns Red Litmus Solution Blue. Excess Addition Of Which Of The Following Solution Would Reverse The Change?

[A]. Baking Powder

[B]. Lime

[C]. Ammonium hydroxide solution

[D]. Hydrochloric acid

During The Preparations Of Hydrogen Chloride Gas On A Humid Day, The Gas Is Usually Passed Through The Guard Tube Containing Calcium Chloride. The Role Of The Calcium Chloride Taken In The Guard Tube Is To:

[A]. Absorb the evolved gas.

[B]. Moisten the gas.

[C]. Absorb moisture from the gas.

[D]. Absorb Cl- ions from the evolved gas.

237.Consider the following statements and choose the incorrect one:

• [A] The red cabbage extract is also a natural indicator.

• [B] The red cabbage extract remains red in acidic solution, but turns green on adding two basic solution.

• [C] Those substances whose smell changes in acidic or basic solution are called olfactory indicators.

• [D] The smell of the onion cannot be detected when it is added to an acidic solution.

A sample of soil is mixed with water and allowed to settle. The clear supernatant solution turns the pH paper yellowish-orange. Which of the following would change the colour of this pH paper to greenish-blue?

• [A] Lemon Juice

• [B] Vinegar

• [C] Common salt

• [D] An antacid

.238. Which one of the given is a mineral acid?
A. Lactic acid
B. Formic acid
C. Tartaric acid
D. Hydrochloric acid

239. Which one of the given is an organic acid?
A. Citric acid
B. Hydrochloric acid
C. Lactic acid
D. Both (1) & (3)

 240. Which one of the given is incorrect?
A. Acids turns blue litmus paper red
B. Aqueous solutions of acids conduct electricity
C. Acids react with certain metals to form hydrogen gas
D. None of these

 241. Which one of the given acids is used in the treatment of bone marrow and scurvy diseases?
A. Acetic acid
B. Hydrochloric acid
C. Ascorbic acid
D. Nitric acid

242. Acid present in apple is :
A. Oxalic acid
B. Malic acid
C. Acetic acid
D. Formic acid

243. Which one of the given is hydracid?
A. H₃PO₄
B. H₂SO₄

 244. Most of the oxides of metals when react with acid, form____
A. A base
B. An acid
C. A salt
D. Either (1) or (2)

 245. Generally, when certain metals react with an acid they release _______ gas.
A. Nitrogen
B. Oxygen
C. Hydrogen
D. Argon

 246. Which one of the given is formed when sodium hydrogen carbonate reacts with hydrochloric acid?
A. Sodium chloride
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Water
D. All the these

 247. A strong acid:
A. Completely gets ionized in water
B. Partially gets ionized in water
C. Do not get ionized in water
D. All the these

248. Which one of the given is true, if a substance has a pH value of 7?
A. The substance is a base
B. The substance is a acid
C. The substance is a neutral substance
D. Either (1) or (2)

 249 In which one of the given reactions a salt is reacting with a base?
A. NaOH+HCl→NaCl+H₂O
B. Cu(OH)₂+H₂SO₄→CuSO₄+2H₂O
D. 6NH₄OH+Al(SO₄)₃→2Al(OH)₃+3(NH₄)₂SO₄

 250. Which one of the given is commonly known as blue vitriol and is used as a fungicide?
A. Potassium nitrate
B. Copper sulphate
C. Sodium carbonate
D. Sodium chloride

 251. Which one of the following is formed when calcium hydroxide reacts with carbon dioxide?
A. Hydrogen gas
B. Water
C. Salt
D. Both B and C

 252. Which of the following phenomena occurs when acid is mixed with water
(a) Neutralization
(b) Dilution
(c) Ionization
A. Only (B) is correct
B. (A) & (B) are correct
C. (B) & (C) are correct
D. Only (C) is correct

 253. Which one among the given is a weak base?
A. Sodium hydroxide
B. Potassium hydroxide
C. Ammonium hydroxide
D. All the these

254. Which of the given is a strong base?
A. Calcium hydroxide
B. Magnesium hydroxide
C. Ammonium hydroxide
D. Potassium hydroxide

 255. Which of the given is used as an antacid?
A. Sodium hydrocarbonate
B. Calcium hydroxide
C. Magnesium hydroxide
D. All the these

 256. Which one of the given is the pH value of pure water?
A. 0
B. 7
C. 8
D. 1

 257 Which one of the given is true, if a substance has a pH value of 4?
A. The substance is a base
B. The substance is an acid
C. The substance is a neutral substance
D. Either (1) or (2)

258.Range of pH scale is
A. 7 to 10
B. 0 to 10
C. 0 to 14
D. 7 to 14

 259. Due to excess passing of CO2 through an aqueous solution of slaked lime, its milkiness fades because
A. Calcium carbonate is produced
B. Calcium bi-carbonate is produced
C. Calcium oxide is produced
D. Due to the production of more heat

 260. When acids dissolve in water it releases _____.
A. H+ ion
B. H- ion
C. H3O+ ion
D. H3O2+ ion

 261. Which element is always present in Arrhenius acid?
A. Oxygen
B. Nitrogen
C. Hydrogen
D. None of these

 262. Methyl red colour in acidic medium is
A. Yellow
B. Pink
C. Red
D. Orange

 263. The chemical formula of Gypsum is
A. CaSO₄,1/2H₂O
B. CaSO₄,2H₂O
C. CaSO₄,H₂O
D. CaSO₄,3H₂O

 264 During the preparation of HCl gas on a humid day, the gas is usually passed through the guard tube containing CaCl₂. The purpose of using CaCl₂ is
A. To add moisture to the gas (HCl)
B. To absorb HCl gas
C. To absorb moisture from HCl gas
D. To Use it as a catalyst

 265. Which one is different from others
A. Nitric acid
B. Sulphuric acid
C. Tartaric acid
D. Phosphoric acid

 266. Soda ash chemical formula is
B. Na₂CO₃, 9H₂O
C. Na₂CO₃
D. Na₂CO₃,10H₂O

267. Common salt beside being used in the kitchen can also be used as the raw material for the production of
(a) Baking powder
(b) Washing soda
(c) Black ash
(d) Slaked lime
A. (B) and (C)
B. (A) and (C)
C. (A) and (B)
D. (B) and (D)

268. Level of pH found in antacid solution
A. ≤6.5
B. ≥7.0
C. >10
D. >14

 269. Black ash is
A. Dry KOH
B. Barium sulphide
C. Charcoal
D. Hydrated KOH

 270. When electricity passes through NaCl aqueous solution
A. Sodium metal is deposited
B. Only Chlorine gas is produced
C. Chlorine & Hydrogen gases are produced
D. All of the given are produced

 271. Identify the element
(a) It is a white translucent solid
(b) It readily reacts with water and produces an alkaline solution
(c) It is stored in kerosene
A. Na
B. Ca
C. Al
D. P

 272. Bleaching powder’s chemical name is ______
A. Calcium hypo-Oxychloride
B. Calcium Oxychloride
C. Calcium Chloride
D. Calcium Chloro-Oxide

 273. The colour of Methyl orange in basic medium is
A. Pink
B. Orange
C. Purple
D. Yellow

 274. The pH of commonly used toothpaste is
A. <6.5
B. ≥7.0
C. ≥2.2
D. None of these

 275. Phenolphthalein’s colour in basic medium is ____but in acid it is ______.
A. Pink, Colorless
B. Yellow, Pink
C. Pink, Orange
D. Blue, Red

276. When sodium hydroxide reacts with Zinc it produces ______
A. Sodium oxide and water
B. Sodium zincates and water
C. Sodium zincates and hydrogen
D. Sodium oxide and hydrogen

 277. You are given 3 unknown solutions with pH value as 6,8 & 9.5 respectively. Which solution will contain maximum OH⁻ ion?
A. Solution sample-1
B. Solution sample-2
C. Solution sample-3
D. Data are insufficient

 278. The pH of Gastric juice is
A. <6.5
B. ≥7.0
C. 5
D. None of these

279. The chemical formula of Plaster of Paris is
A. CaSO₄,1/2H₂O
B. CaSO₄, 2H₂O
C. CaSO₄, H₂O
D. CaSO₄, 3H₂O

 280. Ammonium sulphate salt is
A. Basic salt
B. Acidic salt
D. Neutral salt
D. Complex salt

 281. Which of the following acid(s) never forms acidic salt?
(a) HCl
(b) H₃PO₄
(c) H₂SO₄
(d) H₂CO₃
A. (A) only
B. (D) only
C. (A) and (D) both
D. (A) and (C) both

282. Vinegar is used in pickling as it
A. Is an acid
B. Prevents the growth of microbes
C. Prevents drying of a pickle
D. Increases taste

 283. PH scale of a neutral solution is
A. 14
B. 7
C. 10
D. 12

 284.Which of the following acids are edible
(a) Citric acid
(b) Tartaric acid
(c) Hydrochloric acid
(d) Carbonic acid
A. (A) and (B) are correct
B. (A), (B) and (D) are correct
C. (A), (B) and (C) are correct
D. All are correct

285. Butyric acid is found in
A. Rancid butter
B. Rancid cake
C. Stings of bees
D. All of these

 286. An indicator is one kind of the following compound
A. Strong acid only
B. Reducing agent
C. Weak base or acid only
D. Complex salt

Question 287
An oxide is acidic and has a pungent odour. It could be
(a) sulphur dioxide
(b) carbon dioxide
(c) sodium oxide
(d) nitrogen dioxid

Question 288
Out of these gases which one is used in fire extinguishers
(a) CO2
(b) SO2
(c) NO2
(d) H2S

Question 289
The correct way of making a solution of acid in water is to
(a) add water to acid
(b) add acid to water
(c) mix acid and water simultaneously
(d) add water to acid in a shallow container

Question 290
Products of a neutralisation reaction are always:
(a) an acid and a base
(b) an acid and a salt
(c) a salt and water
(d) a salt and a base

Question 291
Turmeric is a natural indicator. On adding its paste to acid and base separately, which colours would be observed.
(a) Yellow in both acid and base
(b) Yellow in acid and red in base
(c) Pink in acid and yellow in base
(d) Red in acid and blue in base

Question 292
Phenolphthalein is a synthetic indicator and its colours in acidic and basic solutions, respectively are:
(a) red and blue
(b) blue and red
(c) pink and colourless
(d) colourless and pink

Question 293.
When the soil is too basic, plants do not grow well in it. To improve its quality what must be added to the soil?
(a) Organic matter
(b) Quick lime
(c) Slaked lime
(d) Calamine solution

Question 294
Which of the following set of substances contain acids?
(a) Grapes, lime water
(b) Vinegar, soap
(c) Curd, milk of magnesia
(d) Curd, vinegar

Question 295
On adding phenolphthalein indicator to a colourless solution, no change is observed. What is the nature of this solution?
(a) Basic
(b) Either acidic or basic
(c) Either acidic or neutral
(d) Either basic or neutral

Question 296
Which of the following is an acid-base indicator?
(a) Vinegar
(b) Lime water
(c) Turmeric
(d) Baking soda

297. A solution of ammonium chloride turns blue litmus ………………..

298. A solution of sodium acetate turns red ……………….. blue.

299. Ammonium chloride is an example of ………………..

300. Acid + Metal → Salt + ………………..

301. An acid and a base react together forming a new compound, known as ………………..

302.Tap water is very ……………….. of electricity.

303. Corrosion is a ……………….. process.

304. All soluble hydroxides are ………………..

305. Methyl orange is an ………………..

306 ……………….. is used for manufacturing washing soda and baking soda.

307. Acetic acid is present in ……………….. while ……………….. is present in lemon.

308. Carbon burns in air to form ……………….. It is ……………….. oxide. Its aqueous solution turns ……………….. litmus ………………..

309. The gas which escapes out from many aerated soft drinks is ………………..

310. An aqueous solution of sodium oxide changes ……………….. litm us blue.

311. The chemical formula of lime water is ……………….

312. Neutralisation is the reaction between an acid and a ……………….. to form ………………. and ………………..

313. ……………….. reacts with lime water to produce ……………….. which is milky in appearance because it is ……………….. in water.

Choose the true and  falseà

314. Ammonia, dissolved in water, shows acidic properties.

315. Orange juice turns blue litmus red.

316. Copper does not react with tamarind (imli) water.

317. Alum (phitkari) acts as an antacid.

Answer false

318.The Correct Way Of Making A Solution Of Acid In Water Is To:

[A]. Add water to acid.

[B]. Add acid to water.

[C]. Mix acid and water simultaneously.

[D]. Add water to acid in a shallow container.

319.Consider The Following Statements, Choose The Incorrect One:

[A]. Calamine can be used to treat ant’s sting.

[B]. Lime water turns red litmus blue.

[C]. Phenolphthalein is a natural indicator.

[D]. None of the above.

• View Answer

• Discuss in Forum

320.Turmeric Is A Natural Indicator. On Adding Its Paste To Acid And Base Separately, Which Colours Would Be Observed?

[A]. Yellow in both acid and base.

[B]. Yellow in acid and red in base.

[C]. Pink in acid and yellow in base.

[D]. Red in acid and blue in base.

321.Consider The Following Sentences And Choose The Correct Statements:

[A]. Tartaric acid present in unripe mangoes.

[B]. Formic acid present in ant sting.

[C]. Lactic acid present in curd.

[D]. All the above.

322.Phenolphthalein Is A Synthetic Indicator And Its Colours In Acidic And Basic Solutions Respectively Are:

[A]. Red and blue

[B]. Blue and red

[C]. Pink and colourless

[D]. Colourless and pink

323.Boojho Is Writing Some Statements, Choose The Correct Statement And Help Him:

[A]. Heat is responsible for increase in temperature during a neutralization reaction.

[B]. Turmeric is a natural indicator and gives pink colour in basic solution.

[C]. Acids are good conductors of electricity; as they allow the passage of electric current through them.

[D]. All the above.

324.When The Soil Is Too Basic, Plants Do Not Grow Well In It. To Improve Its Quality, What Must Be Added To The Soil?

[A]. Organic matter

[B]. Quick lime

[C]. Slaked lime

[D]. Calamine solution

325.A Farmer Was Unhappy Because Of His Low Crop Yield. He Discussed The Problem With An Agricultural Scientist Realised That The Soil Of His Field Was Either Too Acidic Or Two Basics. What Remedy Would You Suggest?

[A]. It can be treated with quicklime (calcium oxide) base.

[B]. It can be treated with slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) base.

[C]. It can be treated with organic matter (manure or compost).

[D]. All the above.

326.Mohan Appeared In Class Test Where He Wrote Some Statements About Acids, But He Confused To Know The Correct Statement. Would You Help Him To Know That?

[A]. They have a sour taste.

[B]. They are corrosive in nature if it falls on the skin, it can cause burns.

[C]. They are good conductors of electricity, as they allow the passage of electric current through them.

[D]. All the above.

327.Mohan Is Writing Some Statements About Bases, Choose The Correct Statements And Help Him:

[A]. They have bitter taste and soapy touch.

[B]. Strong bases like sodium hydroxide are corrosive in nature.

[C]. They react with acids to neutralize them and are hence called antacids.

[D]. All

328.Neutralization Reaction Is A:

[A]. Physical and reversible change.

[B]. Physical change that cannot be reversed.

[C]. Chemical and reversible change.

[D]. Chemical change that cannot be reversed.

329.In Which Of The Following Statement Is Or Are Correct?

[A]. Indigestion is neutralized by taking an antacid like milk of magnesia.

[B]. The effect of and sting is neutralized by rubbing most baking soda.

[C]. Soil can be treated with quicklime when soil is too acidic.

[D]. All the above.

330.Boojho Is Writing Some Statements About Indicators. In Which Of The Following Statements Is Or Are Incorrect? Help Him.

[A]. An indicator tells us whether the substance we are testing is an acid or a base by change in its colour.

[B]. Litmus, china rose and turmeric are naturally occurring indicators.

[C]. Phenolphthalein is a synthetic indicator.

[D]. When litmus is added to a basic solution it turns red.

331.Consider The Following Statements And Choose The Incorrect Statement(S):

[A]. China rose indicator is a light pink coloured solution which is extracted from the red flowers of china rose plant with water.

[B]. Acid turns china rose indicator to magenta (deep pink).

[C]. Bases turn china rose indicator to blue.

[D]. If a drop of the given solution turns china rose indicator from light pink to green, then the given solution will be basic in nature.

332.Boojho Is Writing About Turmeric Indicator As Turmeric Is Natural Indicator And More Details. Choose The Correct Statements Written By Him:

[A]. Turmeric turns red in basic solution.

[B]. Turmeric paper is yellow in acid solution.

[C]. Bases turn the yellow turmeric paper to red.

[D]. All the above.

334.Which Of The Following Sets Of Substances Contains Acids?

[A]. Grapes, lime water

[B]. Vinegar, soap

[C]. Curd, milk of magnesia

[D]. Curd, vinegar

335.Paheli Is Writing Some Statements. She Wants To Know In Which Of The Following Statements Is Or Are Incorrect?

[A]. Phenolphthalein indicator is natural acid base indicator.

[B]. Phenolphthalein indicator is colourless in acid solution.

[C]. Phenolphthalein indicator is gives pink colour in basic solution.

[D]. The substance whose solution do not change the colour of any indicator, called neutral substances.

336.Consider The Following Statements, Choose The Incorrect One:

[A]. Acetic acid is found in vinegar.

[B]. Formic acid is present in ant’s sting.

[C]. Citric acid is present in tamarind.

[D]. Lactic acid is present in curd and in milk.

337.On Adding Phenolphthalein Indicator To A Colourless Solution, No Change Is Observed. What Is The Nature Of This Solution?

[A]. Basic

[B]. Either acidic or basic

[C]. Either acidic or neutral

[D]. Basic or neutral

338.Consider The Following Statements And Choose The Incorrect One:

[A]. Sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide are found in soap.

[B]. Calcium hydroxide is found in lime water.

[C]. Magnesium hydroxide is found in milk of magnesia.

[D]. Sodium hydroxide or ammonia solution is found in window cleaners.

339.Boojho Appeared In Class Test Where He Wrote Some Statements But He Confused To Know The Incorrect Statement. Would You Help Him To Know That?

[A]. Sodium Hydroxide is commonly known as caustic soda.

[B]. Potassium Hydroxide is commonly known as caustic potash.

[C]. A base which is soluble in water is called an alkali.

[D]. Sodium and potassium hydroxide are weak bases but handled very carefully.

340.Which Of The Following Is An Acid Base Indicator?

[A]. Vinegar

[B]. Lime water

[C]. Turmeric

[D]. Baking soda

341.Boojho And Paheli Went To A Soda Shop And Took Soda For Drink. Boojho Wants To Know That Which Of The Base Is Safe To Drink?

[A]. Calcium hydroxide

[B]. Ammonium hydroxide

[C]. Sodium carbonate

[D]. Magnesium hydroxide

342.Products Of A Neutralization Reaction Are Always:

[A]. An acid and a base

[B]. An acid and a salt

[C]. A salt and water

[D]. A salt and a hydrogen

343.In Which Of The Following Statements Is Or Are Incorrect?

[A]. To cure indigestion and get rid of pain, we can take bases called antacids.

[B]. Antacids are a group of mild bases but have toxic effects on the body.

[C]. Magnesium oxide is common antacid used for curing indigestion.

[D]. Baking soda is also used as antacid

344.neutralisation reaction between a strong acid and weak base forms :

(a) an acidic salt

(b) a basic salt

(c) a neutral salt

(d) a salt

345.Which of the following is a property of an acid?

(a) Sour taste

(b) Sweet taste

(c) Bitter taste

(d) Salty taste

346.Manure is added when the soil is too

(a) acidic

(b) basic

(c) neutral

(d) none of these

347.Which of the following is a strong acid?

(a) Nitric acid

(b) Citric acid

(c) Acetic acid

(d) Tartaric acid

348.The acid produced naturally in our stomach is :

(a) tartaric acid

(b) citric acid

(c) hydrochloric acid

(d) sulphuric acid

349.Which of the following is a strong base?

(a) Calcium hydroxide

(b) Sodium hydroxide

(c) Sodium carbonate

(d) Ammonium hydroxide

350.With which of the following ‘Milk of Magnesia’ be reacted so as to have neutralisation reaction?

(a) Baking soda

(b) Vinegar

(c) Ammonia solution

(d) Quicklim

Fill in the blanks with suitable words

351.The reaction between an acid and a base is called———- ———–.

352.——————– is used to tell whether a material is acidic or basic.

353Bases turn purple cabbage juice to—————-

354.Acid turns—– ——– litmus to ——- –—- —–

355.Acid + Base +————- —————-+ water.

Following questions consist of two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given below:
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.

356. Assertion (A) : The acid must always be added to water with constant stirring.
Reason (R) : Mixing of an acid with water decreases the concentration of H+ ions per unit volume.

357. Assertion (A) : Copper sulphate crystals are wet because it contains water of crystallisation.
Reason (R) : Water of crystallisation is the fixed number of molecules of water present in one
formula unit of salt.

358.. Assertion (A) : The aqueous solutions of glucose and alcohol do not show acidic character.
Reason (R) : Aqueous solutions of glucose and alcohol do not give H+ ions.

359.. Assertion (A) : HCl gas does not change the colour of dry blue litmus paper.
Reason (R) : HCl gas dissolves in the water present in wet litmus paper to form H+ ions.

360. Assertion (A) : Weak acids have low electrical conductivity.
Reason (R) : Strong acids and weak acids have equal concentration of hydrogen ions in their solutions.

361. Assertion (A): Pure water is neither acidic nor basic.
Reason (R) : The pH of a solution is inversely proportional to the concentration of hydrogen
ions in it.

362. Assertion (A) : During electrolysis of concentrated aqueous solution of sodium chloride, hydrogen is produced at anode and chlorine gas is produced at cathode.
Reason (R) : Ions get attracted to oppositely charged electrodes.

363. Assertion (A) : Baking powder is used in making cake instead of using only baking soda.
Reason (R) : Baking powder contains tartaric acid which reacts with sodium carbonate and removes bitter taste.

364. Assertion (A) : The chemical formula of bleaching powder is CaOCI.
Reason (R) : Calcium oxide reacts with chlorine to form bleaching powder.

365. Assertion (A): Plaster of Paris is stored in a moisture proof container.
Reason (R) : Plaster of Paris sets into a hard mass on wetting with water to form anhydrous calcium sulphate.

366. Assertion (A): The chemical name of bleaching powder is calcium oxychloride.
Reason (R): Bleaching powder is used as an oxidising agent in chemical industries.

367. Assertion: The process of dissolving an acid or a base in water is highly exothermic reaction.
Reason: Water must always be added slowly to acid with constant

368. Assertion : Phenolphthalein is an acid-base indicator.
Reason: Phenolphthalein gives different colours in acidic and basic medium.

369.. Assertion: Calcium sulphate hemihydrate, CaSO4.1/2 H20 is called plaster of Paris.
Reason: Plaster of Paris is used for producing moulds for pottery and ceramics and casts of statues.

370. Assertion : pH = 7 signifies pure water.
Reason: pH of acetic acid is greater than 7.

371. Assertion : HCl is a stronger acid than acetic acid.
Reason: On dissociation, HCl yields lesser hydrogen ions for the same concentration as compared to acetic

372. Assertion : pH of ammonium nitrate solution is acidic.
Reason: Solution of a salt of weak base and strong acid is acidic.

373. Assertion : Phosphoric acid is a weak acid.
Reason : Phosphoric acid when dissolved in water dissociates partially and produces very little H* ions.

374. Assertion : Antacids neutralize the effect of extra acid produced in the stomach during indigestion and thus provide relief.
Reason: Antacids are mild bases.

375. Assertion : Acetic acid does not act as an acid in benzene solution.
Reason: Benzene is non polar

376. Assertion : Bleaching powder reacts with dilute acids to evolve chlorine.
Reason: The chlorine liberated by the action of dilute acids on bleaching powder is called available chlorine.

377. Assertion : Sodium carbonate pentahydrate is also known as washing soda.
Reason: Chief raw materials for the manufacture of washing soda are NH3, NaCl and CaCO3.

378. Assertion: Common salt is used for the preparation of many chemicals such as sodium hydroxide, bleaching powder, baking soda, washing soda etc.
Reason : Main source of sodium chloride is sea water.

379. Assertion : AlCl3 is a basic salt.
Reason: AlCl3 is a salt of strong acid and a weak base.

380. Assertion : Baking soda is prepared by chlor-alkali process.
Reason: Brine decomposes to sodium hydroxide on passing electricity through it.

381. Assertion : Salt of KNO, is formed by strong base and weak acid.
Reason: Salt of NH Cl is formed by weak base and strong acid.

382. Assertion : Strength of the acid or base decreases with dilution.
Reason: Ionization of an acid or a base increases with dilution.

383. Assertion : Higher the H ion concentration, lower is the pH value.
Reason: The pH of a neutral solution=7, that of a basic solution < 7 and that of an acidic solution > 7.

384. Assertion : CH2COOH is used as vinegar in cooking and food preservatives.
Reason: Strong acids are those acids which ionise almost completely in aqueous solution and hence produce
a large amount of ions

385. Assertion : Tooth decay starts when the pH of the mouth is lower than 5.5.
Reason: Enamel starts corroding below 5.5 pH.

386. One of the constituents of baking powder is sodium hydrogen carbonate, the other
constituent is:
a) Hydrochloric acid
b) Tartaric acid
c) Acetic acid
d) Sulphuric acid.

387. Which of the following will turn phenolphthalein pink?
a) NaOH
b) HCl
d) H2O

388. The compound formed during electrolysis of brine is:
a) Cl2
b) H2
c) NaOH
d) NaH

389. A teacher gave two test tubes – one containing water and the other containing
sodium hydroxide solution to two students. Then he asked them to identify the test
tube containing sodium hydroxide solution. Which one of the following can be
used for correctly identifying the test tube containing the solution of sodium
a) Blue litmus
b) Red litmus
c) Sodium carbonate solution
d) Dilute HCl

390. To relieve pain caused due to acidity, we can take :
a) sour milk
b) lemon juice
c) orange juice
d) milk of magnesia

391. You are given four unknown solutions I, II, III, and IV. The pH values of these
solutions are found to be 3, 7, 8, and 10 respectively. Among the given solutions,
which solution has the highest hydrogen ion concentration?
a) I
b) II
c) III
d) IV

392.Sodium chloride is a salt of :
a) a weak acid and a weak base
b) a strong acid and a strong base
c) a weak acid and a strong base
d) a strong acid and a weak base

393 Which of the following is a salt of a weak acid and a weak base?
a) NaCl
b) KNO3
c) Na2CO3
d) (NH4)2CO3

394. If there is a decrease in the concentration of H3O+
, what is the change in the pH of
the solution?
a) No change
b) Increase
c) Decrease
d) may increase or decrease

395. Farmers use _____ for neutralization of acidic soil.
a) CaSO4.2H2O
b) CaO
c) H2CO3

396. Assertion (A): Carbonic Acids is used in making soft drinks.
Reason (R) : All mineral acids are corrosive.

398. Assertion (A): Lime Juice has a sour taste, while lime water is slightly bitter.
Reason (R) :The bitter taste of lime water is due to dilution.

399. Assertion (A): Antacids are used to get rid of pain caused by indigestion.
Reason (R) :Antacids neturalise the excess acid produced in the stomach.p.

400. Assertion (A): When pH of rain water is more than 7, it is called acid rain.
Reason (R) : When electricity is passed through an aqueous solutions of sodium
chloride, it decomposes to form sodium carbonate.

401.. Assertion: Acetic acid does not act as an acid in benzene solution.

            Reason: Benzene is non-polar.

402. Assertion: Calcium oxide is a base but not an alkali.

           Reason: Calcium oxide is insoluble in water.

403. Assertion: There is no change in the colour of litmus paper when brought in contact with distilled water.

            Reason: Litmus Paper is used to find whether an solution is Acidic or Basic.

404 Assertion: When bleaching power is left in the open, its colour changes from blue to white.

            Reason: The change in colour as oxygen breaks away from the compound.

405 Assertion: Sodium and Potassium is kept inside kerosene.

Reason: Sodium does not react with organic solvents like kerosene.

406. What is the common name of CaOCl2 ?

(a) Bleaching powder       

(b) Baking soda

(c) Washing soda              

(d) Lime water

407. Which one will turn red litmus blue?

(a) Vinegar                        

(b) Lemon juice

(c) Soft drinks                   

(d) Baking soda solution

408.  Among sulphurous acid and sulphuric acid, which is stronger?

(a) Sulphurous acid is stronger than Sulphuric Acid

(b) Sulphuric Acid is stronger than Sulphurous acid.

(c d) Dilute Sulphuric Acid is stronger than dilute Sulphurous acid.

Case studies

pH is quite useful to us in a number of ways in daily life. Some of its applications are:

Control of pH of the soil : Plants need a specific pH range for proper growth. The soil may be acidic, basic or neutral depending upon the relative concentration of H* and OH-. The pH of any soil can be determined by using pH paper. If the soil is too acidic, it can be corrected by adding lime to it. If the soil is too basic, it can be corrected by adding organic manure which contains acidic materials.

Regaining shine of a tarnished copper vessel by use of acids : A copper vessel gets tarnished due to formation of an oxide layer on its surface. On rubbing lenion on the vessel, the surface is cleaned and the vessel begins to shine again. This is due to the fact that copper oxide is basic in nature, which reacts with the acid (citric acid) present in lemon to form a salt (copper citrate) which is washed away with water. As a result, the layer of copper oxide is removed from the surface of the vessel and the shining surface is exposed.

Self-defence by animals through chemical warfare : Stings of bees and ants contain methanoic acid. When stung, it causes lot of pain and irritation. This can be cured by rubbing the affected area with mild base like baking soda.

409 When black copper oxide placed in a beaker is treated with dilute HCl, its colour changes to
(a) white
(b) dark red
(c) bluish green
(d) no change.

410. P is an aqueous solution of acid and Q is an aqueous solution of base. When these two are diluted separately, then
(a) pH of P increases while that of Q decreases till neutralisation.
(b) pH of P decreases while that of Q increases till neutralisation.
(C) pH of both P and Q decrease.
(d) pH of both P and Q increase.

411. Which of the following acids is present in bee sting?
(a) Formic acid
(b) Acetic acid
(c) Citric acid
(d) Hydrochloric acid

412.Sting of ant can be cured by rubbing the affected area with soap because
(a) it contains oxalic acid which neutralises the effect of formic acid
(b) it contains aluminium hydroxide which neutralises the effect of formic acid
(c) it contains sodium hydroxide which neutralises the effect of formic acid
(d) none of these

413.The pH of soil X is 7.5 while that of soil Y is 4.5. Which of the two soils, should be treated with powdered chalk to adjust its pH?
(a) X only
(b) Y only
(c) Both X and Y
(d) none of these

Read the following and answer any four questions:
Salt of a strong acid and strong base is neutral with a pH value of 7. NaCl common salt is formed by a combination of hydrochloride and sodium hydroxide solution. This is the salt that is used in food. Some salt is called rock salts bed of rack salt were formed when seas of bygone ages dried up. The common salt thus obtained is an important raw material for various materials of daily use, such as sodium hydroxide, baking soda, washing soda, bleaching powder.

414• Which of the following does not form an acidic salt?

• Phosphoric acid

• Carbonic acid

• Hydrochloric acid

• Sulphuric acid

415• Which of the following salts has no water of crystallization?

• Blue vitriol

• Washing soda

• Baking soda

• Gypsum

•416 The formula of baking soda is

• K2CO


• NaHCO3

• Na2CO3

• 417.Which of the following is treated with chlorine to obtain bleaching powder

• CaSO4

• Ca(OH)2

• Mg(OH)2


•418. Which of the following salt is used for removing the permanent hardness of water

• Washing soda

• Baking soda

• Bleaching powder

• NaOH

Q.1. Assertion (A) : The acid must always be added to water with constant stirring.
Reason (R) : Mixing of an acid with water decreases the concentration of H+ ions per unit volume.


Q.2. Assertion (A) : Copper sulphate crystals are wet because it contains water of crystallisation.
Reason (R) : Water of crystallisation is the fixed number of molecules of water present in one
formula unit of salt.


Q.3. Assertion (A) : The aqueous solutions of glucose and alcohol do not show acidic character.
Reason (R) : Aqueous solutions of glucose and alcohol do not give H+ ions.


Q.4. Assertion (A) : HCl gas does not change the colour of dry blue litmus paper.
Reason (R) : HCl gas dissolves in the water present in wet litmus paper to form H+ ions.


Q.5. Assertion (A) : Weak acids have low electrical conductivity.
Reason (R) : Strong acids and weak acids have equal concentration of hydrogen ions in their solutions.


Q.6. Assertion (A): Pure water is neither acidic nor basic.
Reason (R) : The pH of a solution is inversely proportional to the concentration of hydrogen
ions in it.


Q.7. Assertion (A) : During electrolysis of concentrated aqueous solution of sodium chloride, hydrogen is produced at anode and chlorine gas is produced at cathode.
Reason (R) : Ions get attracted to oppositely charged electrodes.


Q.8. Assertion (A) : Baking powder is used in making cake instead of using only baking soda.
Reason (R) : Baking powder contains tartaric acid which reacts with sodium carbonate and removes bitter taste.


Q.9. Assertion (A) : The chemical formula of bleaching powder is CaOCI.
Reason (R) : Calcium oxide reacts with chlorine to form bleaching powder.


Q.10. Assertion (A): Plaster of Paris is stored in a moisture proof container.
Reason (R) : Plaster of Paris sets into a hard mass on wetting with water to form anhydrous calcium sulphate.


Q.11. Assertion (A): The chemical name of bleaching powder is calcium oxychloride.
Reason (R): Bleaching powder is used as an oxidising agent in chemical industries.


Q.12. Assertion: The process of dissolving an acid or a base in water is highly exothermic reaction.
Reason: Water must always be added slowly to acid with constant stirring.


Q.13. Assertion : Phenolphthalein is an acid-base indicator.
Reason: Phenolphthalein gives different colours in acidic and basic medium.


Q.14. Assertion: Calcium sulphate hemihydrate, CaSO4.1/2 H20 is called plaster of Paris.
Reason: Plaster of Paris is used for producing moulds for pottery and ceramics and casts of statues.


Q.15. Assertion : pH = 7 signifies pure water.
Reason: pH of acetic acid is greater than 7.


Q.16. Assertion : HCl is a stronger acid than acetic acid.
Reason: On dissociation, HCl yields lesser hydrogen ions for the same concentration as compared to acetic


Q.17. Assertion : pH of ammonium nitrate solution is acidic.
Reason: Solution of a salt of weak base and strong acid is acidic.


Q.18. Assertion : Phosphoric acid is a weak acid.
Reason : Phosphoric acid when dissolved in water dissociates partially and produces very little H* ions.


Q.19. Assertion : Antacids neutralize the effect of extra acid produced in the stomach during indigestion and thus provide relief.
Reason: Antacids are mild bases.


Q.20. Assertion : Acetic acid does not act as an acid in benzene solution.
Reason: Benzene is non-polar.


Q.21. Assertion : Bleaching powder reacts with dilute acids to evolve chlorine.
Reason: The chlorine liberated by the action of dilute acids on bleaching powder is called available chlorine.


Q.22. Assertion : Sodium carbonate pentahydrate is also known as washing soda.
Reason: Chief raw materials for the manufacture of washing soda are NH3, NaCl and CaCO3.


Q.23. Assertion: Common salt is used for the preparation of many chemicals such as sodium hydroxide, bleaching powder, baking soda, washing soda etc.
Reason : Main source of sodium chloride is sea water.


Q.24. Assertion : AlCl3 is a basic salt.
Reason: AlCl3 is a salt of strong acid and a weak base.


Q.25. Assertion : Baking soda is prepared by chlor-alkali process.
Reason: Brine decomposes to sodium hydroxide on passing electricity through it.


Q.26. Assertion : Salt of KNO, is formed by strong base and weak acid.
Reason: Salt of NH Cl is formed by weak base and strong acid.


Q.27. Assertion : Strength of the acid or base decreases with dilution.
Reason: Ionization of an acid or a base increases with dilution.


Q.28. Assertion : Higher the H ion concentration, lower is the pH value.
Reason: The pH of a neutral solution=7, that of a basic solution < 7 and that of an acidic solution > 7.


Q.29. Assertion : CH2COOH is used as vinegar in cooking and food preservatives.
Reason: Strong acids are those acids which ionise almost completely in aqueous solution and hence produce
a large amount of Hions.


Q.30. Assertion : Tooth decay starts when the pH of the mouth is lower than 5.5.
Reason: Enamel starts corroding below 5.5 pH.

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