Saturday 30 October 2021

cell 9th cbse mcqs

The Fundamental Unit of Life Class 9 MCQs Questions with Answers

1.Which of the following can be made into crystal?
(a) A bacterium
(b) An Amoeba
(c) A virus
(d) A sperrm
2.A cell will swell up if
(a) the concentration of water molecules in the cell is higher than the concentration of water molecules in the surrounding medium.
(b) the concentration of water molecules in the surrounding medium is higher than water molecules concentration in the cell.
(c) the concentration of water molecules is
same in the cell and in the surrounding medium.
(d) concentration of water molecules does not matter.

3.Chromosomes are made up of
(a) DNA
(b) Protein
(c) DNA and protein
(d) RNA

4.Which of these options are not a function of ribosomes?
(i) It helps in manufacture of protein molecules.
(ii) It helps in manufacture of enzymes.
(iii) It helps in manufacture of hormones.
(iv) It helps in manufacture of starch molecules.
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (iii) and (iv)
(d) (iv) and (i)

5 Which of these is not related to endoplasmic reticulum?
(a) It behaves as a transport channel for proteins between nucleus and cytoplasm.
(b) It transports materials between various regions in the cytoplasm.
(c) It can be the site of energy generation.
(d) It can be the site for some biochemical activities of the cell

6 Following are a few definitions of osmosis:
Read carefully and select the correct definition.
(a) Movement of water molecules from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration through a semi-permeable membrane.
(b) Movement of solvent molecules from its higher concentration to lower concentration.
(c) Movement of solvent molecules from higher concentration to lower concentration of solution through a permeable membrane.
(d) Movement of solute molecules from lower concentration to higher concentration of solution through a semi permeable membrane.

7.Plasmolysis in a plant cell is defined as
(a) breakdown (lysis) of plasma membrane in hypotonie medium
(b) shrinkageof cytoplasm in hypertonic medium
(c) shrinkage of nucleoplasm
(d) none of them

8.Which of the following are covered by a single membrane?
(a) Mitochondria
(b) Vacuole
(c) Lysosome
(d) Plastid

9.Find out the false sentence.
(a) Nucleus is involved with the formation of lysosomes.
(b) Nucleus, mitochondria and plastid have DNA, hence they are able to make their own structural proteins.
(c) Mitochondria is said to be the power house of the cell as ATP is generated in them.
(d) Cytoplasm is called as protoplasm.

10.Find out the correct sentence.
(a) Enzymes packed in lysosomes are made through RER (rough endoplasmic reticulum).
(b) Rough endoplasmic reticulum and smooth endoplasmic reticulum produce lipid and protein respectively.
(c) Endoplasmic reticulum is rélated to the destruction of plasma membrane.
(d) Nucleoid is present inside the nucleoplasm of eukaryotic nucleus.

11.Which cell organelle plays a crucial role in detoxifring many poisons and drugs in a cell?
(a) Golgi apparatus
(b) Lysosomes
(c) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
(d) Vacuole

12.The proteins and lipids, essential for building the cell membrane, are manufactured by
(a) rough endoplasmic reticulum
(b) golgi apparatus
(c) plasma membrane
(d) mitochondria

13.The undefined nuclear region of prokaryotes is also known as
(a) nucleus
(b) nucleolus
(c) nucleic acid
(d) nucleoid

14.The cell organelle involved in forming complex sugars from simple sugars are
(a) endoplasmic reticulum
(b) ribosomes
(c) plastids
(d) golgi apparatus

15.Which out of the following is not a function of vacuole?
(a) Storage
(b) Providing turgidity and rigidity to the cell
(c) Waste excretion
(d) Locomotion

16.Amoeba acquires its food through a process, termed
(a) exocytosis
(b) endocytosis
(c) plasmolysis
(d) exocytosis and endocytosis both

Question 17.
Cell wall of which one of these is not made up of cellulose?
(a) Bacteria
(b) Hydrilla
(c) Mango tree
(d) neem

18.Silver nitrate solution is used to study
(a) endoplasmic reticulum
(b) golgi apparatus
(c) nucleus
(d) mitochondria

19.Organelle other than nucleus, containing DNA is
(a) endoplasmic reticulum
(b) golgi apparatus
(c) mitochondria
(d) lysosomes

20.Kitchen of the cell is
(a) mitochondria
(b) endoplasmic reticulum
(c) chioroplast
(d) golgi apparatus

21.Lipid molecules in the cell are synthesised by
(a) smooth endoplasmic reticulum
(b) rough endoplasmic reticulum
(c) golgi apparatus
(d) plastids

22.Cell arises from pre-existing cell was stated by
(a) Haeckel
(b) Virchow
(c) Hooke
(d) Schleiden

23 Cell theory was given by
(a) Schleiden and Schwann
(b) Virchow
(c) Hooke
(d) Haeckel

24.The only cell organelle seen in prokaryotic cell is
(a) mitochondria
(b) ribosomes
(c) plastids
(d) chloroplqst

25.Organelle without a cell membrane is
(a) ribosome
(b) golgi apparatus
(c) chioroplast
(d) nucleus

26.1 μm is
(a) 10-6 m
(b) 10-9 m
(c) 10-10 m
(d) 10-3 m

27.Lysosome arises from
(a) endoplasmic reticulum
(b) golgi apparatus
(c) nucleus
(d) mitochondria

28.Living cells were discovered by
(a) Robert Hooke
(b) Purkinje
(c) Leeuwenhoek
(d) Robert Brown

29.Select the odd one out.
(a) The movement of water across a semi permeable membrane is affected by the amount of substances dissolved in it.
(b) Membranes are made of organic molecules like proteins and lipids.
(c) Molecules soluble in organic solvents can easily pass through the membrane.
(d) Plasma membranes contain chitin sugar in

30.what is structural functional unit if life is called 

Fill in the blanks

31. …………… is a Latin word for ‘a little room’.

32. Plant cells are stained using the stain called ……………

33. Cells were first discovered by ……………. in 1665.

34. Leeuwenhoek (1674), with the improved microscope, discovered ………….. the in pond water for the first time.

35. Virchow stated that ……………. arise from pre-existing cells.

36. The largest cell is …………….

37. The …………. and …………… of cells are related to the specific function they perform.

38. The process of …………… helps in movement of carbon dioxide or oxygen across the cell membrane.

39. The movement of water molecules through a selectively permeable membrane is called …………….

40. The …………… of the cell membrane enables the cell to engulf in food and other material from its external environment by process called endocytosis.

41. The chromatin material gets organised in the form of ………….. when the cell is about to divide.

42. ………….. and …………. help in building the cell membrane by the process of membrane biogenesis.

43. The hydrolytic enzymes present in the iysosomes are synthesised in the ………………

14. Chromoplasts that contain …………… are called chioroplasts.

45. The primary function of leucoplasts is to ……………

46Which plastids are colourless?




D.All of the above

E.None of the above

47.An unripe green fruit changes colour when it ripens. The reason being:

A.Chromoplasts changes to chlorophyll

B.Chromoplasts changes to chromosomes

C.Chromosomes changes to chromoplasts

D.Chloroplast changes to chromoplasts

5.None of the above

48.The phenomenon where cytoplasms shrink in a hypertonic medium is called:





E.None of the above

49.________ is called the energy currency of the cell

A.Endoplasmic reticulum




E.None of the above

50.________ is called the powerhouse of the cell




D.Red blood cells

E.None of the above

51.________ coined the term “cell.”



C.Robert Hooke

D.Anton Von Leeuwenhoek

E.None of the above

52.Which of the following statements is incorrect? 

A.Cytoplasm is also known as protoplasm

B.Lysosomes are known as the suicide bags of the cell

C.Mitochondria has its own DNA

D.All of the above are incorrect

E.None of the above

53.Which of the following is not a function of the vacuole in plants?

A.They store toxic metabolic wastes

B.They help with the process of cell division

C.They help to maintain turgidity

D.They provide structurally support

E.None of the above

54.Where are the essential proteins and lipids required for cell membrane, manufactured?



C.Endoplasmic reticulum


E.None of the above

55.The process by which water moves through a semi-permeable membrane from a region of high concentration to a region of lower concentration, thereby equalizing water concentration is called:




D.All of the above

E.None of the above

56. Which of the following statement marks as a difference between plant cell and animal cell?

(a) Plant cells have cell wall which animal cells do not.

(b) Plant cells do not have vacuole while animal cells do have.

(c) Plant cells have only cell membrane while animal cells have both cell wall as well as cell membrane.

(d) Plant cells have more plastids while animal cells have few plastids

57. Endoplasmic reticulum one of the cell organelles, exists as a membranous network that extends from outer membrane of nucleus to the plasma membrane making a connection between them.

Which of the following statements is not related to the endoplasmic reticulum?

(a) It behaves as transport channel for proteins between nucleus and cytoplasm.

(b) It transports materials between various regions in cytoplasm.

(c) It can be the site of energy generation.

(d) It can be the site of some biochemical activities of the cell.

58. Osmosis is a process by which molecules of a solvent tend to pass through a semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated solution into a more concentrated one. Can you pick out the option among the following which does not belong to this process?

(a) The movement of water across a semipermeable membrane is affected by the amount of substances dissolved in it.

(b) Membranes are made of organic molecules such as proteins and lipids.

(c) Molecules soluble in organic solvents can easily pass through the membrane.

(d) Plasma membranes contain chitin sugar in plants.

59.The nucleus controls all the activities of the cell and acts as a site of DNA material and protein synthesis. It is composed of some components which all together give the nucleus its functionality. Here is shown a figure of nucleus with some of its components labeled as A, B, C and D. can you name these components correctly?

(a) A – Nucleons; B – Chromatin; C – Nuclear membrane; D – Nucleoplasm

(b) A – Nucleus; B – Chromatin; C – Nuclear membrane; D – Nucleoplasm

(c) A – Nucleolus; B – Chromatin; C – Nuclear membrane; D – Nucleoplasm

(d) A – Nucleolus; B – Chromatin; C – Nuclear membrane; D – Nuclear wall

60. You must have observed that a fruit when unripe is green but it becomes beautifully coloured when ripe. According to you what is the reason behind this colour change

(a) Chloroplasts change to chromosplasts

(b) Chromosplasts change to chromosomes

(c) Chloroplasts change to chromosomes

(d) Chromosplasts change to chloroplasts

61.. Rahul’s mother was going to make pickle. For this she cut the vegetables into small pieces and put them in the sun for few hours. Rahul was observing all her activities very curiously and asked his mother if why she had put the salted vegetables in the sun. among the following what might be the most appropriate answer for his question?

(a) So that the pickle may get extra flavour.

(b) So that the cut vegetables may absorb the vitamin d as a nutrient from the sun rays.

(c) So that the vegetables may lose all the water by diffusion and evaporation and become dry.

(d) So that the salt may get evenly and properly absorbed by the vegetables.

62. The process of plasmolysis in plant cell is defined as:

(a) Breakdown of plasma membrane in hypotonic solution.

(b) Shrinkage of cytoplasm in hypertonic medium.

(c) Shrinkage of Nucleoplasm.

(d) None of these

63. Mitochondria are the sites of respiration in the cell. They oxidize carbohydrates and fats present in the cell to produce carbon dioxide, water and a lot of energy. The energy so released is stored in the form of ATP molecules. Since mitochondria in the cell are used to synthesize energy so, they are also called:

(a) Energy currency of the cell

(b) Energy generator of the cell

(c) Kitchen of the cell

(d) Power house of the cel

64.Cell is the structural and functional unit of life. The word cell is derived from the Latin word ‘cellula’ which means “a little room”. Can you name the scientist who coined the term cell?

(a) Robert Hooke                               

(b) Anton Von Leeuwenhoek

(c) Robert Brown                               

(d) Ernst Haeckel

65. In a test, a teacher collected the answers written by four students as the definition of osmosis as given below. Read carefully and select the correct one.

(a) Movement of water molecules from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration through a semipermeable membrane.

(b) Movement of solvent molecules from its higher concentration to lower concentration.

(c) Movement of solvent molecules from higher concentration to lower of solution through a permeable membrane.

(d) Movement of solute molecules from lower concentration to higher concentration of solution through a semipermeable membrane.

66. Among the following statements which one is incorrect?

(a) Golgi apparatus is involved with formation of lysosomes.

(b) Nucleus, mitochondria and plastid have DNA, hence they are able to make their own structural proteins.

(c) Lysosomes are called the suicide bags as they eat up their own cells.

(d) Cytoplasm is called known as protoplasm.

.67 Anjali wanted to eat rice and kidney bean (rajmah). She requested her mother to cook the same on next day. At night her mother took a cup of kidney beans and put them in a container having some water and the kept the container covered overnight. Next day it was observed that the kidney beans got swollen and were ready to be cooked. What is this phenomenon due to which kidney beans got swollen is known as?

(i) Osmosis                             

(ii) Diffusion

(iii) Endosmosis                     

(iv) Exosmosis

Choose the correct option among the following:

            (a) Only (iii)

            (b) Both (i) and (iii)

            (c) Both (i) and (iv)

            (d) Only (i)

68. A vacuole is a space or cavity within the cytoplasm of a cell, enclosed by a membrane and typically containing fluid. They are a kind of storage sacs that are very large sized in plant cell as compared to that in the animal cell.

Which among the following is not a function of the vacuole?

(a) They help to store the toxic metabolic by-products of the plant cell.

(b) They provide turgidity and rigidity to the plant cell.

(c) They help to maintain the osmotic pressure in the cell.

(d) They help the plant in its growth by the process of cell division.

69. The proteins and lipids, essential for building the cell membrane, are manufactured by:

(a) Endoplasmic reticulum

(b) Golgi apparatus

(c) Mitochondria

(d) Peroxisomes

70. The organelle that is called the powerhouse of the cell is ______

(a) Golgi bodies

(b) Lysosomes

(c) Mitochondria

(d) Ribosome

71.Vacuoles provide:

(a) Rigidity

(b) Turgidity

(c) Shape

(d) Both (a) and (b)

72.The process which occurs when dry raisins are soaked in water is called _________.

(a) Osmosis

(b) Endosmosis

(c) Endocytosis

(d) Diffusion

73.. Before scraping the inner side of cheek to prepare a temporary mount of cheek cell, the mouth is rinsed to:

(a) remove food particles 

(b) make it alkaline

(c) avoid injury

(d) make it acidic  

 74. An undefined nuclear region of Prokaryotes is known as ______

(a) nucleus

(b) nucleoid

(c) nucleolus

(d) nucleic acid

 75. While observing an onion peel slide under the microscope, Paheli noted its characteristics. Which of these does she not see?

(a) Cells attached edge to edge without intercellular space

(b) Presence of single nucleus in the cell

(c) Presence of cell wall around each rectangular cell

(d) All of these

 76. Which one of the following has their own DNA?

(a) Vacuole

(b) Mitochondria

(c) Golgi bodies

(d) Ribosome

 77. A cover slip is placed over the specimen to:

(a) prevent the tissue from drying

(b) prevent glycerine from leaking out  

(c) remove extra stain and water

(d) crush the cells in order to see the organelles clearly

 78.While observing a human cheek cell, under a microscope, what students will not observe

(a) Nucleolus 

(b) Mitochondria

(c) Nucleus

(d) Chloroplast

 79.To prepare a temporary stained mount of onion peel, a student must take the material from the:

(a) green leaf of spring onion

(b) thin layer of fleshy leaf base of onion

(c) dry scale leaf of onion

(d) crushed pulp of onion  

 80. A cell organelle that is not surrounded by a membrane is the ______.

(a) chloroplast

(b) ribosome

(c) endoplasmic reticulum

(d) Golgi apparatus  

 81. Given below are four operations for preparing a temporary mount of human cheek cells:  

(i) Taking a scraping from the inner side of the cheek and spreading it on a clean slide

(ii) Putting a drop of glycerine on the material

(iii) Adding two or three drops of methylene blue

(iv) Rinsing the mouth with fresh water and disinfectant solution 

Identify the correct sequence of these operations.


(a) (i)—(ii)—(iii)—(iv)

(b) (iv)—(i)—(iii)—(ii)

(c) (iv)—(i)—(iii)—(ii)

(d) (i)—(iii)—(ii)—(iv)

82. Gaseous exchange in cells takes place by:

(a) Exocytosis

(b) Diffusion

(c) Osmosis

(d) Endocytosis

83.Human cheek cells stained in methylene blue and mounted in glycerine were observed with the help of a compound microscope. The components of the cell which were seen are:

(a) cell wall, cytoplasm, nucleus

(b) plasma membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, mitochondria 

(c) plasma membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus

(d) plasma membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, mitochondria, lysosomes, Golgi bodies.

 84. Identify the common feature of mitochondria and plastids?

(a) Ability to produce ATP  

(b) Presence of DNA and ribosomes

(c) Presence of matrix called stroma 

(d) Deeply folded

85.……………. has lack of nuclear membrane

a) Prokaryotes

b) Eukaryotes

c) Cactus

d) Human being

 86) Basic unit of living body

a) Small room

b) Tissue

c) Hairs

d) Cell

87.………………. Is not unicellular organism

a) Cactus

b) Chlamydomonas

c) Paramecium

d) Bacteria

88.………………Is not multicellular organism

a) Human

b) Plant

c) Amoeba

d) Cactus

89.) Every multicellular organism has originated from………..

a) Human

b) Single cell

c) Bacteria

d) Tissue

90……………. Cell is not found in human body

a) Blood

b) Nerve

c) Fat

d) Electro

91.Shape and size of cell are depend on their…………….

a) Texture

b) Shape

c) Function

d) chemical

92. Human body is originated from……………

a) mother

b) Stomach of mother

c) Single cell

d) None of them

93.Each cell has certain specific component within it known as ……………………

a) Cell body

b) Cytoplasm

c) Cell organelles

d) None of l

94. Cell is seen under……………….

a) Stethoscope

b) Thermometer

c) Microscope

d) None of them

95. ……………………. Is cell organelle

a) Amoeba

b) Bacteria

c) Cytoplasm

d) Plasmodium

96) Outermost covering of cell that separates the contents of cell from its external environment

a) Cell envelope

b) Cell cover

c) Cell membrane

d) Cell protector

97. …………………….. is allows or permits the entry and exit of some material in and out of the cell

a) Cell envelope

b) Cell cover

c) Cell membrane

d) Cell protector

98. …………………. Is called selectively permeable membrane

a) Cell envelope

b) Cell cover

c) Cell membrane

d) Cell protector

99. Carbon dioxide or oxygen can move across the cell membrane by a process called……..

a) Reverse Osmosis

b) Diffusion

c) Transportation

d) Circulation

100. …………….. process plays important role in gaseous exchange between cells as well as the cell and its external environment

a) Reverse Osmosis

b) Diffusion

c) Transportation

d) Circulation

101. The movement of water molecules through such a selectively permeable membrane is called………..

a) Osmosis

b) Diffusion

c) Transportation

d) Circulation

102. The cell is swell up by ……………… solution

a) Hypertonic solution

b) Hypotonic solution

c) Isotonic solution

d) None of them

103.When the medium is behaving like hypertonic solution

a) Cell is swell up

b) Cell size retain as it is

c) Cell will shrink

d) All of them

104.) The cell will stay the same size…………………. Solution

a) Hypertonic solution

b) Hypotonic solution

c) Isotonic solution

d) None of them

105) When the medium is behaving like isotonic solution

a) Cell is swell up

b) Cell is size retain as it is

c) Cell will shrink

d) All of them

106. The plasma membrane is made up of …………………

a) Salt

b) Carbohydrates

c) Minerals

d) Lipids

107.) Cell membrane engulfed food from its external environment called

a) Reverse Osmosis

b) Diffusion

c) Endocytosis

d) Circulation

108.) Amoeba acquires its food through ………………….

a) Reverse Osmosis

b) Endocytosis

c) Transportation

d) Circulation

109.) Rigid outer cover present in plant cell

a) Plasma membrane

b) Cytoplasm

c) Vacuole

d) Cell wall

110. Plant cell wall is made up of………….

a) Cellulose

b) Carbohydrates

c) Minerals

d) Lipids

111.……………………. Is a complex substance and provides structural strength to plant

a) Cellulose

b) Carbohydrates

c) Minerals

d) Lipids

112. Water movement in plant shows osmosis results contraction and shrinkage of cell called………

a) Reverse Osmosis

b) Endocytosis

c) Transportation

d) Plasmolysis

113. Nucleus has double layered covering called ………

a) Cytoplasm

b) Nuclear membrane

c) Cell wall

d) Cell membrane

114.…………….. material present in nucleus.

a) Cytoplasm

b) Nuclear membrane

c) Fluid

d) None of them

115.Rod shaped structure present in nucleus called………….

a) Cytoplasm

b) Vacuole

c) Proteins

d) Chromosomes

116.) full form of DNA

a) Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid

b) Doxy ribose acid

c) Deoxyribose Napthalic Acid

d) Deoxyribo Nucleic Anta

117.Chromosomes are composed of ……….. and ………..

a) Acid, bases

b) Minerals, bases

c) DNA, proteins


118.) Functional segments of DNA called …………

a) RNA

b) Genes

c) Chromosome

d) None of them

119.) Nucleus plays vital role in cellular ……………

a) Circulation

b) Transportation

c) Reproduction

d) Digestion

120.) Undefined nuclear region containing only nucleic acids is called………….

a) RNA

b) Genes

c) Chromosome

d) Nucleoid

)121 Organisms with cell having a nuclear membrane called……………

a) Prokaryotes

b) Eukaryotes

c) Cactus

d) Human being


122.) Fluid content present in cell called………….

a) Cytoplasm

b) Vacuole

c) Proteins

d) Chromosomes


123) ……………… lacks any membranes and hence they do not show characteristics of life

a) Plasmodium

b) Viruses

c) Human being

d) None of them


124) Full form of ER

a) Endo ribosome

b) Endoplasmic reticulum

c) Endoplasmic ribosome

d) Endoplasmic ribose

ANS-Endoplasmic reticulum

125) Full form of SER

a) Smooth Endo ribosome

b) Small endoplasmic reticulum

c) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

d) Smooth endoplasmic ribosome

ANS-Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

126 …………. Plays crucial role in detoxifying many poisons and drugs

a) DNA

b) RNA

c) SER

d) RER

127…………… are membrane bound sacs filled with digestive enzymes

a) Cytoplasm

b) Vacuole

c) Proteins

d) Lysosomes

128Lysosomes are known as…………..

a) Power house of the cell

b) Suicide bags

c) Lipids

d) None of them

129…………….. generates ATP

a) Cytoplasm

b) Vacuole

c) Mitochondria

d) Lysosomes


130) Full form of ATP

a) Adenosine Mitochondria

b) Adenosine triphosphosphate

c) Adenosine tri molecule

d) Adenosine triple

ANS-Adenosine triphosphosphate

131. White or colorless plastids known as……………

a) Plasmodium

b) Plastid

c) Chloroplast

d) Leucoplast


132  Numerous membrane layers present in chloroplast called …………..

a) Cytoplasm

b) Vacuole

c) Mitochondria

d) Stroma


133. The process of cell division by which most of the cells are divided for growth is called………….

a) Reproduction

b) Meiosis

c) Mitosis

d) None of them


134 Four new cells produces by cell division, in that new cells have only half the number of chromosomes than that of mother cell

a) Endocytosis

b) Exocytosis

c) Meiosis

d) Mitosis


135. Colourless plastids are known as

 a)   Chromoplasts

(b)   Chloroplasts

(c)   Leucoplasts

(d)   Protoplast

136 Animal cell lacking nuclei would also lack in

  (a)   Ribosome

(b)   Lysosome

(c)   Endoplasmic reticulum

 d)   Chromosome

137.  The phenomenon by which protoplast of a cell shrinks from the wall is

(a)   Osmosis

(b)   Plasmolysis

(c)   Diffusion

(d)   Glycolysis

138Which of the following are examples of prokaryotes?

 (a)   Algae

(b)   Fungi

(c)   Bacteria

(d)   Protozoa

139 The barrier between the protoplasm and the outer environment in an animal cell is

 (a)   Cell wall

(b)   Plasma membrane

(c)   Nuclear membrane

(d)   Cytoplasm

140Ribosomes are the site of

 (a)   Photosynthesis

(b)   Respiration

(c)   Protein synthesis

(d)   Absorption

141. Which is the largest cell organelle present in plant cell?

 a)   Nucleus

(b)   Chloroplast

(c)   Endoplasmic reticulum

 (d)   Mitochondria

142.0Which of the following organelles is smallest in size?
a. Ribosome
b. Mitochondrial
c. Chloroplast
d. Lysosome

143.Which of the following organelles have double membrane?
a. Chloroplast
b. Ribosome
c. Lysosome
d. Vacuole

144. Which of the following organelle is not present in an animal cell?
a. Ribosome
b. Plastid
c. Mitochondrial
d. Nucleus

145.. Plastid that is colourless is
a. Chromoplast
b. Leucoplast
c. Chloroplast
d. Lysosome

146. Plant cell wall is mainly composed of
a. Cellulose
b. Lipid
c. Protein
d. Sugar

147.. The infoldings of the inner membrane of mitochondria are known as
a. Stroma
b. Grana
c. Cristae
d. Oxysome

148.The site of aerobic respiration, in an animal cell, is
a. Ribosome
b. Mitochondrial
c. Chloroplast
d. Nucleus

149.Ribosomes are the site of
a. Protein synthesis
b. Lipid synthesis
c. Respiration
d. Photosynthesi

150.. Which of the following statements is correct?
a. Prokaryotic cells are surrounded by a cell membrane
b. Prokaryotic cells have a nucleus
c. Eukaryotic cells have genetic information
d. Eukaryotic cells have membrane-bound organelles

151The membrane that surrounds the vacuole is
a. Tonoplast
b. Plasma membrane
c. Cell wall
d. Nuclear membrane

152.The organelle involved in cell secretion is
a. Plastids
b. ER
c. Golgi bodies
d. Nucleolus

153. Plasmolysis occurs due to
b. Endosmosis
c. Exosmosis
d. Absorption

154. The solution that has higher water concentration than the cell is known as
a. Hypertonic
b. Hypotonic
c. Isotonic
d. None of these

155. Cell nucleus was discovered by
a. Robert Hooke
b. Robert Brown
c. Virchow
d. Leuwenhoek

156. Which process requires the energy provided by ATP?
a. Osmosis
b. Diffusion
c. Active transport
d. Plasmolysis

157 Cellular respiration is related to ______ as __________ is related to chloroplasts.
a. Mitochondria, Light
b. Mitochondria, Photosynthesis
c. Chloroplast, Light
d. Chloroplast, Photosynthesis

158. Lipid molecules in the cell are synthesised by
a. SER
b. RER
c. Golgi bodies
d. Ribosomes

159. A cell that contains a large central vacuole is
a. Plant cell
b. Animal cell
c. Bacterial cell
d. Yeast cell

160. Old organelles, viruses and bacteria that a cell can ingest are broken down in
a. Ribosomes
b. Lysosomes
c. SER
d. RER

161 A slide of human cheek cell is stained with methylene blue and mounted in glycerine. Which of the following cellular organelle would you be able to see under a microscope?
a. Plasma membrane
b. Cell wall
c. Mitochondrial
d. Lysosome

162. A cell “X” contains a cell wall, large central vacuole and a nucleus at the periphery. The cell “X” is _______.
a. Plant cell
b. Animal cell
c. Bacterial cell
d. Prokaryotic cell

163. In human cheek cells, the nucleus is located at the ________.
a. Center of the cell
b. The left side of the cell
c. The right side of the cell
d. None of these.

164 Which term is used to refer the process of absorption of water by raisins from kheer?
a. Exosmosis
b. Endosmosis
c. Diffusion
d. Imbibition

165.. Raisins soaked in high concentrated solution of sugar ____i_____. The process involved is known as ___ii____.
a. i- shrinks, ii- endosmosis
b. i- swells, ii- Exosmosis
c. i- shrinks, ii- exosmosis
d. i- swells, ii- endosmosis

166. When raisins are kept in water, the water moves ____i____ the raisins. This makes the raisins to __ii____.
a. i- inside, ii- swell
b. i- inside, ii- shrink
c. i- outside, ii- swell
d. i-outside, ii- shrink

167. What will happen, a when a human RBC is a placed in a hypotonic environment?
a. It undergoes plasmolysis
b. It undergoes turgidity
c. It is at equilibrium
d. None of these

168. Assertion : A cell swells up when present in a hypotonic solution.
Reason : More water molecules enter the cell than they leave.

169.Assertion : The endoplasmic reticulum which lacks ribosomes is called smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Reason : SER is mainly involved in protein synthesis.

170. Assertion : Mitochondria and chloroplasts are semiautonomous organelles.
Reason : They are formed by division of pre-existing organelles and contain DNA but lack protein synthesizing machinery.

171. Assertion : Plasma membrane is selectively permeable.
Reason : Plasma membrane allows some molecules to pass through it more easily than others.

172. Assertion : Leucoplasts perform photosynthesis.
Reason : Chloroplasts store fats, starch and site of photisynthesis

173 Assertion : Cell wall is a non-living part of the cell.
Reason : It offers protection, definite shape and support.

174. Assertion : A cell membrane shows fluid behaviour.
Reason : A membrane is a mosaic of lipids and proteins.

175. Assertion : A plant cell bursts if placed in water.
Reason : High turgor pressure causes bursting of plant cells.

176.Assertion : Mitochondria are called ‘powerhouses’ of the cell.
Reason : Mitochondria produce cellular energy in the form of ATP.

177. Assertion : Plant cells have very large vacuoles.
Reason : In plant cells, vacuoles are full of cell sap

178 Assertion: Organisms are made up of cells.
Reason: Cells are structural unit of living organisms. A cell keeps its chemical composition steady within its boundary.

179. Assertion: Specialization of cells is useful for organism.
Reason: It increases the operational efficiency of an organism.

180.Assertion: The number of cells in a multicellular organism is inversely proportional to size of body.
Reason: All cells of biological world are alive.

181 Assertion : Living organisms possess specific individuality with the definite shape and size.
Reason : Both living and non living entities resemble each other at the lower level of organisation.

182  Assertion : It is important that the organisms should have cell.
Reason : A cell keeps its chemical composition steady within its boundary.

183.Assertion: The number of cells in a multicellular organism is inversely proportional to the size of body.
Reason: All the cells in the biological world are of same size.

184  Assertion: Cell is an open system.
Reason: Cell receives a number of materials including energy containing nutrients from outside.

185. Assertion: Smaller cells are usually metabolically active cells.
Reason: Smaller cell nucleocytoplasmic ratio and surface volume ratio is higher

186. Assertion: Rudolf Virchow modified the hypothesis of cell theory given by Schleiden and Schwann.
Reason : Cell theory says that all cells arise from pre-existing cells.

187. Assertion: Schleiden and Schwann were the first to observe the cells and to put forward cell theory.
Reason: The cells are always living unit.

188.. Assertion: As per Schwann, cell wall is a unique character of the plant cell.
Reason: Body of plants and animals are composed of cells and products of cells..

189 Assertion: Eukaryotic cells have membrane bound organelles.
Reason: Prokaryotic cells lack membrane bound organelles.

190.Assertion: Ribosomes are non-membrane bound organelles found in the prokaryotic cells only.
Reason: These are present only in the cytoplasm..

191. Assertion: Eukaryotic cells have more DNA than prokaryotic cells.
Reason: Eukaryotes are genetically more complex than prokaryotes.

192.Assertion: Prokaryotes have a one envelop system.
Reason: There is not even a single membrane that surrounds the prokaryotic cell.

193.Assertion (A): Chromosomes are responsible for the transfer of characteristics from parents to offspring.
Reason (R): Chromosomes are present in the

194.How is nucleoid different from nucleus?
a) Nucleoid is not covered by a membrane, whereas nucleus
is membrane bound.
b) Nucleoid itself is a genetic material, while the genetic
material is present in nucleus.
c) Nucleoid is present in eukaryotes whereas nucleus is
present in prokaryotes.
d) Nucleoid is the other name of nucleus

195.Cell wall of which one of these is not made up
of cellulose?
(a) Bacteria
(b) Hydrilla
(c) Mango tree
(d) Cactus

196.Plasmolysis in a plant cell is defined as
(a) break down (lysis ) of plasma membrane in
hypotonic medium
(b) shrinkage of cytoplasm in hypertonic medium
(c) shrinkage of nucleoplasm
(d) none of them

197.Which of these is not related to endoplasmic reticulum?
(a) It behaves as a transport channel for proteins between nucleus
and cytoplasm
(b) It transports materials between various regions in cytoplasm
(c) It can be the site of energy generation
(d) It can be the site for some biochemical activities of the cell

198.Which of these options are not a function of Ribosomes?
(i) It helps in manufacture of protein molecules
(ii) It helps in manufacture of enzymes
(iii) It helps in manufacture of hormones
(iv) It helps in manufacture of starch molecules
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (iii) and (iv)
(d) (iv) and (i)

199.Which of the following can be made into
(a) A Bacterium
(b) An Amoeba
(c) A Virus
(d) A Sperm

200• Assertion: De-shelled eggs swell up in
hypotonic solution.
• Reason: An egg is rich in protein.

201.Assertion: The inner mitochondrial membrane
is highly folded
• Reason: To increase the surface area for ATP

202.The term 'protoplasm' was coined by

1. Purkinje

2. Robert Hooke

3. Virchow

4. Robert Brown

203.Choose the incorrect statement for the following options

1. All cells arise from pre-existing cells only

2. Rudolf Virchow proposed the cell theory

3. Nucleus was discovered by Robert Brown in 1831.

4. The nucleus and cytoplasm of living cell, altogether form the protoplasm.

204.The flexibility of plasma membrane can be contributed to the presence of

1. proteins

2. lipids

3. nucleic acids

4. both (a) and (b)

205.A cell will swipe up if the 

1. concentration of molecules in the cell is higher than the concentreation of water molecules in surrounding medium.

2. concentration of water molecules in surrounding medium is higher than concentration of water molecules in the cell.

3. concentration of water molecules is same in the cell and in the surrounding medium.

4. concentration of water molecules does not matter

206.The cell wall of which out of these is not made up of cellulose?

1. Bacteria

2. Hydrilla

3. Mango Tree

4. Cactus

207.Which one of the following terms describes 'a nucleus without nuclear membrane'?

1. Nucleolus

2. Primitive nucleus

3. Nucleoid

4. All of these

208.Which one of the following cellular functions is performed by endoplasmic reticulum?

1. Production of hydrolytic enzymes

2. supply of energy to cell

3. formation of lysosomes

4. production of vacuoles

209.Organelle other than nucleus, containing DNA is 

1. endoplasmic reticulum

2. Golgi apparatus

3. mitochondria

4. lysosomes. 

210 ASSERTION Rudolf Virchow proposed cell theory.

REASON His cell theory states that all plants and animals are composed of cells.

211.ASSERTION Chromosmes are constituted by DNA and protein.

REASON These are thread like structures present in nucleus.

212.ASSERTION Prokaryotic cells are primitive and larger than eukaryotic cells.

REASON Prokaryotic cells lack cytoplasmic organelles

213.ASSERTION Golgi bodies store, modify and pack products in vesciles.

REASON They are involved in the formation of lysosomes.

214.ASSERTION Mitochondria are known as the powerhouse of a cell.

REASON These generate energy (as ATP) for various cellular activities.

215.. Cell wall is present in
a. fungal cell b. bacterial cell c. animal cell d. both (a) and (b).

216.. Carbon dioxide moves out of the cell by the process of
a. diffusion b. osmosis c. active transport d. all of these.

217.. Nucleus is absent in
a. Amoeba b. Paramecium c. blue green algae d. Euglena.

218. Plasma membrane is composed of
a. DNA and protein b. chitin and lipid c. protein and lipid d. protein and chitin.

219.. Cell wall is
a. impermeable b. semipermeable c. permeable d. none of these

220. Plasmolysis occurs when
a. plant cell is kept in hypertonic solution b. plant cell is kept in hypotonic solution
c. plant cell is kept in isotonic solution d. animal cell is kept in pure water.

221.. Cell wall in plant cell is composed of
a. chitin b. cellulose c. peptidoglycan d. hemicelluloses.

222. Which of the following is not a function of the vacuole in plants?
a. They store toxic metabolic wastes b. They help in the process of cell division
c. They help to maintain turgidity d. They provide rigidity and mechanical support

223. The cell organelle which helps in membrane biogenesis is
a. lysosome b. centrosome c. ribosome d. endoplasmic reticulum.

224.. Which among the following is a unicellular organism?
a. Hydra b. Planaria c. Chlamydomonas d. Earthworm

225. Viruses lack
a. nucleic acid b. protein coat c. membrane d. all of these.

226. Chromosomes are composed of
a. DNA b. protein c. RNA d. both (a) and (b).

227.. Which of the following cell organelle is covered by single membrane?
a. Lysosome b. Mitochondria c. Chloroplast d. Endoplasmic reticulum

228. Which of the following statements are not true regarding cell division?
i. During mitosis, number of chromosomes are reduced to half
ii. During meiosis, number of chromosomes are reduced to half
iii. During mitosis, number of chromosomes remain the same
iv. During meiosis, number of chromosomes remain the same
a. i. and iv.
b. ii. and iv.
c. i. and ii.
d. iii. and iv.

229. The cell organelle which helps in detoxification of drugs and poison is
a. Golgi body b. lysosome
c. smooth Endoplasmic reticulum d. vacuole.

230. Choose the incorrect statement
a. All living organisms are composed of cells
b. All cells arise from preexisting cells
c. Cell is the basic structural and functional unit of all living organisms
d. Bacteria are an exception to cell theory

231.The type of cell division which is involved in gamete formation is
a. Mitosis b. Meiosis c. Amitosis d. Cytokinesis

232 Which one of the following statement about osmosis is correct?
a. The movement of solvent molecule from a less concentrated solution to a more concentrated solution
through a semipermeable membrane
b. The movement of solute molecule from a less concentrated solution to a more concentrated solution
through a semipermeable membrane
c. The movement of solvent molecule from a more concentrated solution to a less concentrated solution
through a semipermeable membrane
d. The movement of solute molecule from a more concentrated solution to a less concentrated solution
through a semipermeable membrane

233.The cell organelle which is involved
in the formation of lysosome is
a. endoplasmic reticulum b. vacuole c. Golgi body d. mitochondria

234.. The only cell organelle seen in prokaryotic cell is
a. mitochondria b. chloroplast c. lysosome d. ribosome.

235  In which of the following organism, the cell wall is not made up of cellulose?
a. Bacteria b. Fern c. Pea plant d. Pine

236.Which of the following statements are not true about amoeba?
i. Food is engulfed by the process of endocytosis
ii. Excess of water is removed through food vacuole
iii. Food is digested in the food vacuole
iv. Food is digested with the help of enzymes in the lysosome
a. i. and ii.
b. ii. and iii.
c. ii. and iv.
d. Only ii.

237.. Which cell will burst when placed in hypotonic solution?
a. Cheek cell b. Bacterial cell c. Yeast cell d. Onion peel cell

238. The fluid in the vacuole of plant cell is known as
a. tonoplast b. cell sap c. matrix d. stroma.

239.. Plasmolysis in plant cell is defined as
a. lysis of plasma membrane b. shrinkage of protoplasm
c. shrinkage of nucleoplasm d. none of these.

240.. The cell organelle which stores starch, oil and protein are
a. smooth endoplasmic reticulum b. rough endoplasmic reticulum
c. leucoplast d. none of these.

241.. Digestive enzymes packed in lysosome are synthesized by
a. smooth endoplasmic reticulum b. Golgi body
c. rough endoplasmic reticulum d. lysosome.

242  The cell organelle involved in formation of complex sugars from simple sugars is
a. Golgi body b. smooth endoplasmic reticulum
c. rough endoplasmic reticulum d. lysosome.

243. Choose the semiautonomous organelles out of the following
a. mitochondria b. plastids c. nucleus d. both (a) and (b).

.244.Chlorophyll is present in part of chloroplast.
a. stroma b. inner membrane c. grana d. outer membrane

245.. Cell theory was proposed by
(a) Robert Brown
(b) Robert Hook
(c) Schleiden and Schwann
(d) Anton von Leeuwenhoek

246. Which of these is acellular?
(a) Viruses (b) Bacteria
(c) Protozoans (d) Fungi

247.. Select the correct pair that comprises of only  unicellular organisms.
(a) Amoeba and Rhizopus
(b) Paramecium and Chlamydomonas
(c) Bacteria an fungi
(d) Plants and animal

248. Select the odd group from the following.
(a) Chlamydomonas, Paramecium, bacteria
(b) Fungi, Plants, Animals
(c) Sperm, Neuron, Amoeba
(d) Schleiden, Schwann, Virchow

249.Which structure in plant cell is responsible for providing
the energy required to drive cellular processes?
(a) Chloroplast (b) Mitochondrion
(c) Nucleus (d) Golgi apparatus

250. Plasma membrane is composed of
(a) cellulose and lipids
(b) lipids and proteins
(c) peptidoglycan and lipids
(d) cellulose and proteins

251.. What is the meaning of “Omni’s Cellulae Cellula”?
(a) All organisms are composed of cells.
(b) Cell is basic structural unit of an organism.
(c) Cells are capable of producing more of themselves.
(d) Cells arise from the division of pre-existing cell.

252. Root hairs absorb water from soil by the process of
(a) plasmolysis (b) diffusion
(c) osmosis (d) endocytosis

253.. Cell wall of plants is mainly composed of
(a) chitin (b) cellulose
(c) lipids (d) lignin

254  A plant cell placed in a hypo-tonic solution will not  burst because of presence of
(a) plasma membrane (b) cell wall
(c) chloroplast (d) cytoplasm

255.. What is the important function of nucleus?
(a) Photosynthesis (b) Cellular reproduction
(c) Lipid synthesis (d) Protein synthesis

256. An organism has poorly defined nuclear membrane in  its cells. This organism could be a/
(a) bacteria (b) animal
(c) fungi (d) bird

257.. The  chromatin also known as
particular part of a human cell.
(a) Ribosome (b) Chromosome
(c) Nucleoplasm (d) Mitochondrion

258. Which cell organelle is not bound by a unit membrane?
(a) Lysosome
(b) Ribosome
(c) Endoplasmic reticulum
(d) Nucleus
: (c)

259. Largest number of cell bodies of neuron in our body  are found in:
(a) retina (b) spinal cord
(c) brain (d) tongue

260. If the ribosome of a cell are destroyed then
(a) respiration will not take place
(b) fats will not be stored
(c) carbon assimilation will not occur
(d) proteins will not be formed

261.What is ‘autolysis’?
(a) Self-replication (b) Self-digestion
(c) Self-food producers (d) Food decomposer

262.. What is meant by ‘multicellular’?
(a) The single celled organism.
(b) The cytoplasmic projection which helps in
locomotion & feeding of Amoeba
(c) Organisms made of more than one cell.
(d) A group of tissues which together perform specific  function

263.The transportation of materials in the cell is done by
(a) Golgi complex
(b) lysosomes
(c) mitochondria
(d) endoplamic reticulum

264. Which labelled organelles helped a student to conclude
that it is a plant cell?
(a) P and R only (b) P and S only
(c) P, R and T only (d) P, R and U only
Ans : (d) P, R and U only
In the given figure P is cell wall, R is vacuole and U is
chloroplast are characteristic features of a plant cell.

265.X is a double membraned organelle that oxidises food
present in cell to release energy. X is
(a) nucleus
(b) endoplasmic reticulum
(c) mitochondrion
(d) chloroplast

266Find the best definition of ‘vacuole’?
(a) A fluid filled structure surrounded by membrane.
(b) A thread like structure containing nuclear
(c) A jelly like substance which is present between
nucleus and cell membrance.
(d) The basic structural units of an organism.

267What is the function of the central vacuole in plants?
(a) Stores water and dissolved nutrients
(b) Carries out photosynthesis
(c) Releases energy from stored nutrients
(d) Protects the genetic material of the cell

268In chloroplasts, light is captured by
(a) thylakoids within grana
(b) grana within cisternae
(c) cisternae within grana
(d) grana within thylakoids

269. Which structures can be found in all plant and animal  cells?
(a) Cell wall and nucleus
(b) Mitochondria and centrioles
(c) Cell membrane and centrioles
(d) Mitochondria and cell membrane

270. Why is it crucial for root hair cells to have a long,
narrow cytoplasmic extension?
(a) To speed up the uptake of oxygen
(b) To speed up the removal of carbon-di-oxide
(c) To speed up the uptake of ions
(d) To speed up the uptake of sugars and amino acids

271. Select the correct match.
(a) Cell was first discovered - 1839
(b) The term ‘protoplasm’ was coined - 1665
(c) The nucleus was discovered - 1831
(d) Cell theory was proposed - 1674

272. Identify the organelle that exists only in plant cell but  NOT in an animal cell?
(a) Centriole (b) Chloroplast
(c) Golgi apparatus (d) Ribosome

273 Amoeba acquires its food by the process of
(a) exocytosis (b) endocytosis
(c) osmosis (d) diffusion

274.i Find the correct statement.
(a) Many fungi are single celled
(b) Most cells are very large
(c) Animals have many vacuoles
(d) Chemical composition of Prokaryotes and
eukaryotes vary

275 A cell loses water by osmosis when kept in a solution  having a lower concentration of water than the cell. The given solution is
(a) hyper-tonic (b) hypo-tonic
C isotonic d none

276. Chemical nature of carrier molecules facilitating  transport across plasma membrane is:
(a) starchy (b) sugary
(c) proteinaceous (d) fatty acidic

277.. Cell wall is absent in
(a) plant cells (b) bacterial cells
(c) fungal cells (d) animal cells

278. ER remains associated with:
(a) dictyosomes (b) mitochondria
(c) nuclear membrane (d) chloroplast

279.. Chromosomes are composed of
(a) DNA and protein (b) DNA and sugar
(c) sugar and protein (d) chromatin

280. Vacuole is surrounded by:
(a) plasmalemma (b) cell wall
(c) tonoplast (d) plasmodesmata

281. Which of the following cell organelles can make
complex sugars from simple sugars?
(a) Ribosomes
(b) Lysosomes
(c) Endoplasmic reticulum
(d) Golgi apparatus

282.What are suicide bags?
(a) Plastids (b) Mitochondria
(c) Lysosomes (d) Ribosomes

283. Besides nucleus, DNA is also present in
(a) ribosome’s and Golgi apparatus
(b) mitochondria and chloroplasts
(c) lysosomes and endoplasmic reticulum
(d) Golgi complex and mitochondria
284.. Which of the cell organelle take part in the formation  of acrosome?
(a) Nucleus (b) Chromosome
(c) golgiapparatus
(d) They are capable to form anions easily

285. Ribosomes are rich in .......... and .........

286. Membrane-bound non-living structures in a cell is
287.......... are living, protoplasmic structures capable of  growth and sometimes multiplication also.

288. .......... in animals are the longest cells.
Ans : Nerve cells

289......... are clear spaces present in the cytoplasm  enclosed by a membrane.

290 The smallest human cell is (0.0075 mm) ..........

281. .......... are protein factories

292.. The single largest cell in the world is of an ..........

293.Colourless plastids are called ..........

294........... is concerned with transmission of hereditary  traits from parents to offspring.

295.RNA stands for .........

296.......... are hereditary units of specific biological function located in a fixed position on a chromosome.

297..... are amoeboid cells of blood.

298.Nucleus was discovered by .........

299Genes are sub units of .......... The number and type of  which vary from species to species.


300 Lamarck propounded the Cell Theory.

301. Endoplasmic reticulum may be smooth or rough.

302.Robert Hooke discovered the wonder world of microbes.

303.. The main function of ribosomes is to synthesize proteins.

304. A. Van Leeuwenhoek discovered cell.

305.Cell wall is a non-living layer

306  Endoplasmic reticulum is concerned with protein synthesis.

307 . Prokaryotic cells lack nuclear envelope.

308.. Centrosomes are present in a plant cell.

309.. Chloroplasts are colourless plastids.

310. The oxidation of food in a cell takes place in  mitochondria.

311. Cell wall is a semi-permeable membrane.

312. Plastids are the sites of photosynthesis.

313 Nucleolus is present in cell cytoplasm.

314 Golgi apparatus is present in prokaryotic cell.

315. Striking difference between a plant and animal cell is  due to the presence of cell wall.

316. All living organisms consist of cells.

317. Animal cells have larger vacuoles.

318. Genes are mainly made up of proteins

319.Compounds like pectin and proteins also occur in cell wall.

320. Assertion : A cell swells up when present in a hypotonic
Reason : More water molecules enter the cell than
they leave.
Ans : (a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true
and reason (R) is the correct explanation of
assertion (A).
If a cell is placed in a hypo-tonic solution which has
lower concentration of solute and higher concentration
of water as compared to the concentration of cell sap
(i.e., the solution inside the cell), the water molecules
move from external solution into the cell sap and thus,
the cell swells.

321. Assertion : The endoplasmic reticulum which lacks
ribosomes is called smooth endoplasmic reticulu
Reason : SER is mainly involved in protein synthesis.

322 . Assertion : Mitochondria and chloroplasts are
semiautonomous organelles.
Reason : They are formed by division of pre-existing
organelles and contain DNA but lack protein
synthesizing machinery.

323 Assertion : Plasma membrane is selectively permeable.
Reason : Plasma membrane allows some molecules to
pass through it more easily than others

324.. Assertion : Leucoplasts perform photosynthesis.
Reason : Chloroplasts store fats, starch and proteins.

325.Assertion : Cell wall is a non-living part of the cell.
Reason : It offers protection, definite shape and

326.. Assertion : A cell membrane shows fluid behaviour.
Reason : A membrane is a mosaic of lipids and

327  Assertion : A plant cell bursts if placed in water.
Reason : High turgor pressure causes bursting of plant  cells.

328. Assertion : Mitochondria are called ‘powerhouses’ of  the cell.
Reason : Mitochondria produce cellular energy in the  form of ATP.

329.. Assertion : Plant cells have very large vacuoles.
Reason : In plant cells, vacuoles are full of cell sap.

1c 2b 3c 4c 5c 6a 7b 8b 9a 10a 11c 12a 13b 14b 15d 16b 17a 18b 19 c 20c 21 a 22b 23a 24b 25a 26a 27b 28c 29d 30 cell 31 cell
33 Robert hooke 34 freelancing cells 35 all cells
36.ostrich egg
37shape and size 38 diffusion 39 osmosis 40 flexibility 41 chromosomes 42 protein lipids
43 rer 44 green colored pent 45 store starth
46c 47 d 48b 49c 50 a
51c 52a 53b 54c 55c 56a 57c 58d 59c 60a
61c 62b 63d 64a 65a 66d 67b 68d 69a 70c
71b 72b 73d 74b 75c 76a 77d 78a 79d 80b
81c 82b 83c 84b 85a 86d 87a 88c 89b 90d
91c 92c 93 c 94c 95c 96c 97c 98c 99b 100b
101a 102a 103a 104c 105b 106d 107c
108b 109d 110a 111a 112 d 113b 114d
115d 116d 117c 118b 119c 120a
121b 122a 123b 124b 125c  126c 127 d 128b
130b 131d 132d 1r3c 134c 135c 136
137b 138c q39b 140c 141
142-a, 143- a, 144- b, 145- b, 146- a, 147- c, 148- b, 149- a, 150- d, 151- a, 152 c, 153- c, 154- a, 155 b, 156- c, 157- b, 158- a, 159 a, 160- b, 161- a, 162 a, 163- a, 164- d, 165 c, 166- a, 167b
168a 169c
170c 171a 172d 173a 174a 175d 176a 177a
178A 179A 180D 181B 182A 183D 184A 185A 186B 187D 188D 189B 190D 191A 192C 193B
194A 195A 196B 197C 198C 199C 200B 201A
202 TO 214
251d 252b 253c 254b 255b 256a 257b 258c 259c 260d
261b 262c 263d 264d 265c
266a 267a 268a 269d 270c 271c 272b 273b 274d 275a 276c 277d 278c 279a 280c
281a 282c 283b 284c
285 rna and proteins
286 vacuole 287 cell organelles
287 Nerve cell 289 vacuoles 290 rbc
291 ribosseomes
292 ostrich egg .293 leucoplasts
294 nucleus 295 rna 296 genes 297 wbc
298 Robert Brown 299.chromosomes
310 t 302 f 303 t 304 f 305 t 306 f 307 t 308 f 309 f 310t 311 t 312 t 313 f 314 f 315 t 31y t 317 f e18 t 319 t 320 a 21 c 322c 323a 324d 325a 326a 327d 328a 329a

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