Tuesday 21 September 2021

probability mcqs

Probability mcqs

Q1. A dice is thrown. Find the probability of getting an even number.

(A) 2/3

(B) 1

(C) 5/6

(D) 1/2

Q2. Two coins are thrown at the same time. Find the probability of getting both heads.

(A) 3/4

(B) 1/4

(C) 1/2

(D) 0

Q3. Two dice are thrown simultaneously. The probability of getting a sum of 9 is:

(A) 1/10

(B) 3/10

(C) 1/9

(D) 4/9

Q4. 100 cards are numbered from 1 to 100. Find the probability of getting a prime number.

(A) 3/4

(B) 27/50

(C) 1/4

(D) 29/100

Q5. A bag contains 5 red balls and some blue balls .If the probability of drawing a blue ball is double that of a red ball, then the number of blue balls in a bag is:

(A) 5

(B) 10

(C) 15

(D) 20

Q6.  A box of 600 bulbs contains 12 defective bulbs. One bulb is taken out at random from this box. Then the probability that it is non-defective bulb is:

(A) 143/150

(B) 147/150

(C) 1/25

(D) 1/50

Q7. Cards marked with numbers 2 to 101 are placed in a box and mixed thoroughly. One card is drawn from this box randomly, then the probability that the number on card is a perfect square.

(A) 9/100

(B) 1/10

(C) 3/10

(D) 19/100

Q8. What is the probability of getting 53 Mondays in a leap year?

(A) 1/7

(B) 53/366

(C) 2/7

(D) 7/366

Q9. A card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards. Find the probability of getting a king of red suit.

(A) 1/26

(B) 3/26

(C) 7/52

(D) 1/13

Q10. A game of chance consists of spinning an arrow which is equally likely to come to rest pointing to one of the number 1,2,3……12 ,then the probability that it will point to an odd number is:

(A) 1/6

(B) 1/12

(C) 7/12

(D) 5/12

Q11. A game consists of tossing a one rupee coin 3 times and noting its outcome each time. Aryan wins if all the tosses give the same result i.e. three heads or three tails and loses otherwise. Then the probability that Aryan will lose the game.

(A) 3/4

(B) 1/2

(C) 1

(D) 1/4

Q12. Riya and Kajal are friends. Probability that both will have the same birthday isthe same birthday is:

(A) 364/365

(B) 31/365

(C) 1/365

(D) 1/133225

Q13. A number x is chosen at random from the numbers -2, -1, 0 , 1, 2. Then the probability that x2 < 2 is?

(A) 1/5

(B) 2/5

(C) 3/5

(D) 4/5

Q14. A jar contains 24 marbles. Some are red and others are white. If a marble is drawn at random from the jar, the probability that it is red is 2/3, then the number of white marbles in the jar is:

(A) 10

(B) 6

(C) 8

(D) 7

Q15. A number is selected at random from first 50 natural numbers. Then the probability that it is a multiple of 3 and 4 is:

(A) 7/50

(B) 4/25

(C) 1/25

(D) 2/25

16. The probability of event equal to zero is called;

(a) Unsure event

(b) Sure Event

(c) Impossible event

(d) Independent event

17. The probability that cannot exist among the following:

(a) ⅔

(b) -1.5

(c) 15%

(d) 0.7

18. If P(E) = 0.07, then what is the probability of ‘not E’?

(a) 0.93

(b) 0.95

(c) 0.89

(d) 0.90

19. A bag has 3 red balls and 5 green balls. If we take a ball from the bag, then what is the probability of getting red balls only?

(a) 3

(b) 8

(c) ⅜

(d) 8/3

20. A bag has 5 white marbles, 8 red marbles and 4 purple marbles. If we take a marble randomly, then what is the probability of not getting purple marble?

(a) 0.5

(b) 0.66

(c) 0.08

(d) 0.77

21. A dice is thrown in the air. The probability of getting odd numbers is

(a) ½

(b) 3/2

(c) 3

(d) 4

22. If we throw two coins in the air, then the probability of getting both tails will be:

(a) ½

(b) ¼

(c) 2

(d) 4

23. If two dice are thrown in the air, the probability of getting sum as 3 will be

(a) 2/18

(b) 3/18

(c) 1/18

(d) 1/36

24. A card is drawn from the set of 52 cards. Find the probability of getting a queen card.

(a) 1/26

(b) 1/13

(c) 4/53

(d) 4/13

25. A fish tank has 5 male fish and 8 female fish. The probability of fish taken out is a male fish:

(a) 5/8

(b) 5/13

(c) 13/5

(d) 5

26. The sum of the probabilities of all the elementary events of an experiment is

(a) 0.5

(b) 1

(c) 2

(d) 1.5

27. A card is selected at random from a well shuffled deck of 52 playing cards. The probability of its being a face card is

(a) 3/13

(b) 4/13

(c) 6/13

(d) 9/13

28. If an event cannot occur, then its probability is

(a) 1 

(b) 3/4 

(c) 1/2

(d) 0

29. An event is very unlikely to happen. Its probability is closest to

(a) 0.0001 

(b) 0.001 

(c) 0.01 

(d) 0.1

30. If P(A) denotes the probability of an event A, then

(a) P(A) < 0 

(b) P(A) > 1 

(c) 0 ≤ P(A) ≤ 1 

(d) –1 ≤ P(A) ≤ 1

31. The probability that a non leap year selected at random will contain 53 Sundays is

(a) 1/7

(b) 2/7

(c) 3/7

(d) 5/7

32. If the probability of an event is p, the probability of its complementary event will be

(a) p – 1 

(b) p 

(c) 1 – p 

(d) 1 – 1/p

33. A card is drawn from a deck of 52 cards. The event E is that card is not an ace of hearts. The number of outcomes favourable to E is

(a) 4 

(b) 13 

(c) 48 

(d) 51

34.. The probability of getting a bad egg in a lot of 400 is 0.035. The number of bad eggs in the lot is

(a) 7 

(b) 14 

(c) 21 

(d) 28

35. Two players, Sangeeta and Reshma, play a tennis match. It is known that the probability of Sangeeta winning the match is 0.62. The probability of Reshma winning the match is

(a) 0.62

(b) 0.38

(c) 0.58

(d) 0.42

Question 36
If two different dice are rolled together, the probability of getting an even number on both dice is:
(a) 1/36
(b) 1/2
(c) 1/6
(d) 1/4

Question 37
The probability that a number selected at random from the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, …, 15 is a multiple of 4 is
(a) 4/15
(b) 2/15
(c) 1/5
(d) 1/3

Question 38
An event is very unlikely to happen. Its probability is closest to:
(a) 0.0001
(b) 0.001
(c) 0.01
(d) 0.1

Question 39
If the probability of an event is P, the probability of its complementary event will be:
(a) P – 1
(b) P
(c) 1 – p
(d) 1 – 1p

Question 40
In a family of 3 children, the probability of having atleast one boy is:
(a) 7/8
(b) 1/8
(c) 5/8
(d) 3/4

Question 41
If P(A) denotes the probability of an event then:
(a) P(A) < 0
(b) P(A) > 0
(c) 0 ≤ P(A) ≤ 1
(d) -1 ≤ P(A) ≤ 0

Question 42
A card is selected from a deck of 52 cards. The probability of its being a red face card is:
(a) 326
(b) 313
(c) 213
(d) 12

Question 43
The probability than a non-leap year selected at random will contain 53 Sundays is:
(a) 17
(b) 27
(c) 37
(d) 57

Question 44
When a die is thrown, the probability of getting an odd number less them 3 is:
(a) 16
(b) 13
(c) 12
(d) 0

Question 45
A card is drawn from a deck of 52 cards. The event E is that card is not an ace of hearts. The number of outcomes favourable to E is:
(a) 4
(b) 13
(c) 48
(d) 51

Question 46
The probability of getting a bad egg in a lot of 400 is 0.035. The number of bad eggs in the lot is:
(a) 7
(b) 14
(c) 21
(d) 28

Question 47
A girl calculate that the probability of her winning the first prize in a lottery is 0.08. If 6000 tickets are sold, how many tickets has she bought?
(a) 40
(b) 240
(c) 480
(d) 750

Question 48
One ticket is drawn at random from a bag containing tickets numbered 1 to 40. The probability that the selected ticket has a number which is a multiple of 5 is:
(a) 15
(b) 35
(c) 45
(d) 13

Question 49
Someone is asked to take a number from 1 to 100. The probability that it is a prime is:
(a) 15
(b) 625
(c) 14
(d) 1350

Question 50
A school has five houses A, B, C, D and E. A class has 23 students, 4 from house A, 8 from house B, 5 from house C, 2 from house D and rest from house E. A single student is selected at random to be the class monitor. The probability that the selected student is not from A, B and C is:
(a) 423
(b) 623
(c) 823
(d) 1723

(51)   The probability of a leap year selected at random contain 53 Sunday is:

         (a) 53/ 366

(b) 1/7

(c) 2/7

(d) 53/365

(52)   A bag contains 3 red and 2 blue marbles. A marble is drawn at random. The probability of drawing a black ball is :

         (a) 3/5

(b) 2/5

(c) 0/5

(d) 1/5

(53)   The probability that it will rain tomorrow is 0.85. What is the probability that it will not rain tomorrow

         (a) 0.25

(b) 0.145

(c) 3/20

(d) none of these

(54)   What is the probability that a number selected from the numbers (1, 2, 3,..........,15) is a multiple of 4?

  (a) 1/5

(b) 4/5

(c) 2/15

(d) 1/3

(55)   What are the total outcomes when we throw three coins?

 (a) 4

(b) 5

(c) 8

(d) 7

(56)   The probability that a prime number selected at random from the numbers (1,2,3, ..........35) is :

(a) 12/35

(b) 11/35

(c) 13/35

(d) none of these

(57)   The sum of the probability of an event and non event is :

 (a) 2

(b) 1

(c) 0

(d) none of these.

(58)   The following probabilities are given; choose the correct answer for that which is not possible.
 (a) 0.15

(b) 2/7

(c) 7/5

(d) none of these.

(59)   If three coins are tossed simultaneously, than the probability of getting at least two heads, is

 (a) 1/4

(b) 3/8

(c) 1/2

(d) 1/8

(60)   A letter is chosen at random from the letters of the word �ASSASSINATION�. The probability that the letter chosen has:

(a) 6/13

(b) 7/13

(c) 1

(d) none of these.

61. The probability of getting exactly one head in tossing a pair of coins is
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 1/3

Question6 2. The probability of getting a spade card from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards is

63. The probability of getting less than 3 in a single throw of a die is

64. The total number of events of throwing 10 coins simultaneously is
(a) 1024
(b) 512
(c) 100
(d) 10

6 5. Which of the following can be the probability of an event?
(a) – 0.4
(b) 1.004
(c) 1823
(d) 107

66. Three coins are tossed simultaneously. The probability of getting all heads is

67. One card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards. The probability of getting a king of red colour is

68. One card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 playing cards. The probability of getting a non-face card is

69. The chance of throwing 5 with an ordinary die is

70. The letters of the word SOCIETY are placed at random in a row. The probability of getting a vowel is

71. Cards bearing numbers 3 to 20 are placed in a bag and mixed thoroughly. A card is taken out from the bag at random. The probability that the number on the card taken out is an even number, is

72. The total events to throw three dice simultaneously is
(a) 6
(b) 18
(c) 81
(d) 216

73. The probability of getting a consonant from the word MAHIR

74. A girl calculates that the probability of her winning the first prize in a lottery is 8100. If 6,000 tickets are sold, how many tickets has she bought?
(a) 400
(b) 750
(c) 480
(d) 240

Question 75. A card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards. The probability of a seven of spade is

76. A bag contains 3 red balls and 5 black balls. A ball is drawn at random from the bag. The probability that a red ball drawn

77. A child has a die whose six faces show the letters as given below:


The die is thrown once. The probability of getting a ‘D’ is

Probability Multiple Choice Questions And Answers Pdf Question 18. One card is drawn

78. A lot consists of 144 ball pens of which 20 ae defective and the others are good. Tanu will buy a pen if it is good but will not buy if it is defective. The shopkeeper draws one pen at random and gives it to her. The probability that she will buy that pen is

79. A ticket is drawn at random from a bag containing tickets numbered from 1 to 40. The probability that the selected ticket has a number which is a multiple of 5 is

80.The probability of getting exactly one head in tossing a pair of coins is
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 1/3

81. The probability of getting a spade card from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards is

82. The probability of getting less than 3 in a single throw of a die is

83.The total number of events of throwing 10 coins simultaneously is
(a) 1024
(b) 512
(c) 100
(d) 10

84 Which of the following can be the probability of an event?
(a) – 0.4
(b) 1.004
(c) 1823
(d) 107

85. Three coins are tossed simultaneously. The probability of getting all heads is

86.One card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards. The probability of getting a king of red colour is

87. One card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 playing cards. The probability of getting a non-face card is

88.. The chance of throwing 5 with an ordinary

MCQ Questions For Class 10 Maths Question
89 The letters of the word SOCIETY are placed at random in a row. The probability of getting a vowel is

90. Cards bearing numbers 3 to 20 are placed in a bag and mixed thoroughly. A card is taken out from the bag at random. The probability that the number on the card taken out is an even number, is

91. The total events to throw three dice simultaneously is
(a) 6
(b) 18
(c) 81
(d) 216

92. The probability of getting a consonant from the word MAHIR is

93.. A girl calculates that the probability of her winning the first prize in a lottery is 8100. If 6,000 tickets are sold, how many tickets has she bought?
(a) 400
(b) 750
(c) 480
(d) 240


94. A card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards. The probability of a seven of spade is

95.A bag contains 3 red balls and 5 black balls. A ball is drawn at random from the bag. The probability that a red ball drawn is

96. A child has a die whose six faces show the letters as given below:


The die is thrown once. The probability of getting a ‘D’ is

97.One card is drawn from a well-shuffled deck of 52 cards. The probability that the card will not be an ace is

Answer/ Explanation

99. A lot consists of 144 ball pens of which 20 ae defective and the others are good. Tanu will buy a pen if it is good but will not buy if it is defective. The shopkeeper draws one pen at random and gives it to her. The probability that she will buy that pen is

100A ticket is drawn at random from a bag containing tickets numbered from 1 to 40. The probability that the selected ticket has a number which is a multiple of 5 is

101. Which of the following cannot be the probability of an event? [Delhi 2011]
(a) 1.5
(b) 35
(c) 25%
(d) 0.3

102 A coin is tossed twice. The probability of getting both heads is [Foreign 2013]

103. A fair dice is rolled. Probability of getting a number x such that 1 ≤ x ≤ 6, is
(a) 0
(b) > 1
(c) between 0 and 1
(d) 1

104 The sum of the probabilities of all elementary events of an experiment is p, then
(a) 0 < p < 1
(b) 0 ≤ p < 1
(c) p = 1
(d) p = 0

105. If an event cannot occur, then its probability is [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) 1
(b) 34
(c) 12
(d) 0

106. An event is very unlikely to happen. Its probability is closest to [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) 0.0001
(b) 0.001
(c) 0.01
(d) 0.1

107. A card is drawn from a well-shuffled deck of 52 playing cards. The probability that the card will not be an ace

108. An experiment whose outcomes has to be among a set of events that are completely known but whose exact outcomes is unknown is a
(a) sample space
(b) elementary event
(c) random experiment
(d) none of these

109. The experiments which when repeated under identical conditions produce the same results or outcomes are known as
(a) random experiments
(b) probabilistic experiment
(c) elementary experiment
(d) deterministic experimen

110. For an event E, P(E) + P(E→) = q, then
(a) 0 ≤ q < 1
(b) 0 < q ≤ 1
(c) 0 < q < 1
(d) none of these

111. A man is known to speak truth 3 out of 4 times. He throws a die and a number other than six comes up. Find the probability that he reports it is a six.

112. One ticket is selected at random from 100 tickets numbered 0.0, 01, 02, ……, 99. Suppose x is the sum of digits and y is the product of digits, then probability that x = 9 and y = 0 is

113. A bag contains 5 black balls, 4 white balls and 3 red balls. If a ball is selected randomwise, the probability that it is a black or red ball is ____ .

114. The probability of a non-leap year having 53 Mondays is _______. [Foreign 2012]

115. If a random experiment is performed, then each of its outcomes is known as ______

16 The probability of selecting a rotten apple randomly from a heap of 900 apples is 0.18. What is the number of rotten apples in the heap? [AI2017]

117.From a well shuffled pack of cards, a card is drawn at random. Find the probability of getting a black queen.

118. If three different coins are tossed together, then find the probability of getting two heads. [AI 2017 (C)]

119. A die is thrown once. Find the probability of getting a number less than 3.

120. Cards bearing numbers 3 to 20 are placed in a bag and mixed thoroughly. A card is taken out from the bag at random. What is the probability that the number on the card taken out is an even number?

121. Two coins are tossed simultaneously. Find the probability of getting exactly one

122. An unbiased die is thrown, what is the probability of getting an even number.

123. If the probability of winning a game is 0.3, what is the probability of losing it?

124. A man is known to speak truth 5 out of 7 times. He throws a die and a number other than 6 comes up. Find the probability that he reports it is a six.

125The probability of getting exactly one head in tossing a pair of coins is
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 1/3

126. The probability of getting a spade card from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards is

127. The probability of getting less than 3 in a single throw of a die

128 The total number of events of throwing 10 coins simultaneously is
(a) 1024
(b) 512
(c) 100
(d) 10

129 Which of the following can be the probability of an event?
(a) – 0.4
(b) 1.004
(c) \(\frac{18}{23}\)
(d) \(\frac{10}{7}\)

130. Three coins are tossed simultaneously. The probability of getting all heads is

131 One card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards. The probability of getting a king of red colour is

132. One card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 playing cards. The probability of getting a non-face card is

133. The chance of throwing 5 with an ordinary dice is

134. The letters of the word SOCIETY are placed at random in a row. The probability of getting a vowel is

135.. Cards bearing numbers 3 to 20 are placed in a bag and mixed thoroughly. A card is taken out from the bag at random. The probability that the number on the card taken out is an even number, is

136.The total events to throw three dice simultaneously is
(a) 6
(b) 18
(c) 81
(d) 216

137. The probability of getting a consonant from the word MAHIR is

138. A girl calculates that the probability of her winning the first prize in a lottery is \(\frac{8}{100}\). If 6,000 tickets are sold, how many tickets has she bought?
(a) 400
(b) 750
(c) 480
(d) 240

139. A card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards. The probability of a seven of spade is

140.. A bag contains 3 red balls and 5 black balls. A ball is drawn at random from the bag. The probability that a red ball drawn is

141. A child has a die whose six faces show the letters as given below:
The die is thrown once. The probability of getting a ‘D’ is

142. One card is drawn from a well-shuffled deck of 52 cards. The probability that the card will not be an ace is

143.. A lot consists of 144 ball pens of which 20 ae defective and the others are good. Tanu will buy a pen if it is good but will not buy if it is defective. The shopkeeper draws one pen at random and gives it to her. The probability that she will buy that pen is

144. A ticket is drawn at random from a bag containing tickets numbered from 1 to 40. The probability that the selected ticket has a number which is a multiple of 5 is

145. Which of the following cannot be the probability of an event? [Delhi 2011]
(a) 1.5
(b) 3/5
(c) 25%
(d) 0.3

146. A coin is tossed twice. The probability of getting both heads is [Foreign 2013]

147.A fair dice is rolled. Probability of getting a number x such that 1 ≤ x ≤ 6, is
(a) 0
(b) > 1
(c) between 0 and 1
(d) 1

148.The sum of the probabilities of all elementary events of an experiment is p, then
(a) 0 < p < 1
(b) 0 ≤ p < 1
(c) p = 1
(d) p = 0

149. If an event cannot occur, then its probability is [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) 1
(b) 5/3
(c) 1/2
(d) 0

150. An event is very unlikely to happen. Its probability is closest to [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) 0.0001
(b) 0.001
(c) 0.01
(d) 0.1

151A card is drawn from a well-shuffled deck of 52 playing cards. The probability that the card will not be an ace is

152. An experiment whose outcomes has to be among a set of events that are completely known but whose exact outcomes is unknown is a
(a) sample space
(b) elementary event
(c) random experiment
(d) none of these

153 The experiments which when repeated under identical conditions produce the same results or outcomes are known as
(a) random experiments
(b) probabilistic experiment
(c) elementary experiment
(d) deterministic experiment

154. For an event E, P(E) + P\((\overrightarrow{\mathrm{E}})\) = q, then
(a) 0 ≤ q < 1
(b) 0 < q ≤ 1
(c) 0 < q < 1
(d) none of these

155 A man is known to speak truth 3 out of 4 times. He throws a die and a number other than six comes up. Find the probability that he reports it is a six.

156. One ticket is selected at random from 100 tickets numbered 0.0, 01, 02, ……, 99. Suppose x is the sum of digits and y is the product of digits, then probability that x = 9 and y = 0 is

157. A bag contains 5 black balls, 4 white balls and 3 red balls. If a ball is selected randomwise, the probability that it is a black or red ball is ____ .

158 The probability of a non-leap year having 53 Mondays is _______. [Foreign 2012]

159. If a random experiment is performed, then each of its outcomes is known as ______ .

160. The probability of selecting a rotten apple randomly from a heap of 900 apples is 0.18. What is the number of rotten apples in the heap? [AI2017]

161. From a well shuffled pack of cards, a card is drawn at random. Find the probability of getting a black queen.

162. If three different coins are tossed together, then find the probability of getting two heads. [AI 2017 (C)]

163. A die is thrown once. Find the probability of getting a number less than 3.

164. Cards bearing numbers 3 to 20 are placed in a bag and mixed thoroughly. A card is taken out from the bag at random. What is the probability that the number on the card taken out is an even number?

165 Two coins are tossed simultaneously. Find the probability of getting exactly one head.

166. An unbiased die is thrown, what is the probability of getting an even number.

167If the probability of winning a game is 0.3, what is the probability of losing it?

168. A man is known to speak truth 5 out of 7 times. He throws a die and a number other than 6 comes up. Find the probability that he reports it is a six.

169. Which of the following cannot be the probability of an event?​

(a) 0.7

(b) 15%

(c) 2/3

(d) -1.5

170. The probability that a non leap year selected at random will have 53 Sundays is

(a) 1/7

(b) 2/7

(c) 3/7

(d) 4/7

171.The probability of getting a prime number in single throw of a dice is:​

(a) Zero

(b) 1/2

(c) 1/4

(d) 1/3

172. A number is selected at random from 1 to 75. The probability that it is a perfect square is

(a) 4/45

(b) 10/75

(c) 6/75

(d) 8/75

173. If a die is thrown once, the probability of getting a prime number is​

(a) 1/4

(b) 1/2

(c) 1/5

(d) 1/3

174. If the probability of winning a game is 0.995, then the probability of losing is

(a) 0.05

(b) 1

(c) 0.005

(d) None of the these

175. What is the probability of a sure event?​

(a) greater than 1

(b) Between 0 and 1

(c) 0

(d) 1

176. The probability of getting a bad egg in a lot of 400 is 0.035. The number of bad eggs in the lot is

(a) 7

(b) 14

(c) 21

(d) 28

177. When a die is thrown once, the probability of getting an odd number less than 3 is

(a) 1/6

(b) 1/3

(c) 1/2

(d) 0

178. What are the chances that no two boys are sitting together for a photograph if there are 5 girls and 2 boys? 

(a) 1/21

(b) 4/7

(c) 2/7

(d) 5/7

179. The probability expressed as a percentage of a particular occurrence can never be

(a) less than 100

(b) less than 0

(c) greater than 1

(d) anything but a whole number

180. Two coins are tossed simultaneously. The probability of getting atmost one head is

(a) 1/4

(b) 1/2

(c) 3/4

(d) 1

181. If a letter of English alphabet is chosen at random, then the probability that the letter is a consonant is:

(a) 11/13

(b) 5/26

(c) 10/13

(d) 21/26

182.The probability that a non leap year will have 53 Fridays and 53 Saturdays is

(a) 1/7

(b) 2/7

(c) 0

(d) 3/7

183. A letter of English alphabets is chosen at random. The probability that the letter chosen is a vowel is

(a) 1/26

(b) 5/26

(c) 4/26

(d) 2/26

184.What is the probability of getting two heads when a coin is tossed twice?

(a) 1/2

(b) 3/8

(c) 1/4

(d) None of these

185. The probability of a sure event is

(a) 100

(b) 0.1

(c) 1

(d) 0

186. If a die is rolled, the probability of getting a number between 1 and 6 is

(a) 1/6

(b) 2/6

(c) 3/4

(d) 2/3

187. A die is thrown once, the probability of getting a prime number is

(a) 2/3

(b) 1/3

(c) 1/2

(d) 1/6

188.. The probability that a non leap year selected at random will contain 53 Sunday's is

(a) 1/7

(b) 2/7

(c) 3/7

(d) 5/7

189. The probability of selecting a queen of diamonds when a card is drawn from well shuffled pack of 52 cards is

(a) 1/52

(b) 1/26

(c) 1/13

(d) 16/52

190. What is the probability of getting no head when two coins are tossed?

(a) 1/4

(b) 3/4

(c) 1/2

(d) None of these

191. A bag contains 4 red balls and 3 green balls. A ball is drawn at random. The probability of drawing a green ball is

(a) 1/7

(b) 2/7

(c) 3/7

(d) 4/7

192. A card is drawn from a pack of 52 cards at random. The probability of getting neither an ace nor a king card is

(a) 2/13

(b) 8/13

(c) 4/13

(d) 11/13

Question 193. The probability of getting exactly one head in tossing a pair of coins is

(a) 0

(b) 1

(c) 1/3


194. The probability of getting a spade card from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards is

195. The probability of getting less than 3 in a single throw of a die is

196. The total number of events of throwing 10 coins simultaneously is

(a) 1024

(b) 512

(c) 100

(d) 10

197. Which of the following can be the probability of an event?

(a) – 0.4

(b) 1.004

(c) 1823

(d) 107

198.. Three coins are tossed simultaneously. The probability of getting all heads

199. One card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards. The probability of getting a king of red colour is

200.. One card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 playing cards. The probability of getting a non-face card is

201. The chance of throwing 5 with an ordinary die

202 The letters of the word SOCIETY are placed at random in a row. The probability of getting a vowel is

203. Cards bearing numbers 3 to 20 are placed in a bag and mixed thoroughly. A card is taken out from the bag at random. The probability that the number on the card taken out is an even number, is

204 .The total events to throw three dice simultaneously is

(a) 6

(b) 18

(c) 81

(d) 216

205. The probability of getting a consonant from the word MAHIR is

206. A girl calculates that the probability of her winning the first prize in a lottery is 8100. If 6,000 tickets are sold, how many tickets has she bought?

(a) 400

(b) 750

(c) 480


207. A card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards. The probability of a seven of spade is

208. A bag contains 3 red balls and 5 black balls. A ball is drawn at random from the bag. The probability that a red ball drawn is

209. A child has a die whose six faces show the letters as given below:
The die is thrown once. The probability of getting d

210.One card is drawn from a well-shuffled deck of 52 cards. The probability that the card will not be an ace is

211. A lot consists of 144 ball pens of which 20 ae defective and the others are good. Tanu will buy a pen if it is good but will not buy if it is defective. The shopkeeper draws one pen at random and gives it to her. The probability that she will buy that pen is

212. A ticket is drawn at random from a bag containing tickets numbered from 1 to 40. The probability that the selected ticket has a number which is a multiple of 5 is

213. Which of the following cannot be the probability of an event? [Delhi 2011]

(a) 1.5

(b) 35

(c) 25%

(d) 0.3

214. A coin is tossed twice. The probability of getting both heads is [Foreign 2013]

215.Bag contain 10 back and 20 white balls, One ball is drawn at random. What is the probability that ball is white

A 1

B 2323

C 1313

D 4343

216.A box contains 5 green, 4 yellow and 3 white balls. Three balls are drawn at random. What is the probability that they are not of same colour.

A 52555255

B 355355

C 41444144

D 344344

217.From a pack of 52 cards, two cards are drawn together, what is the probability that both the cards are kings

A 21212121

B 22212221

C 12211221

D 113113

218.A speaks truth in 75% of cases and B in 80% of cases. In what percentage of cases are they likely to contradict each other, narrating the same incident

A 30%

B 35%

C 40%

D 45%

219.A box contains 20 electric bulbs, out of which 4 are defective. Two bulbs are chosen at random from this box. The probability that at least one of these is defective is

A 719719

B 619619

C 519519

D 419

220.From a pack of 52 cards, 1 card is drawn at random. Find the probability of a face card drawn.

A 413413

B 152152

C 1414

D None of above

221.A card is drawn from a pack of 52 cards. The probability of getting a queen of club or a king of heart is

A 113113

B 213213

C 126126

D 152152

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