Tuesday 14 December 2021

periodic classification of elements MCQS

Periodic classification of elements  mcqs

1. Newlands relation is called
(a) Musical Law
(b) Law of Octaves
(c) Periodic Law
(d) Atomic Mass Law

2. Upto which element, the Law of Octaves was found applicable?
(a) Oxygen
(b) Calcium
(c) Cobalt
(d) Potassium

3. In Mendeleev’s Periodic Table, gaps were left for the elements to be discovered later. Which of the following elements found a place in the Periodic Table later?
(a) Chlorine
(b) Silicon
(c) Oxygen
(d) Germanium

4. At the time of Mendeleev, the number of elements known was
(a) 63
(b) 65
(c) 62
(d) 64

5. The properties of eka-aluminium predicted by Mendeleev are the same as the properties of later discovered element:
(a) Scandium
(b) Germanium
(c) Gallium
(d) Aluminium

6. An atom of an element has the electronic confi-guration 2,8,2. To which group does it belong?
(a) 4th group
(b) 6th group
(c) 3rd group
(d) 2nd group

7. The arrangement of elements in the Modem Periodic Table is based on their
(a) increasing atomic mass in the period
(b) increasing atomic number in the horizontal rows
(c) increasing atomic number in the vertical columns
(d) increasing atomic mass in the group

8. Where would you locate the element with electronic configuration 2, 8 in the Modern Periodic Table?
(a) Group 8
(b) Group 2
(c) Group 18
(d) Group 10

9. Element ‘X’ forms a chloride with the formula XCl2, which is a solid with high melting point. X would most likely be in the same group of the periodic table as:
(a) Si
(b) Mg
(c) Al
(d) Na

10. Which of these belong to the same period?
ElementABCAtomic number2105

(a) A, B
(b) B, C
(c) C, A
(d) A, B and C

11. Carbon belongs to the second period and Group 14. Silicon belongs to the third period and Group 14. If atomic number of carbon is 6, the atomic number of silicon is
(a) 7
(b) 14
(c) 24
(d) 16

12. Pick out the chemically most reactive elements from the given triads.
Li, Na, K F, Cl, Br
(a) Li and F
(b) Li and Br
(c) K and F
(d) K and Br

13. What is the atomic number of element of period 3 and group 17 of the Periodic Table?
(a) 10
(b) 4
(c) 17
(d) 21

14. Which one of the following statements is not correct about the trends in the properties of the elements of a period on going from left to right?
(a) The oxides become more acidic
(b) The elements become less metallic
(c) There is an increase in the number of valence electrons
(d) The atoms lose their electrons more easily

15. The elements A, B and C belong to groups 1, 14 and 17 respectively of the Periodic Table. Which two elements will form ionic compounds?
(a) A and B
(b) A and C
(c) B and C
(d) None

16. An element X from group 2 of the Periodic Table reacts with Y from group 17 to form a compound. Give the formula of the compound.
(a) XY2
(b) XY
(c) X2Y
(d) (XY)2

17. A metal ‘M’ is in the first group of the Periodic Table. What will be the formula of its oxide?
(a) MO
(b) M2O
(C) M2O3
(d) MO2

18. Name the neutral atom in the Periodic Table which has the same number of electrons as K+ and Cl-.
(a) Helium
(b) Argon
(c) Neon
(d) Krypton

19. An element X combines with oxygen to form an oxide XO. This oxide is electrically con¬ducting. Write the formula of the compound formed when X reacts with chlorine.
(a) XCl3
(b) XCl
(c) XCl2
(d) XCl5

20. An element X has mass number 40 and contains 21 neutrons in its atom. To which group of the Periodic Table does it belong?
(a) Group 1
(b) Group 4
(c) Group 2
(d) Group 3

21. Consider the following elements
20Ca, 8Or 18Ar, 16S, 4Be, 2He
Which of the above elements would you expect to be in group 16 of the Periodic Table?
(a) 20Ca and 16S
(b) 20Ca and 8O
(c) 18Ar and 16S
(d) 8O and 16S

22. An element ‘A’ belongs to the third period and group 16 of the Periodic Table. Find out the valency of A.
(a) Valency = 6
(b) Valency = 2
(c) Valency = 1
(d) Valency = 3

23. Which one of the following statements is not correct about the trends in the properties of the elements of a group on going down in a group?
(a) The chemical reactivity of metals increases.
(b) The metallic character of elements increases.
(c) The size of the atom increases.
(d) The valence electrons increase.

24. Which of the following set of elements is written in order of their increasing metallic character?
(a) Na Li K
(b) C Q N
(c) Mg Al Si
(d) Be Mg Ca

25. The atom of an element has electronic con-figuration 2, 8, 7. To which of the following elements would it be chemically similar?
(a) N(7)
(b) P(15)
(c) Na(11)
(d) F (9)

26. The concept of grouping elements into triads was given by ……… .

27. Mendeleev’s basis for the Periodic Table is ……… .

28. The basis for Modern Periodic Table is ……… .

29. (a) Metallic character ……… down the group.
(b) Atomic size ……… along the period.
(c) Electronegative character ……… down the group.

30. Isotopes belong to the same ……… in the Periodic Table.

31. Halogens belong to group ……… of the Periodic Table.

32.. An element having electronic configuration (2, 8, 2) belongs to the ……… group.

33. Atoms of different elements with the same number of occupied shells are placed in the same ………
34.. Valency of elements ……… and then ……… as we move across the period while it remains the same down the group.

35. Non-metals are located on the ……… side of the Periodic Table.

36. Vertical columns are called as –
A) groups
B) periods
C) rows
D) none

 37- How many groups are there in the periodic table?
A) 18
B) 8
C) 28
D) 17

 38- Which group was added in Mendleev’s periodic table?
A) I group
B) VIII group
C) zero group
D) V grouo

 39- What is the special name given to the 17th group?
A) chalcogens
B) halogens
C) alkali metals
D) inert gases

 40- Chalcogens are ?
A) ore forming
B) salt forming
C) hydroxide forming
D) None

 41- Atomic mass is equal to the sum of ____.
A) P+N
B) P+E
C) Number of Protons
D) Number of neutrons

 42- Name the most electronegative element of Periodic table ?
A) Chlorine
B) Bromine
C) Fluorine
D) Iodine

 43- Electron affinity is ____.
A) always negative
B) always positive
C) can be negative or positive
D) zero

 44 Ionisation energy is measured in –
A) KJ/g
B) J/mole
C) KJ/mol
D) none

 45. Out of Mg and Al which has higher ionisation energy?
A) Mg
B) Al
C) Both have same
D) None

 46- Write valency of Iron ?
A) 2
B) 3
C) 0
D) 2,3

 47. Out of F and Cl, which has higher electron affinity ?
A) Cl
B) F
C) Both have same
D) none

 48. Upto which element, the law of octaves was found to be applicable –
A) Oxygen
B) Calcium
C) Cobalt
D) Potassium

 49. According to Mendeleev’s Periodic law, the elements were arranged in Periodic table according to –
A) Increasing atomic number
B) decreasing atomic number
C) Increasing atomic masses
D) decreasing atomic masses

 50. In Mendeleev’s Periodic table, gaps were left for many elements. Pick any one out of them.

A) Germanium
B) Chlorine
C) Oxygen
D) Silicon

51. What relation do Ar and Ca have?
A) isotopes
B) isoelectronic
C) isobars
D) isotones

 52.- Isotopes possess –
A) same number of Protons
B) same number of neutrons
C) same mass number
D) none

 53. On which factor does ionisation energy depend?
A) Size of an atom
B) nuclear charge
C) electronic configuration
D) all

 54.- Pick out the odd one –
A) Argon
B) neon
C) Barium
D) helium

 55- Which is biggest in size –
A) Lithium
B) sodium
C) Magnesium
D) potassium

 56 Which out of them is not a halogen?
A) Fluorine
B) Chlorine
C) Iodine
D) Germanium

 57. The standard element chosen for relative atomic mass is __.
A) Carbon-12
B) Hydrogen-1
C) chlorine -35
D) Iodine -121

 58.Electronegativity depends upon ?
A) size of an atom
B) nuclear charge on atom
C) electrons in an atom
D) all

 59.- The order of ionisation of alkali group follows which order?
A) Li>Na>K>Rb>Cs
B) Li<Na>K<Rb>Cs
C) Li<Na<K<Rb<Cs
D) Li>Na<K>Rb<Cs

 60. Most electronegative element in group 2 is __.
A) Be
B) Mg
C) Al
D) Ca

61. Which of the given elements A,B,C,D and E with atomic numbers 2,3,7,10 and 30 belong to the same period?
A) A,B,C
B) B,C,D
C) A,D,E
D) B,D,E

 62.The elements A,B,C,D,E have atomic numbers 9, 11, 17, 12and 13. Which elements belong to the same group?
A) A and B
B) B and D
C) A and C
D) D and E

 63. Where would you locate the element with electronic configuration 2,8 in modern periodic table?
A) group 8
B) group 2
C) group 18
D) group 16

 64. An element which is an essential constituent of all organic compounds belongs to ___.
A) group 1
B) group 14
C) group 15
D) group16

65- Which one will have the maximum number of valence electrons ?
A) Na
B) Al
C) Si
D) P

 66.- What type of oxide would eka-Aluminium form ?
A) EO₃
B) E₃O₂
C) E₂O₃

 67. The element with atomic number 14 is hard and forms acidic oxide and a covalent halide . To which of the category does it belong?
A) metal
B) Metalloid
C) Non metal
D) Left hand side element

68- The law of octaves is given by ___.
A) Mendeleev
B) Newlands
C) Bohr
D) Mosley

 69.- The modern periodic table is given by ____.
A) Mendeleev
B) Newlands
C) Bohr
D) Mosley

 79 Which element was not known when Mendeleev proposed the classification?
A) Hydrogen
B) Sodium
C) Copper
D) Germanium

 71- Three elements B,Si and Ge are ___.
A) Metals
B) Non metals
C) Metalloids
D) Metal,non metal ,metalloid respectively

 72. Arrange the following elements in order of their increasing non metallic character Li,O,C,Be ,F?
A) F<O<C<Be<Li
B) Li<Be<C<O<F
C) F<O<C<Be<Li
D) F<O<Be<C<Li

 73. Arrange the following elements in order of their increasing metallic character Na,Si,Cl,Mg,Al ?
A) Cl>Si>Al>Mg>Na
B) Na>Mg>Al>Si>Cl
C) Na>Al>Mg>Cl>Si
D) Al>Na>Si>Ca>Mg

 74. Which of them doesn’t loose electrons easily?
A) Na
B) F
C) Mg
D) Al

 75. Which will loose electron easily?
A) Mg
B) Na
C) K
D) Ca

 76. Which out of them has the biggest radii?
A) Na
B) Mg
C) K
D) Ca

77- Which of the following gives the correct order of atomic radii of O, F and N?
A) O,F,N
B) N,F,O
C) O,N,F
D) F,O,N

 78. Which of the following, in their outermost shell has 2 valence electrons?
A) K shell
B) L shell
C) M shell
D) N shell

 79.- Element X forms the chloride with the formula XCl2 ,which is a solid with a high melting point. X is most likely to be in the same group of periodic table as –
A) Na
B) Mg
C) Al
D) Si

 80.- Which set out of them shows the correct sequence of metallic characters?
A) Be ,Mg,Ca
B) Na,Li,K
C) Mg,Al,Si
D) C,O,N

 81. On moving from left to right in a periodic table, size of an atom ?
A) Increases
B) Decreases
C) Does not change
D) First increases then decreases

 82.Which of the following elements will form acidic oxide?
A) with atomic number 7
B) with atomic number 3
C) with atomic number 12
D) with atomic number 19

 83 Which statement is incorrect for left to right movement in periodic table?
A) elements become less metallic from left to right
B) number of valence electrons increases
C) atoms lose electrons easily
D) oxides become more acidic

 84. In periodic table, Helium is placed at ___
A) top left corner
B) bottom right corner
C) bottom left corner
D) top right corner

 85. The number of electrons in valence shell is equal to –
A) Atomic mass
B) Group number
C) period number
D) Atomic volume

86) Which of the following forms the basis of the modern periodic table?

a) Atomic mass

b) Atomic number

c) Number of nucleons

d) All of these

87) Which of the following is the most reactive element of the group 17?

a) Oxygen

b) Sodium

c) Fluorine

d) Magnesium

88) Which of the following is the correct order of the atomic radii of the elements oxygen, fluorine and nitrogen?

a) O < F < N

b) N < F < O

c) O < N < F

d) F < O < N

89) Element X forms a chloride with the formula XCl2, which is a solid with a high melting point. X would most likely be in the same group of the Periodic Table as

a) Na

b) Mg

c) Al

d) Si

90) What happens to the electropositive character of elements on moving from left to right in a periodic table?

a) Increase

b) Decreases

c) First increases then decreases

d) First decreases then increases

91) What is the other name for group 18th elements?

a) Noble gases

b) Alkali metals

c) Alkali earth metals

d) Halogens

92) Which group elements are called transition metals?

a) Group number 1 to 2

b) Group number 13 to 18

c) Group number 3 to 12

d) Group number 1 to 8

93) The electronic configuration of an element M is 2, 8, 4. In modern periodic table, the element M is placed in

a) 4th group

b) 2nd group

c) 14th group

d) 18th group

94) Which of the following elements has 2 shells and both are completely filled?

a) Helium

b) Neon

c) Calcium

d) Boron

95) Which option describes the achievements of the Mendeleev’s Periodic Table?

(a) prediction of noble gases

(b) it eliminated the blank spaces left in the table

(c) predicting that the elements can be arranged based on their properties

(d) an element in a trend has an average atomic mass of the elements above and below it

96) The image shows an element with its atomic number and mass number.

Phosphorus atomic no 15 atomic weight 31

Which option arranges the element in the periodic table?

(a) group – 1; period – 1

(b) group – 5; period – 3

(c) group – 10; period – 1

(d) group – 15; period – 3

97. A student learns that the atomic size depends on the atomic radius of the elements. How does the atomic radius of elements in the third-period change as one goes from sodium to argon?

(a) Option 1: atomic radius increases from sodium to argon

(b) atomic radius decreases from sodium to argon

(c) atomic radius increases as new shells are added

(d) atomic radius decreases due to the addition of new shells

98) Boron is a non-metal and is placed under group 13 and period 2. How can boron form bonds with other elements?

(a) by sharing 5 electrons

(b) by sharing 3 electrons

(c) by sharing 2 electrons

(d) by sharing 1 electron

99. Electronegativity is defined as the ability of an element to form bonds by gaining electrons. How does the electronegativity of elements vary across the periods?

(a) it increases as the number of shells increases

(b) decreases as the number of shells decreases

(c) increases as the more of electrons are added to the same shell

(d) it decreases as the more of electrons are added to the same shell

100) What is the order of the metallic character down the group?

(a) it decreases as new shells are added to the element

(b) it increases as electrons move away from the nucleus

(c) increases as new atoms are added in the same shell

(d) it decreases as the effective nuclear charge on the electron increases

101) An element X has atomic number 9. In which period and group, can it be placed in the modern periodic table?
A. 2,3

102) A student studying Modern periodic table arranges some elements in different groups, as shown.

Group 1
H. Li.  Na  K. Rb   Cs. Fr

Group 2
Be mg ca sr ba ra

Group 3
He ne ar xe kr rd og

Which group supports the guidelines of the Modern Periodic table?

(a) group 1

(b) group 18

(c) groups 1 and 2

(d) groups 1 and 18

103) A student studies about Mendeleev’s periodic table and lists some statements.
P.no fixed position is given to carbon in periodic table

Q.the atomic masses do not increase in regular manner

R.isotopes have different chemical properties but similar atomic masses

Which option lists the limitations of the Mendeleev’s Periodic Table?

(a) only P

(b) only R

(c) both P and Q

(d) both Q and R

104) Which option arranges the elements of period four in the correct groups?

105) What is the trend of valency along the periods in the modern periodic table?

(a) it increases from left to right

(b) it decreases from right to left

(c) it increases and then decreases

(d) it decrease then increase

106.. How many periods and groups are present in the periodic table?

a) 7 periods and 18 groups

b) 8 periods and 7 groups

c) 7 periods and 7 groups

d) 8 periods and 8 groups

107. Which of the following forms the basis of the modern periodic table?

a) Atomic mass

b) Atomic number

c) Number of nucleons

d) All of these

108. What happens to the electropositive character of elements on moving from left to right in a periodic table?

a) Increase

b) Decreases

c) First increases than decreases

d) First decreases than increases

109. The electronic configuration of an element M is 2, 8, 4. In modern periodic table, the element M is placed in

a) 4th group

b) 2nd group

c) 14th group

d) 18th group

110. Which of the following is the correct order of the atomic radii of the elements oxygen, fluorine and nitrogen?

a) O < F < N

b) N < F < O

c) O < N < F

d) F < O < N

111. What is the other name for group 18th elements?

a) Noble gases

b) Alkali metals

c) Alkali earth metals

d) Halogens

112. Which of the following is the most reactive element of the group 17?

a) Oxygen

b) Sodium

c) Fluorine

d) Magnesium

113. Element X forms a chloride with the formula XCl2, which is a solid with a high melting point. X would most likely be in the same group of the Periodic Table as
a) Na

b) Mg

c) Al

d) Si

114. Which group elements are called transition metals?

a) Group number 1 to 2

b) Group number 13 to 18

c) Group number 3 to 12

d) Group number 1 to 8

115. Which of the following elements has 2 shells and both are completely filled?

a) Helium

b) Neon

c) Calcium

d) Boron

116. Which of the following is the atomic number of an element that forms basic oxide?

a) 18

b) 17

c) 19

d) 15

117 The elements A, B and C belong to group 2, 14 and 16 respectively, of the periodic table. Which of the two elements will form covalent bonds?

a) A and B

b) B and C

c) C and A

d) None of these

118 Which of the following does not decrease while moving down the group of the periodic table?

a) Atomic radius

b) Metallic character

c) Number of shells in the atom

d) Valence electrons

119 An element X belongs to the 3rd period and 1st group of the periodic table. What is the number of valence electrons in its atom?

a) 1

b) 3

c) 6

d) 8

120. An element M is in group 13th of the periodic table, the formula for its oxide is

a) MO

b) M2O3

c) M3O2

d) None of these

121.Which one of the following does not increase while moving down the group of the periodic table?
(a) Atomic radius
(b) Metallic character
(c) Valence
(d) Number of shells in an element.

122.On moving from left to right in a period in the periodic table, the size of the atom
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) does not change appreciably
(d) first decreases and then increases.

123.An atom of an element has the electronic configuration 2, 8, 2. To which group does it belong?
(a) 4th group
(b) 6th group
(c) 3rd group
(d) 2nd group

124.In modern periodic table, elements are arranged according to their
(a) atomic weight
(b) density
(c) atomic number
(d) melting point

125.In which group are inert elements placed? ‘
(a) Group 8
(b) Group 10
(c) Group 1
(d) Group 18

126.Which of the following sets of atomic number belong to that of alkali metals?
(a) 1, 12, 30, 4, 62
(b) 37, 19, 3, 55
(c) 9, 17, 35, 53
(d) 12, 20, 56, 88

127.The element with atomic number 14 is hard and forms acidic oxide and a covalent halide. To which of the following categories does the element belong?
(a) Metal
(b) Metalloid
(c) Non-metal
(d) Left-hand side element

128.The amount of energy released when one or more electrons is added to the neutral atom is
(a) electron affinity
(b) ionisation energy
(c) electron negativity
(d) atomicity

129.The valence shell of element A contains 3 electrons while the valence shell of element B contains 6 electrons. If A combines with B, the probable chemical formula of the compound is
(a) AB2
(b) A2B
(c) A2B3
(d) A3B2

130.Arrange the following elements in the order of their increasing non-metallic character.
Li, O, C, Be, F
(a) F < O < C < Be < Li
(b) Li < Be < C < O < F
(c) F < O < C < Be < Li
(d) F < O < Be < C < Li

131.What type of oxide would E&a-aluminium form?
(a) EO3
(b) E3O2
(c) E2O3
(d) EO

132.Which of these belong to the same period?
B at no 10

(a) A, B
(b) B, C
(c) C, A
(d) A, B & C

133.Which of the following property will be common in group 1 elements?
(a) Mass number
(b) Number of protons in nucleus
(c) Atomic number
(d) Number of valence electrons

134.Which one of the following elements exhibit maximum number of valence electrons?
(a) Na
(b) Al
(c) Si
(d) P

135 Which of the following gives the correct increasing order of the atomic radii of O, F and N?
(a) O, F, N
(b) N, F, O
(c) O, N, F
(d) F, O, N

136.Element ‘A’ has electronic configuration 2, 7; ‘B’ has electronic configuration 2, 8, 5 and ‘C’ has electronic configuration 2, 8, 7. Which two elements will exhibit similar chemical properties?
(a) A and C
(b) A and B
(c) B and C
(d) None of these

137.Which of the following elements does not lose an electron easily?
(a) Na
(b) F
(c) Mg
(d) Al

138.Which of the following are the characteristics of isotopes of an element?
(i) Isotopes of an element have same atomic masses
(ii) Isotopes of an element have same atomic number
(iii) Isotopes of an element show same physical properties
(iv) Isotopes of an element show same chemical properties
(a) (i), (iii) and (iv)
(b) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(c) (ii) and (iii)
(d) (ii) and (iv)

139.An element-X has mass number 40 and contains 21 neutrons in its atom. To which group of the periodic table does it belong?
(a) Group 1
(b) Group 4
(c) Group 2
(d) Group 3

140.Which of the following properties does not match element of the halogen family?
(a) They have seven electrons in their valence shell.
(b) They are highly reactive.
(c) They are metallic in nature.
(d) They are diatomic in their molecular form.

141.Upto which element, the Law of Octaves was found to be applicable.
(a) Oxygen
(b) Calcium
(c) Cobalt
(d) Potassium

142.According to Medeleev’s Periodic Law, the elements were arranged in the periodic table in the order of
(a) increasing atomic number
(b) decreasing atomic number
(c) increasing atomic masses
(d) decreasing atomic masses

143.Consider the following elements:
20Ca, 8O, 18Ar, 16S, 4Be, 2He
Which of the above elements would you expect to be in group 16 of the periodic table?
(a) 20Ca and 16S
(b) 20Ca and 8O
(c) 18Ar and 16S
(d) 8O and 16S

144.The electronic configuration of the atom of an element X is 2, 4, 8. In the modern periodic table, the element X is placed in:
(a) 2nd group
(b) 4th group
(c) 14th group
(d) 8th group

145.Which of the following element would lose an electron easily?
(a) Mg
(b) Na
(c) K
(d) Ca

146.The element A, B, C, D and E have atomic numbers 9, 11, 17, 12 and 13 respectively. The pair of elements which belongs to the same group of the periodic table is:
(a) A and B
(b) B and D
(c) A and C
(d) D and E

147.Whichoneofthefollowingdoesnotincreawhile moving down the group of the periodic table?
(a) Atomic radius
(b) Metallic character
(c) Valence electrons
(d) Shells in the atoms

148.The Newlands Law of Octaves for the classification of elements was found to be applicable only up to the element
(a) Potassium
(b) Calcium
(c) Cobalt
(d) Thorium

149.An element X forms an oxide X^3. In which group of Modem periodic table is this element placed?
(a) Group 2
(b) Group 3
(c) Group 5
(d) Group 13

150.The atomic numbers of the elements Na, Mg, K and Ca are 11, 12, 19 and 20 respectively. The element have the largest atomic radius is:
(a) Mg
(b) Na
(c) K
(d) Ca

151.Where would you locate the element with electronic configuration 2, 8 in the Modern Periodic Table?
(a) Group 8
(b) Group 18
(c) Group 10
(d) Group 16

152.Which of the following is the valance shell for the elements of second period of the modern periodic table?
(a) M shell
(b) K shell
(c) L shell
(d) N shell

153.Which of the following statements is not a correct statement about the trends when going from left to right across the periods of the periodic table?
(а) The elements becomes less metallic in nature
(b) The number of valance electrons increases
(c) The atoms lose their electrons more easily
(d) The oxides become more acidic

154.The longest period of the Modern Periodic Table is period.
(a) first
(b) second
(c) fourth
(d) sixth

155.The inert gas which lies in third period is
(a) Helium
(b) Neon
(c) Argon
(d) Xenon

156.An element with atomic number 40 is placed in period.
(a) 5
(b) 6
(c) 4
(d) 3

157.The total number of electrons present in the first twenty elements of the periodic table is
(a) 250
(b) 230
(c) 210
(d) 190

158.The element with atomic number 26 will be found in group
(a) 2
(b) 8
(c) 6
(d) 10

159.Eka-aluminium and Eka-silicon are known as
(a) gallium and germanium
(b) aluminium and silicon
(c) iron and sulphur
(d) neutron and proton

160.When an atom of iodine becomes an iodine ion (I–) the radius will
(a) decrease
(b) increase
(c) remain the same
(d) none

161.Which type of elements are poor conductors of heat and electricity?
(a) Metals
(b) Non-metals
(c) Gases
(d) None of these

162.What is the symbol of the element Tungsten?
(a) Tu
(b) W
(c) Ta
(d) Tw

163.Which of the element whose atomic number is given below cannot accommodate in the present set up of the long form of the periodic table?
(a) 107
(b) 118
(c) 102
(d) 126

164I am the Modern Periodic Table, where elements are arranged on the basis of ……………. I have horizontal rows called ……………. and ……………. vertical columns are called ……………. My first period is very short with ……………. elements and second and third periods contain ……………. elements, fourth and fifth ……………. has ……………. elements. Sixth period has ……………. elements but seventh period is ……………. with space for more elements. 17 group is of ……………., 18 is of ……………. Atomic size of the elements ……………. across the period but ……………. down the group. Metallic character ……………. across the period but non-metallic character ……………. Number of valence electrons ……………. across the period and the valency ……………. but valency of the elements is ……………. in a group. All the properties of elements are the Periodic function of their …………….

165. An element with atomic number 12
166.. Metal used in making cans and member of Group 14.

167. A lustrous non-metal which has 7 electrons in its outermost shell.

168. Highly reactive and soft metal which imparts yellow colour when subjected to flame and is kept under kerosene.

169. The first element of second Period.

170.An element which is used in making fluorescent bulbs and is the second member of Group 18 in the Modern Periodic Table.

171.An radioactive element which is the last member of halogen family.

172. Metal which is an important constituent of steel and forms rust when exposed to moist air.

173. The first metalloid in Modem whose fibres are used in making vests of  bullet proof jackets

174Which Statement is not Correct for the Element with 1s2, 2s2p6, 3s1 Electronic Configuration?

AThis is a non-metal.

BThis creates basic oxide.

CThis element is with a low electron affinity.

DThis is a monovalent electropositive.

175.Which Groups from the Below Options have the s-block Elements?


B.VIIA and VA.

C.IIA and IA.

D.Subgroups of B.

176.What is the Position of the Element Having Quantum Numbers l = 1, n = 2, s = -1/2, m = 1, in the Periodic Table?

A.Group 15, period II.

B.Group VIIA, period II.

C.Group 0, period III.

D.Group VIIA, period III.

177.What is the Atomic Number of the Element with 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p3 Electronic Configuration?





178.From Which Group, Does the Element Having Atomic Number 16 Belong?

A 15th


C 16th

D 13rd

179.Which of the Following Block Refers to the Element with 29 Atomic Number?

A P-block.




180.The Californium Element Belongs to Which Family?

A Alkali metal.

B.Lanthanide series.

C.Alkaline earth.

D.Actinide series.

181.What Happens to the Metallic Character of Elements When you Move from LLeft to Right of the Periodic Table?



C.Initially increases and after that decreases.

D .Remains constant.

182.What is the Characteristic of (n-1) d1-10ns0-2 Electronic Structure?


B.Transition elements.

C.Rare gasses.

D Lanthanides.

183.What is the Common Characteristic of Elements having 86, 54, 36, 18, and 10 Atomic Numbers?

A Inert gasses.

B.Rare earth.

C.Light metals.


184.Which One is the Smallest Ion?




D Ba2+

185.Which of the Following Cation has the Smallest Radius?





186.Which Element has the Highest Atomic Radius?




D Al.

187.What Increase While Moving Down a Group of Regular Elements?

A.Atomic mass.

B.Atomic number.

C Atomic weight.

D None of the above.

188.Which Group of Elements can Form Anions Most Quickly?


B.Oxygen family.

C.Alkali metals.

D.Nitrogen family.

190.Element with Atomic Number 6 Belongs to -

A.15 period.

B.13 group.

C 14 group.

D 15 group.

191.Which One is the Heaviest Atom?





192.The Diagonal Relationship can be Observed by - 

A Elements of 3rd period.

B.Elements of 1st period.

C.Elements of 2nd period.

D.Both a and c.

193.36 Atomic Number Belongs to –





194.Which Group Does Only Contain Metals?





195.   14 elements after actinium is called

        a. Lanthanides

        b. Actinides

        c. D-block elements

        d. P block elements

196.   An element has an atomic number of 15 with which of the following elements will it show similar chemical properties.

        a. Be (4)

        b. Ne (10)

        c. N(7)

        d. O (8)

197.   The group number and period number respectively of an element with atomic number 8 is.

        a. 6,2

        b. 16,2

        c. 6,8

        d. 16,4

198.   An element belongs to period 2 and group 2 th number of valence electrons in the atoms of this element is.

        a. 2

        b. 4

        c. 3

        d. 1

199.   In the third period of the periodic table the element having smallest size is

        a. Na

        b. Ar

        c. Cl

        d. Si

200.   Electronic configuration of Al+3 is

        a. 2,8,3

        b. 2,8,8

        c. 2,8

        d. 2,8,8,3

201.   Identify the group which is not a Dobereiner triad

        a. Li, Na, K

        b. Be, Mg, Cr

        c. Ca, Sr, Ba

        d. Cl, Br, I

202.   Which is not true about the noble gases?

        a. They are non metallic in nature

        b. They exist in atomic form

        c. They are radioactive in nature

        d. Xenon is the most reactive among these

203.   Identify the wrong sequence of the elements in a group

        a. Ca, Br, Ba

        b. Cu, Au, Ag

        c. N,P, As

        d. Cl, Br, I

204.   An element with atomic number will form a basic oxide________

        a. 7

        b. 17

        c. 14

        d. 11

205.. __________ gave the idea for the first time to classify elements as per their properties.
a) Mendeleev
b) Dobereiner
c) Newland
d) John

206.. In triads, the average weight of the 1st and the 3rd element are equal to the second one.
a) True
b) False
View Answer

207. Which of the following is not Dobereiner triad?
a) Li, Na, and K
b) He, Na and Ar
c) Ca, Sr and Ba
d) CL, Br and I

208.. The property of every eight elements is similar to that of the 1st element. This is proposed by ___________
a) Thomson
b) Dobereiner
c) Mendeleev
d) John Alexander Newland
View Answer

209. Newland’s law of Octaves is only valid until calcium.
a) False
b) True

210. The periodic functions of the __________ are the properties of respective elements.
a) Atomic Weights
b) Atomic Number
c) Chemical properties
d) No of protons
View Answer

211. Eka Aluminium is _________
a) Germanium
b) Gallium
c) Silicon
d) Copper
View Answer

212.. What are the atomic weights of Aka Silicon and Germanium?
a) 72, 72.6
b) 68, 70
c) 70, 72
d) 68, 72.6
View Answer

213. In Mendeleev’s periodic classification, what is the number of groups?
a) 12
b) 8
c) 7
d) 6

214.. The ideal gases were in ____ group of Mendeleev’s periodic table.
a) 3rd
b) 4th
c) 1st
d) 2nd

Net exp
215.)  Dobereiners triads were written in the order of increasing …………………..

a) Atomic number

b) Atomic mass

c) Neutron number

d) Proton number

ANS-Atomic mass

216) Mass of sodium element.

a) 21.88

b) 22.99

c) 22

d) 17


217) Which scientist explain ‘law of octaves’.

a) Dobereiners

b) Einstein

c) Newlands

d) Gigerl


218.) Symbol of thorium element.

a) Th

b) Ti

c) Tl

d) Te


219.) ………….. is the eighth element after lithium.

a) Boron

b) Helium

c) Carbon

d) Sodium


220.) Newland octaves law applicable only upto……………

a) Sodium

b) Calcium

c) Magnesium

d) Carbon


221.) Mendeleevs periodic table contains vertical columns called……………….

a) Group

b) Periods

c) Rows

d) Lines


222) Mendeleevs periodic table contains ……………………….called groups.

a) vertical columns

b) horizontal rows

c) vertical lines

d) horizontal lines

ANS-vertical columns

223.) Mendeleeves horizontal rows called ‘…………………..’

a.) Group

b.) Periods

c.) Rows

d.) Lines


224.) Mendeleeves ………………….called ‘ Periods ‘.

a) vertical columns

b) horizontal rows

c) vertical lines

d) horizontal lines

ANS-horizontal rows

225.) Atomic mass of cobalt.

a) 55

b) 56

c) 58.9

d) 57.9


226) It is not noble gas………….

a) Helium

b) Neon

c) Argon

d) Boron


227) ………………. Is the noble gas.

a) H

b) He

c) C

d) N


228.) Limitation of mendeleeves..

a) No fixed position of H

b) No fixed position of He

c) No fixed position of Be

d) No fixed position of C

ANS-No fixed position of H

229) Isotopes means…………..

a) Similar physical property ,different atomic masses

b) Similar chemical property ,different atomic masses

c) Similar physical property ,different atomic Number

d) Similar chemical property ,different atomic Number.

ANS-Similar chemical property ,different atomic masses

230) Similar chemical property  but different atomic masses known as………….

a) Proton

b) Isomer

c) Isotope

d) Isotonic


231.) Isotopes of elemental positions also one of the major limitations of ………………….. periodic table

a) Newland

b) Mendeleeves

c) Dobierner

ANS- Mendeleeves

232.) Formula of Manganese……..

a) Mg

b) Mn

c) Ma

d) Ms


233.) Formula of potassium.

a) P

b) K

c) Po

d) O


234.) ………. Horizontal rows present in modern periodic table/

a) 5

b) 8

c) 9

d) 7

235) …………………………….. present in modern periodic table.

a) vertical columns

b) horizontal rows

c) vertical lines

d) horizontal lines

ANS-horizontal rows

236) ………. Vertical columns known as groups.

a) 8

b) 7

c) 18

d) 19

ANS- 18

237)  ………………………. known as groups.

a) vertical columns

b) horizontal rows

c) vertical lines

d) horizontal lines

ANS-vertical columns

238.) Halogens present in group……….

a) 15

b) 16

c) 17

d) 18


239.) F, Cl present in group…………

a) 15

b) 16

c) 17

d) 18

240.) Number of shells increases as we go……………….

a) Down the diagonally

b) Down the group

c) Down the periods

d) Down the newlands periodic table.

ANS-Down the group

241.) Atomic No. ………………… by one unit on moving from left to right in periods.

a) Decreases

b) Increases

c) Same

d) None of the above


242.) Ar belongs to the………… period of modern periodic table.

a) 3rd

b) 4th

c) 5th

d) 6th


243.) Electrons of atoms are filled in…………………….. shells.

a) K, L, P

b) I, M, P

c) L, K, M

d) K, L, M


244.) Electron capacity of K shell

a) 4

b) 5

c) 6

d) 2


245.) Electrons can accommodated in a shell depends on formula…..

a) 2n

b) 2na

c) 2ne–

d) 2n2

ANS- 2n2

246) Electron shells depends on 2n2 where ‘n’ is………….

a) Number of electron

b) Number of given shell from nucleus

c) Proton number

d) Neutron number

247) Electron capacity of L shell

a) 4

b) 5

c) 6

d) 8


248) Atomic radius means…

a) Distance between nucleus to outermost shell.

b) Distance of nucleus

c) Diameter of atom

d) Distance between two electron.

ANS-Distance between nucleus to outermost shell.

249) Atomic radius of hydrogen …

a) 32 pm

b) 37 pm

c) 30 pm

d) 31 pm

ANS-37 pm

250.) 1 picometre means……….

a) 10 m

b) 10^-5 m

c) 10^-12 m

d) 10^-15 m

251.) Atomic radius ……….. in moving from left to right along a period.

a) Decreases

b) Increases

c) Same

d) None of the above


252.) Atomic radius decreases due to……………..

a) Proton number

b) Neutron number

c) Nuclear charge which pulled the electron

d) Nuclear charge which pulled the proton

ANS-Nuclear charge which pulled the electron

253) Element which represents  in periodic table known as………

a) Halogen

b) Gases

c) Noble gases

d) Metalloid


254.) Elements which behaves as metal as well nonmetals called.

a) Halogen

b) Gases

c) Noble gases

d) Metalloid

255) Metallic character ………………. Across the period and …………………down the group

a) Increases, increase

b) Decreases, increases

c) Decreases, decreases

d) Increases, Decreases

ANS-Decreases, increases

256 …………….. are electronegatives.

a) Metals

b) Nonmetals

c) Alkali earth metals

d) Hydrogen


257) ………………………..are electropositive in nature.

a) Metals

b) Nonmetals

c) Alkali earth metals

d) Hydrogen


258. Silicon is ……………………

a) Halogen

b) Gases

c) Noble gases

d) Metalloid

ANS- Metalloid

259) Calcium is a…………………..

a) Metals

b) Nonmetals

c) Alkali earth metals

d) Hydrogen


260.) Oxides of metals is ……………. In nature.

a) Acidic

b) Basic

c) Amphoteric

d) Salty


261.) Oxides of non-metals is ……………. In nature.

a) Acidic

b) Basic

c) Amphoteric

d) Salty


262.) Atomic number of berellium.

a) 5

b) 4

c) 7

d) 8

263) Atomic mass of hydrogen.

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 0


264.) Krypton is…………..

a) Metals

b) Nonmetals

c) Alkali earth metals

d) Noble gas

ANS-Noble gas


265.Which of the following is a metalloid?





266 The atomic size of the elements of group I ____ as we move down the group.



C.remains same

D.increases first and then decreases

267.The elements of group IA have ____.

A. valence electron

B valence electrons

C.valence electrons

D. valence electrons

268.The most non-metallic group among the following is ____.





269.Carbon belongs to the 2nd period of group 14. Silicon belongs to the 3rd period of group14. If the atomic number of carbon is 6, the atomic number of silicon is ____.





270.Ca, Sr and Ba are alka
alkali metals.





271.The chemical reactivity of an element can be best shown by its reactions with ____ and _______.

A.nitrogen, sulphur

B.nitrogen, oxygen

C.oxygen, halogens

D.nitrogen, halogens

272..In a long form periodic table, the elements in a period are arranged according to the ____.

A.decrease in atomic number

B.increase in atomic number

C.decrease in atomic mass

D.increase in atomic number

273..In a group, the metallic character of elements ____ as we move from top to bottom.



C.remains same

D.changes randomly

274..In periodic table, the metallic character ......... along a period.



C.remains same

D.first increase then decrease

275.All chemical and physical properties are a manifestation of the ____ of elements.

A.atomic mass

B.electronic configuration



276..French geologist A.E.B.de Chancourtois arranged the then known elements in order of ____ and made a ____ table of elements to display the periodic recurrence of properties.

A.increasing atomic weights, cylindrical

B.increasing atomic weights, rectangular

C.decreasing atomic weights, cylindrical

D.decreasing atomic weights, rectangular

277.Metalloids combine with oxygen to form ____ oxides.



C amphoteric


278.Each period in the periodic table ends with ____.

A.an alkali metal

B.a halogen

C.a transition element

D.an inert gas

279.Magnesium belongs to the ____ group.





280.The electron affinity across the period increases from left to right.
D.decrease and increases

281.The number of elements known at present is ____.





282.Which of the following property of alkali metals increases with the increase in atomic number?

A.Atomic radius

B.Electro negativity

C Melting point

D.First ionization potential

283.____ elements are known so far.


B 114



284.There are ____ elements in the third period of the periodic table.





285.Elements in the same period have ........chemical properties.
3.cant say

286.In the periodic table rubidium and radium are present in groups ____ respectively.

A.1 and 2

B.1 and 3

C.3 and 5

D.1 and 5

287.The reverse trend of the metallic character for the transition elements can be explained in terms of ____ and ____.

A.atomic, ionic radii

B.atomic size, ionisation enthalpy

C.atomic radii, electron gain enthalpy

D.valence and atomic size

288.Law of Triads was referred to as ____ relationship.

A.Lothar Meyer's




289.The elements in a group have ____.

A.different chemical properties

B.the same chemical properties

C the same number of protons

D.the same atomic radius

290.The period that contains only gaseous elements is the ____ period.



C third


291.____ belongs to the 2nd group of the periodic table.





292.The old periodic law states that the properties of the elements are a periodic function of their ____.

A.physical properties

B.chemical properties

C.atomic weights

D.molar mass

293.The metallic character of the elements ____ down the group.


B.remains constant



294.The periodic law owes its development to the Russian chemist ____ and the German chemist ____.

A.John Alexander Newlands, Lothar Meyer

B.Dmitri Mendeleev, Lothar Meyer

C.Johann Dobereiner, Lothar Meyer

D.Johann Dobereiner, John Alexander Newlands

295.. Newland law of octave arranged elements in increasing order
of ?
(a) atomic masses (b) atomic number
(c) atomic structure (d) atomic radius
Ans. (a) atomic masses

296.Dobereiner arranged similar atoms in a group of ?
(a) one (b) two
(c) three (d) four

297.. Position of ........... is controversial in Mendeleev’s periodic table.
(a) Helium (b) Chlorine
(c) Fluorine (d) Hydrogen

298. If an electron ........... energy it jumps to lower energy level
from high energy level.
(a) gain (b) lose
(c) equal (d) not of the above

299. Fifth period contains ........... elements.
(a) 6 (b) 12
(c) 18 (d) 32

300. ........... period is the longest period of the present periodic table.
(a) second (b) sixth
(c) seventh (d) eighth

301.. Beryllium exhibits diagonal relationship with ........... .
(a) aluminium (b) calcium
(c) magnesium (d) fluorine

302.. Inner transition elements comprise of ........... block.
(a) c (b) d (c) e (d) f

303.. ........... (Mendeleev/Moseley) left gaps in the periodic table for
the undiscovered elements.
(a) Mendeleev (b) Moseley
(c) John Newlands (d) William Ramsay

304. Modern periodic table was given by ........... .
(a) John Newlands (b) Antoine Lavoisier
(c) Moseley (d) Mendeleev

305. Vertical columns of periodic table are known as
(a) Groups (b) Periods
(c) Elements (d) Compounds

306  Horizontal rows of periodic table are called
(a) Groups (b) Periods
(c) Elements (d) Compounds

307. Maximum number of electrons in the M shell
(a) 2 (b) 8
(c) 18 (d) 32

308 . Scientist who grouped elements in triad
(a) Mendeleev (b) Moseley
(c) John Newlands (d) Dobereiner

309.. Group of elements which are kept at the bottom of periodic
(a) Noble Gases (b) Alkaline Earth Metals
(c) Inner Transition Elements (d) Halogens

310.. Inert gas present in the second period
(a) Helium (b) Neon
(c) Xenon (d) Radon

301.Element present in the beginning of periodic table
(a) Hydrogen (b) Chlorine
(c) Lithium (d) Helium

302.. Lithium exhibits diagonal relationship with
(a) Calcium (b) Barium
(c) Berrylium (d) Magnesium

303. Number of elements present in longest period
(a) 2 (b) 8
(c) 18 (d) 32

304. Number of elements present in the shortest period.
(a) 2 (b) 8
(c) 18 (d) 32

305. The atomic radii of inert gases are larger than those of preceding elements due to ............ in completely filled shells.
(a) force of repulsion (b) high I.E.
(c) low I.E. (d) force of attraction

306.The minimum amount of energy required to remove the most
loosely bound electron from an isolated, neutral gaseous atom
is known as ............
(a) Bond enthalpy (b) EA
(c) I.E. (d) force of attraction
Ans. (c) I.E.

307.. ............ has the highest ionisation energy in the periodic table.
(a) Lithium (b) Helium
(c) Chlorine (d) Hydrogen
Ans. (b) Helium

308.. Noble gases have ............ electron affinity.
(a) low (b) highest
(c) zero (d) moderate
Ans. (c) zero

309. Chlorine has ............ electron affinity than fluorine.
(a) less (b) more
(c) same (d) none of the above
Ans. (b) more

310m The tendency of an atom to attract shared pair of electrons to
itself when combined in a compound is called ............ along
the period.
(a) electronegativity (b) electropositivity
(c) inert (d) none of the above
Ans. (a) electronegativity

311.. Hydrogen chloride is a ............. .
(a) pure covalent compound
(b) polar covalent compound
(c) molecular covalent compound
(d) non polar covalent compound
Ans. (b) polar covalent compound

312............ is liquid at room temperature.
(a) Caesium (b) Francium
(c) Hydrogen (d) Iron
Ans. (a) Caesium

313. Density of alkali metals ........... (decreases/increases) with
atomic number.
(a) remains same (b) increases
(c) non-uniformly varies (d) decreases
Ans. (d) decreases

314.Boiling point and melting point of halogens ........... (increase/
decrease) with increase in atomic number.
(a) remains same (b) increases
(c) non-uniformly varies (d) decreases
Ans. (b) increases

315. The yellowish gas among the following is
(a) Fluorine (b) Chlorine
(c) Bromine (d) Iodine
Ans. (a) Fluorine

316. Which of the following is a covalent chloride
(a) Sodium Chloride (b) Potassium Chloride
(c) Magnesium Chloride (d) Phosphorus Chloride
Ans. (d) Phosphorus Chloride

317. To decrease the chemical reactivity, alkali metals are converted
(a) Oxides (b) Chlorides
(c) Amalgams (d) Nitrates
Ans. (c) Amalgams

318.. The colour of alkali halides is
(a) White (b) Red
(c) Yellow (d) None of these
Ans. (a) White

319.. Atoms of which elements have their outer layers occupied by
seven electrons.
(a) Alkali metals (b) Inert gases
(c) Halogens (d) Alkaline earth metals
Ans. (c) Halogens

320.. The number of electron shells in the elements of period 3.
(a) One (b) Two
(c) Three (d) Four
Ans. 3 (three)

321. The noble gas having an electronic configuration of 2. 8. 8.
(a) Neon (b) Argon
(c) Xenon (d) Radon
Ans. Argon (Ar)

322.The group whose elements show zero valency.
(a) Group 1 (b) Group 6
(c) Group 12 (d) Group 18
Ans. Group 18

323.The non-metal in the period 3 having a valency of 1.
(a) Chlorine (b) Galium
(c) Krypton (d) Berrylium
Ans. chlorine (Cl)

324.. The alkali metal in the period 2.
(a) Berrylium (b) Boron
(c) Carbon (d) Lithium
Ans. Lithium (Li)

325.The element in the period 3 which does not form an oxide.
(a) Argon (b) Silicon
(c) Selenium (d) Chlorine
Ans. Argon

326.. The element having largest atomic size in periods.
(a) Halogen (b) Alkali Metals
(c) Alkaline Earth Metals (d) Inert Gases
Ans. Alkali metals

327.Parts (a) to (e) refer to changes in the properties of elements
on moving from left to right across a period of the Periodic
Table. For each property, change the letter corresponding to
the correct answer from the choices A, B, C and D.
(i) The non-metallic character of the elements :-
A: decreases B : increases
C : remains the same D : depends on the period.
Ans. B : increases
(ii) The electronegativity :
A : depends on the number of valence electrons
B : remains the same
C : decreases D : increases
Ans. D : increases
(iii) The ionization potential :
A : goes up and down B : decreases
C : increases D : remains the same.
Ans.C : increases
(iv) The atomic size :
A : decreases B : increases
C : remains the same
D : sometimes increases and sometimes decreases
Ans. A : decreases

(v) The electron affinity of the elements in group 1 to 7 :
A : goes up and then down
B : decreases and then increases
C : increases
D : decreases
Ans. C : Increases

328.. Among the period 2 elements the one which has high electron
affinity is :
(a) Lithium (b) Carbon
(c) Fluorine (d) Neon
Ans. Fluorine

329. Across a period, the ionization potential ?
(a) increases (b) decreases
(c) remains same (d) None of these
Ans. increases

330.. Down the group, electron affinity ?
(a) increases (b) decreases
(c) remains same (d) None of these
Ans. decreases

331.. In the periodic table alkali metals are placed are in the group?
(a) 1 (b) 11
(c) 17 (d) 18
Ans. A : 1

332.. Which of the following properties do not match with elements
of the halogen family?
(a) They have seven electrons in their valence shell.
(b) They are highly reactive chemically.
(c) They are metallic in nature.
(d) They are diatomic in their molecular form.
Ans. (c) They are metallic in nature.

333. An element in period-3 whose electron affinity is zero.
(A) Neon (B) Sulphur (C) Sodium (D) Argon
Ans. (D) Argon

334. Among the period 2 elements, the element which has high
electron affinity is :
(A) Lithium (B) Carbon;
(C) Chlorine (D) Flourine

335 Ionisation Potential increases over a period from left to right
because the :
(A) Atomic radius increases and nuclear charge increases
(B) Atomic radius decreases and nuclear charge increases
(C) Atomic radius increases and nuclear charge decreases
(D) Atomic radius decreases and nuclear charge decreases
Ans. (D) Atomic radius decreases and nuclear charge increases.

336. If an element A belongs to Period 3 and Group II, then it will
have :
(A) 3 shells and 2 valence electrons
(B) 2 shells and 3 valence electrons
(C) 3 shells and 3 valence electrons
(D) 2 shells and 2 valence electrons
Ans. (A) 3 shells and 2 valence electrons

337.. Among the elements given below, the element with the least
electronegativity is :
(A) Lithium (B) Carbon
(C) Boron (D) Fluorine
Ans. (A) Lithium
Lithium is an element with the least electronegativity.

338. The non-metallic character of the elements :
(a) decreases (b) increases
(c) remains the same (c) depends on the period
Ans. (b) increases

339.. The electronegativity :
(a) depends on the number of valence electrons
(b) remains the same
(c) decreases (d) increases
Ans. (d) increases

340. The ionization potential :
(a) goes up and down (b) decreases
(c) increases (d) remains the same
Ans. (c) increases

341  The atomic size :
(a) decreases (b) increases
(c) remains the same
(d) sometimes increases and sometimes decreases.
Ans. (a) decrease

342.The electron affinity of the elements in groups 1 to 7 :
(a) goes up and then down
(b) decreases and then increases
(c) increases (d) decreases
Ans. (c) increases

343.. Among period 2 elements A, B, C and D, the one which has
high electron affinity is
(a) Lithium (b) Carbon
(c) Fluorine (d) Neon
Ans. (c) Fluorine

344.Which of the following properties do not match with elements
of the halogen family?
(a) They have seven electrons in their valence shell.
(b) They are highly reactive chemically.
(c) They are metallic in nature.
(d) They are diatomic in their molecular form.
Ans. (c) They are metallic in nature.

345. An element in period 3 whose electrons affinity is zero.
(a) Neon (b) Sulphur
(c) Sodium (d) Argon
Ans. (d) Argon

346.. Among the period 2 elements, the element which has high
electron affinity is
(a) Lithium (b) Carbon
(c) Chlorine (d) Fluorine
Ans. (d) Fluorine has highest electron affinity

347. An element with atomic number 19 will most likely combine
chemically with element whose atomic number is :
(a) 17 (b) 11
(c) 28 (d) 20
Ans. (a) 1

348. Which of the following statements is not a correct statement
about the trends when going from left to right across the
Periodic Table?
(a) The elements become less metallic in nature.
(b) The number of valency electrons increases.
(c) The atoms lose their electrons more easily.
(d) The oxides become more acidic.
Sol. (c) On moving from left to right across the periods, the number of
shells remains the same and nuclear charge increases. An increase
in nuclear charge results in more difficulty for the atoms to lose
their valency electrons and the electrons is not lost readily.

349.Element X forms a chloride with the formula, XCl2
, which is a
solid with a high melting point. X would most likely be in same
group of the Periodic Table as:
(a) Na (b) Mg
(c) Al (d) Si
Ans. (b) The formula XCl2
indicates the valency of X (i.e., 2) and X
(Mg) is metal. Also XCl2
being an ionic solid possesses high melting

350.Which of the given elements A, B, C, D and E with atomic
numbers 2, 3, 7, 10 and 30 respectively belong to the same
(a) A, B, C
(b) B, C, D
(c) A, D, E
(d) B, D, E
Ans. (b) B, C, D

351.The element A, B, C, D and E have atomic numbers 9, 11, 17,
12 and 30 respectively belong to the same period?
(a) A and B
(b) B and D
(c) A and C
(d) D and E
Ans. (c) A and

352.. Which one of the following elements exhibit maximum number
of valency electrons?
(a) Na (b) Al
(c) Si (d) P
Ans. (d) P

353. Which of the following gives the correct increasing order of
the atomic radii of O, F and N?
(a) O, F, N (b) N, F, O
(c) O, N, F (d) F, O, N
Ans. (d) F, O, N

354.. Which among the following elements has the largest atomic
(a) Na (b) Mg
(c) K (d) Ca
Ans. (c) K

355. Which of the following elements would lose an electron easily?
(a) Mg (b) Na
(c) K (d) Ca
Ans. (c) K

356.Which of the following elements does not lose an electron
(a) Na (b) F
(c) Mg (d) Al
Ans. (b) F

357. Arrange the following elements in the order of their decreasing
metallic character
Na, Si, Cl, Mg, Al
(a) Cl > Si > Al > Mg > Na (b) Na > Mg > Al > Si > Cl
(c) Na > Al > Mg > Cl > Si (d) Al > Na > Si > Ca > Mg
Ans. (b) Na > Mg > Al > Si > Cl

358. Arrange the following elements in the order of their increasing
non-metallic character Li, O, C, Be, F
(a) F < O < C < Be < Li (b) Li < Be < C < O < F
(c) F < C < Be < O < Li (d) F < O < Be < C < Li
Ans. (b) Li < Be < C < O < F

359. Three elements B, Si and Ge are
(a) metals (b) non-metals
(c) metalloids
(d) metal, non-metal and metalloid respectively
Ans. (c) metalloids

360.. Which of the following elements will form an acidic oxide?
(a) An element with atomic number 7
(b) An element with atomic number 3
(c) An element with atomic number 12
(d) An element with atomic number 19
Ans. (a) An element with atomic number 7

361.. Which one of thollowing depict the correct representation
of atomic radius (r) of an atom?
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (iii) and (iv) (d) (i) and (iv)
Ans. (b) (ii) and (iii)

362.. Which one of the following does not increase while moving
down the group of the periodc table?
(a) Atomic radius (b) Metallic character
(c) Valency
(d) Number of shells in an element
Ans. (c) Valency

363.. On moving from left to right in a period in the periodic table,
the size of the atom.
(a) increases (b) decreases
(c) does not change appreciably
(d) first decreases and then increases
Ans. (b) decreases

364.. Which of the following set of elements is written in order of
their increasing metallic character?
(a) Be Mg Ca (b) Na Li K
(c) Mg Al Si (d) C O N
Ans. (a) Be Mg Ca

365.. How many elements have been discovered till now?
(a) 120 (b) 118
(c) 116 (d) 114
Sol. (b) 118

366 Which law is like the seven notes of music; sa, re, ga, ma, pa,
(a) Law of triad (b) Law of octaves
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
Sol. (b) Law of octaves

367. What is the fundamental propety of classification in modern
periodic law?
(a) Atomic number (b) Atomic volume
(c) Atomic radius (d) Atomic mass
Ans. (a) Atomic number

368.. Among the following, which are the bridge elements?
(a) C-Mg (b) Li-Mg
(c) Be-Si (d) Be-B
Ans. (b) Li-Mg

369. Which period of the periodic table consist of elements known
as typical elements?
(a) 1st period (b) 2nd period
(c) 3rd period (d) 4th period
Ans. (c) 3rd period

370.. The atomic size on moving across the period
(a) decreases (b) increases
(c) remains the same
(d) sometimes increases and sometimes decreases
Ans. (a) decreases

371. The non-metallic character of the elements down the group
(a) decreases (b) increases
(c) remains the same (d) depends on the period
Ans. (a) decreases

372. An element with the atomic number 19 will most likely combine
chemically with the element whose atomic number is
(a) 17 (b) 11
(c) 18 (d) 20
Ans. (a) 17

373. An element X has an atomic number 15. With which of the
following elements will it show similar chemical properties?
(a) Ne (10) (b) N (7)
(c) O (8) (d) Be (4)
Ans. (b) N (7)

374. Which of the following properties do not match with elements
of the halogen family?
(a) They have seven electrons in their valence shell
(b) They are highly chemically reactive
(c) They are metallic in nature
(d) They are diatomic in their molecular form
Ans. (c) They are metallic in nature

375. If an element A belongs to period III and group II, then it will
(a) 3 shells and 2 valence electrons
(b) 2 shells and 3 valence electrons
(c) 3 shells and 3 valence electrons
(d) 2 shells and 2 valence electrons
Ans. (a) 3 shells and 2 valence electrons

376. The set representing the correct order of first ionisation energy
(a) K > Na > Li (b) Be > Mg > Ca
(c) B > C > N (d) Ge > Si > C
Ans. (b) Be > Mg > Ca

377. Ionisation potential increases across a period from left to right
because the
(a) atomic radius increase and nuclear charge increases
(b) atomic radius decreases and nuclear charge decreases
(c) atomic radius increases and nuclear charge decreases
(d) atomic radius decreases and nuclear charge increases
Ans. (d) atomic radius decreases and nuclear charge increases

378. Which of the following elements would lose an electron easily?
(a) Mg (b) Na
(c) K (d) Ca
Ans. (c) K

379.Among the elements of period 2, the element which has high
electron affinity is
(a) lithium (b) carbon
(c) chlorine (d) fluorine
Ans. (d) fluorine

380.. The electronegativity on moving from left to right in a period
(a) depends on the number of valence electrons
(b) remains the same
(c) decreases
(d) increases
Ans. (d) increases

381.. If an element A belongs to period III and group II, then it will
(a) 3 shells and 2 valence electrons
(b) 2 shells and 3 valence electrons
(c) 3 shells and 3 valence electrons
(d) 2 shells and 2 valence electrons
Ans. (a) 3 shells and 2 valence electrons

382.The set representing the correct order of first ionisation energy
(a) K > Na > Li (b) Be > Mg > Ca
(c) B > C > N (d) Ge > Si > C
Ans. (b) Be > Mg > Ca

383. Ionisation potential increases across a period from left to right
because the
(a) atomic radius increase and nuclear charge increases
(b) atomic radius decreases and nuclear charge decreases
(c) atomic radius increases and nuclear charge decreases
(d) atomic radius decreases and nuclear charge increases
Ans. (d) atomic radius decreases and nuclear charge increases

384. Which of the following elements would lose an electron easily?
(a) Mg (b) Na
(c) K (d) Ca
Ans. (c) K

385.Among the elements of period 2, the element which has high
electron affinity is
(a) lithium (b) carbon
(c) chlorine (d) fluorine
Ans. (d) fluorine

386. The electronegativity on moving from left to right in a period
(a) depends on the number of valence electrons
(b) remains the same
(c) decreases
(d) increases
Ans. (d) i

387.. Which of the following is most electronegative?
(a) Carbon (b) Silicon
(c) Lead (d) Tin
Ans. (a) Carbon

388.. With reference to the variation of properties in the periodic
table, which of the following is generally true?
(a) Atomic size increases from left to right across a period
(b) Ionisation potential increases from left to right across a
(c) Electron affinity increases on moving down the group
(d) Electronegativity increases on moving down the group
Ans. (b) Ionisation potential increases from left to right across a period.

389. Which of the following is not a periodic property?
(a) Atomic mass (b) Atomic volume
(c) Atomic radius (d) Electronegativity
Ans. (a) Atomic mass
Atomic mass of an element is not a periodic property. It will not
show regular trend (in periods). e.g. Co (Atomic mass = 58.93) and
(Z = 27)
Ni (Atomic mass = 58.69) and (Z = 28)

390.Electronic configuration of an element X having atomic number
24 is
(a) 2, 8, 8, 3 (b) 2, 8, 8, 6
(c) 2, 8, 2, 8 (d) 2, 8, 7, 7
Ans. (b) 2, 8, 8, 6
Given (Z) = 24, thus it

391.Element with atomic number 38 belongs to
(a) II A group and 5th period
(b) II A group and 2nd period
(c) V A group and 2nd period
(d) III A group and 5th period
Ans. (a) II A group and 5th period
Given atomic number (Z) = 38, has 5 shells and 2 electrons in its
outermost shell, i.e. has electronic configuration 2, 8, 18, 8, 2.
Thus, member of 5th period and II(A) group.

392.Among the following, the atom of smallest radius is
(a) Na (b) K
(c) Br (d) Li
Ans. (d) Li
Na, K and Li belongs to the same group and atomic radius increases
down the group, thus Li has smallest radius. Also, Br belongs to
17th group but below the chlorine with (Z = 35). Hence, Li show
smallest radius amount the given options.
Li = 152 pm (atomic radius)
Br = 114 pm (atomic raidus)
Na = 186 pm (atomic radius)
K = 231 pm (atomic radius)

393.The group of elements in which the differentiating electron
enters in the antipenultimate shell of atoms are called
(a) f-block elements (b) p-block elements
(c) s-block elements (d) d-block elements
Ans. (a) f-block elements
Anti-penultimate shells means the differentiating electrons enters in
(n – 2) sub-shells.
_ Differentiating electron (last electron) enters in f-block elements
having general electronic.
configuration (n – 2) f
1–14 (n – 1)d
0–1 ns2
Hence, (a) is the correct option.
17 18

394. Amongst the following select the element with highest
ionisation enthalpy.
(a) Sodium (b) Potassium
(c) Beryllium (d) Magnesium
Ans. (c) Beryllium
(i) Ionisation enthalpy effective nuclear charge and

395atomic size
(ii) Atomic size decreases in period and increases in group.
(iii) Elements with fully-filled/half filled outermost sub-shell configuration
are more stable.
Hence, ionisation enthalpy of beryllium (Be) is highest, as it has full￾filled outermost electronic configuration
Be(4) = K L
2 2 or 1s

396. Which one of the following is the correct order of the size of
(a) Na+
> Mg2+ > F–
> O2– (b) O2– < F–
> Na+
> Mg2+
(c) Mg2+ > Na+
> F–
> O2– (d) O2– > F– > Mg2+ > Na+
397.. The electron affinity of Be is similar to
(a) He (b) B
(c) Li (d) Na
Ans. (a) He
Electron affinity of Be is similar to He. i.e. –50 kJ/mol because,
both have ful-filled outermost shells with two electrons in s-sub
shell and are nearly of same size.

398. Which of the following is correct order for ionisation energy?
(a) N > O > F (b) N < O < F
(c) N > O < F (d) N < O > F
Ans. (c) N > O < F
(i) Ionisation energy (I.E.) increases from left to right in a period, but.
(ii) I.E. of elements having half or fully-filled
outermost electronic configuration are more stable and show higher
value of ionisation energy.
Thus, (c) is the correct order.

399.. The correct order of electron affinities of N, O, S and Cl is
(a) N < O < S < Cl (b) O < N < Cl < S
(c) O = Cl < N = S (d) O < S < Cl < N
Ans. (a) N < O < S < Cl
(i) Electron affinities increases from left to right in a period and decreases
down the group.
(ii) But, in case of oxygen and sulphur, sulphur has higher value of
electron affinity due to larger size.
As oxygen is smaller in size with six valence electrons, which offer
greater electron-electron repulsion as compared to sulphur (having
six valence electrons).
Thus, has higher electron affinity.
Hence, correct order is N<O<S<Cl.

400.fluorine, incoming electrons are repel by the

[A] Thick cloud

[B] Outer most shell

[C] Nucleus

[D] Atomic radii

Answer: Thick cloud

401.Fluorine has electron affinity less than that of

[A] sodium

[B] potassium

[C] chlorine

[D] oxygen

Answer: Chlorine

Modern periodic law had been given by—

[A] Mendeleev

[B] Lavoisier

[C] Moseley

[D] Lother-Mayer

Answer: Moseley

4 02 In periodic table elements with similar valence shell configuration are placed in

[A] Different groups

[B] Same group

[C] Can be placed any where

[D] None of above

Answer: Same group

403.Groups contain alkaline earth metals are

[A] IA




Answer: IIA

404. The element with atomic weight 14 is

[A] Oxygen

[B] Boron

[C] Nitrogen

[D] Carbon

Answer: Nitrogen

405. Ability of atom to attract electrons towards itself is called

[A] Electron affinity

[B] Electronegativity

[C] Ionization energy

[D] Shielding effect

Answer: Electronegativity

406. Physical properties depends on the

[A] size of atom

[B] size of proton

[C] size of neutron

[D] no. of electrons

Answer: size of atom

407.The horizontal lines in the modern periodic table are called—

[A] Metal

[B] Group

[C] Period

[D] None of the above

Answer: Period

408. All the elements in a group in the periodic table have the same—

[A] Same number of valence electrons

[B] Atomic number

[C] Atomic weight

[D] None of the above

Answer: Same number of valence electrons

409. In year 2016 , in which month new ele.ments were found in the periodic table?

[A] February

[B] January

[C] March

[D] April

Answer: January

410.When an electron is added in valence shell then

[A] Energy is absorbed

[B] Energy is released

[C] Energy remains same

[D] Force of attraction increases

Answer: Energy is released

411. The law that "the physical and chemical properties of elements are periodic functions of their atomic weights" was given by

[A] Lothar Meyer

[B] Moseley

[C] Bohr

[D] Mendeleev

Answer: Mendeleev

412.As we go from left to right across period, electron affinity

[A] Increases

[B] Decreases

[C] Remains same

[D] None of above

Answer: Increases

413. Decrease in force of attraction between valence electrons and nucleus by inner electrons is called

[A] screening effect

[B] shielding effect

[C] photoelectric effect

[D] dopler effect

Answer: shielding effect

414. Elements that lie in same column have

[A] similar properties

[B] different properties

[C] same physical properties

[D] different chemical properties

Answer: similar properties

415. Value of ionization energy

[A] Decreases down the group

[B] Increases down the group

[C] Remains same down the group

[D] None of above

Answer: Decreases down the group

416.The Law of Octaves was given by

[A] Mendeleev

[B] John Newlands

[C] Dobereiner

[D] Bohr

Answer: John Newlands

417.The law that "the properties of elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers" was given by

[A] Moseley

[B] Linus Pauling

[C] Heisenberg

[D] Mendeleev

Answer: Moseley

418. Elements are arranged in order of

[A] Decreasing atomic number

[B] Decreasing atomic mass

[C] Increasing atomic number

[D] Increasing atomic mass

Answer: Increasing atomic number

419.. The most electronegative element possess the electronic configuration
a) ns2 np2 b) ns2 np4 c) ns2 np5 d) ns2 np3

420 . The maximum number of electrons in d– orbital of an element with atomic number 46 is
a) 10 b) 18 c) 20 d) 19

421 . The ionisation enthalpy of Cs is 375.6KJmol–1< what is the energy required to convert
[at mass of Cs = 133] 2.66mg of gaseous Cs completely to Cs+
a) 7.512 J b) 7.512 KJ c) 7512.2 J d) 18782 J

4.22. The atomic number of elements M, N, & P are x, x–1, x–3. If P is a halogen atom then
the type of bond between N & P is
a) Covalent b) Ionic c) Coordinate d) Metallic

423.. In the above question (Question 4) the formula of M & P is
a) MP b) M2P c) MP2 d) M2P3

424.The elements X. Y. & Z have 2, 3 & 4 electrons in the outermost orbital respectively.
The element which form most basic oxide is
a) X b) Y c) Z d) None of the above

425.Elements A, B, C & D belong to the 17th group. If the atomic numbers are y, y–x,
y + 4x + 4 & y + 2x + 2 (x = 8) > the element which is violet solid is
a) C b) A c) B d) D

426.. An element X belongs to Gp16 & 5th period. Its atomic number is
a) 34 b) 50 c) 52 d) 85

427. The position of an element with atomic number 114 is
a) Period 6 gp 14 b) Period 6 gp 16 c) Period 5 gp 18 d) Period 7 gp 14

428.. The total no. of electrons in the outermost orbital in element A, B, C, D are 2, 1, 4, & 6
respectively. The elements which belongs to chalcogens is
a) B b) C c) D d) A

429.. The ionic radii of isoelectronic species are found to be 171pm, 136pm & 140pm
respectively. The isoelectronic species are __________
a) N3– , O2– , F– b) F–
, O2– , N3– c) O2– , N3– , F– d) N3– , F–
, O2–

430.. The size of Mo is very similar to W due to_______
a) Shielding effect b) Actinide contraction
c) Poor Shielding by 4f electrons d) Poor shielding by 4d electrons

431. Choose the correct order ionization energy
a) N > O > F b) F > O > N c) N > O < F

432.. The order of ionization energy of K, Ca, & Ba are
a) K > Ca > Ba b) Ca > Ba > K c) Ba > K > Ca d) K > Ba > Ca

433. The element with zero electron gain enthalpy is
a) Argon b) Lithium c) Calcium d) Fluorine

434.. Pick the iso electronic species from the following
I. NH3 II. NH–
3 IV. H3O+
a) ii, iii, iv b) i , ii , iv c) i , ii , iii , iv d) i & iv

435. The element with atomic number 44 belongs
a) d–Block b) p–Block c) s–Block d) f–Block

436. In the third period there are only eight elements because
a) It is a short period b) The 3d orbitals are absent
c) The d orbitals are absent
d) When n=3, the maximum number of electrons which can be accommodated are eight

437.. Choose the correct electronic configuration which has the highest difference between
first & second ionisation enthalpies.
a) 1s2
2s 2 2p6
4s 1 b) 1s2
2s 2 2p6
4s 2
c) 1s2
2s 2 2p4 d) 1s2
2s 2 2p3

438.. The set of quantum numbers for unpaired electron of an element with atomic number 84
a) N= 6 , l = 1 , m = +_ 1 , ms = +_1/2 b) N= 5 , l = 3 , m = 0 , ms = +_1/2
c) N= 6 , l = 0 , m = 0 , ms = +_1/2 d) N= 6 , l = 3 , m = 2 , ms = +_1/2

439.The elements with highest ionization enthalpy in a period are
a) Alkaline earth metals b) Halogens
c) Noble gases d) Lanthanides

440.Choose the species which is not isoelectronic
a) Bo3
3– b) Co3
2– c) No3
– d) So3

441.. The formation of Mg2+ is as follows
I. Mg (g) ® Mg+
(g) + e –
–737 KJ mol– 1
II. Mg+
(g) ® Mg2+
(g) + e–
–1450 KJ mol– 1
The energy required in the second steps is higher because
a) Mg+
is more electropositive b) Mg+ has larger size than Mg
c) Mg+
tends to loose only one electron d) Mg+ has smaller size than Mg

442.The first 2nd and 3rd ionization enthalpies of gallium are 579KJmol–1 ,1979KJmol–1 &
2962 KJmol–1 even though the iii I.P is highest Ga3+ is the most stable because
a) The energy loss is maximum resulting greater stability
b) The size of Ga3+ is smallest
c) Ga3+ is most reactive
d) It attains a stable configuration

443. The electronic configuration of M3+ is [ Kr ] 4d10
Its position in the periodic table is
a) Period 4 gp 8 b) Period 5 gp 13 c) Period 4 gp 18 d) Period 5 gp 16

444.. The electronic which will exhibit maximum no. of oxidation states
a) 1s2
2s 2 2p6
3p5 b) 1s2
2s 2 2p6
3s 2
4s 2
c) [Xe] 4f14 5d6 6s 2 d) [Ar] 4s2 4p4

445. Choose the incorrect order w.r.t properly indicated
a) Electro negativity F > Cl > Br b) Electron affinity Cl > F > Br
c) Oxidizing power F2 > Cl2
> Br2 d) Bond enthalpy F2 > Cl2
> Br2

446. Choose the correct statement
a) As shielding effect increases electro negativity decreases
b) As shielding effect increases electro negativity increases
c) As ionization potential increases metallic property increases
d) As +ve charge on species increases ionic radii increases

447. The electronic configuration which contain metals, non metals & metalloid is______
a) ns1
& ns 2 b) ns2 , ns2(n–1)d (1–10)
c) ns2 np6 & ns d) ns2
& ns2 np5

448. The group in which all the three physical states (solid ,liquid, gas) are observed is
a) gp 17 b) gp 14 c) gp 18 d) gp 15

449. The element which exhibits highest oxidation number is
a) Mn b) Os c) Fr d) I

450. Four elements A, B, C & D. D is non reactive gas. C is a highly reactive gas, B is a
solid & forms oxide, A is high reactive solid & used to prepare Lasagne’s solution.
Choose the correct sequence of possible atomic no. of elements
a) 12, 18, 9, 11 b) 11, 36, 9, 20 c) 20, 36, 11, 9 d) 9, 18, 11, 20

451.. The element with highest electronic affinity belongs to
a) Period 1 gp b) Period 3 gp 17 c) Period 2 gp 17 d) Period 2 gp 16

452.. The atomic no. of B = atomic of A+18 , Statements A & B to
a) Same pd & same gp b) Same pd but different gp
c) Different pd but same gp d) Different pd and different gp

453.. Element B occupies 3rd pd & gp 16
Element C occupies 4 pd & gp 3
The molecular formula of compound formed between B & C is
a) B3C2 b) C2B3 c) CB2 d) B2C

454. Choose the correct statement w.r.t oxidising property of F
a) It is the strongest oxidising agent because it has highest electron gain enthalpy
b) It is the strongest oxidising agent due to its small size
c) It is the strongest oxidising agent because it has maximum electron negativity
d) It is the strongest oxidising agent due to high lattice enthalpy

455. The name of the scientist who discovered the element Unu & its accepted IUPAC
a) Mendeleev &Mendelinium b) Seaborg & Seaborgium
c) Mendeleev &Dubinium d) G.T.Seaborg & Mendelinium

456.. Which of the following property does not indicate the periodicity of elements
a) Ionization potential b) Neutron/ proton Ratio
c) Bonding behaviour d) Electron negativity

457.. Properties of Li are similar to Mg because
a) The size of Li & Mg are different b) The size by charge ratio is similar
c) The charges are same d) Both are reactive

458.From the given set of quantum numbers for the last electron of the atom, choose the
element which is a non metal. The set of Quantum numbers of A, B, C & D are given
A – n = 2 , l = 1 , m = 0 , +_1 B – n = 4 , l = 0 , m = 0
C – n = 5 , l = 2 , m = +_2 D – n = 6 , l = 3 , m = 0
a) D b) C c) B d) A

459. Be shows diagonal relationship with
a) Mg b) Al c) B d) Na

460 Which of the following ions are not isoelectronic with Ar
a) Na+ b) Ca+2 c) Cl– d) K+

461. The ionisation potential of N > O because
a) Ionisation potential increases with decrease in size
b) N posses stable half filled p–orbital
c) The screening effect in N > O
d) O is more electropositive than N

462. The physical properties of chromium is most closely related to
a) Niobium b) Tungsten c) Titanium d) Calcium

463. The electronic configuration of an element of chalcogen family is
a) [Ar] 3d10 4s2
4p1 b) [Ar] 3d10 4s2
c) [Ar] 3d10 4s2
4p3n d) [Ar] 3d10 4s2

464.. Choose the incorrect statement
a) An element with high electronegativity always has high electron affinity
b) Electron gain enthalpy is the property of an isolated atom
c) Electronegativity is the property of a bonded atom
d) Both electronegativity & electron affinity are equally proportional to nuclear charge
& inversely proportional to atomic size

465. Choose the oxide which is most basic CuO, MgO, Al2O 3 & K2O
a) K2O b) MgO c) CuO d) Al2O 3

466.. An element with atomic number 19 will most readily react with the element whose atomic number is
a) 18 b) 21 c) 20 d) 17

467.. If graph is drawn between electron enthalpy & atomic number from 1 to 60, which of the following statement will be true
a) Alkali metals are at the maxima & noble gases at the minimum
b) Alkali metals are at the minimum & noble gases at the maxima
c) Transition elements at maxima
d) Maxima & minima are not observed

468. In a period with increase in atomic number, the metallic character of an element
a) Decrease across pd & increases in gp
b) increase across pd & decreases in gp
c) increase across pd & increases in gp
d) Decrease across pd & decreases in gp

469.In element P with electronic configuration [Ar] 4s1 will combine with an element of________ configuration to form a highly soluble ionic solid with high melting point
a) [Ar]4s2 b) [Ne]3s2 3p3 c) [Ne] 3s2 3p5 d) [Ar] 4s23d2

470. In group 14 the lower oxidation state becomes more stable down the group. The reasonis
a) Inert pair effect b) Decreases in ionisation potential
c) Metallic character increases d) Decrease in electron affinity

471. Choose the correct option. Hint T=true F = False
I. In the second period atomic radii of Be is 90pm, F is 64pm, & that of Ne is 160pm
II. Atomic radii decreases from Li to Ne
III. The increase in size of Ne is due to presence of vanderwaals force of attraction &
presence of covalent bond
IV. In Ne there is absence of covalent bond therefore the radii is vanderwaals radii
V. The order of radii is Metallic > Covalent > Vanderwaals

472.. Choose correct option
I. Ionisation enthalpy ¥ 1/shielding effect
II. Ionisation enthalpy ¥ Chemical reactivity
III. Ionisation enthalpy ¥ 1/Metallic character
IV. Ionisation enthalpy ¥ Effective nuclear charge

473.Choose the correct option
I. C < N < F < C Second ionisation potential
II. d5
< p3
; d10< p6
Half filled order of stability & fully filled orbital’s
III. Al2O3
< SiO2 < P2O3
< SO2
Acid strength
IV. M3+ > M2+ > M > M2– Atomic/Ionic radii

474.. Choose the correct option
I. Cs+
is the most hydrated than other alkali metal
II. Among the alkali metals, Li has the highest M.P
III. Li is the strongest reducing agent because of low ionisation enthalpy
IV. Li is the strongest reducing agent because the high ionisation potential is
compensated by high hydration enthalpy
V. Li is resemble to Al

475. Choose the correct option
I. NaCl < NaI < NaF < NaBr Ionic character
II. Si < P < C < N Electronegativity
III. BeCl2
< MgCl2 < CaCl2
< BaCl2
Ionic character
IV. Al3+ < Mg2+ < Na+
Ionic mobility

476. Choose the correct option
I. Transition metals are characterised by variable oxidation state
II. Elements of IB & IIB are transition elements
III. Elements of gp1 exhibit only +1 O.S
IV. Group 17 contains only gases

478. Choose the correct option
I. The ionisation enthalpy of Be > B
II. d–Block elements are known as representative elements
III. Palladium is the only element of fifth period that has no electron in fifth energy
IV. The second ionisation enthalpy of Al is greater than that of Mg
V. Among Li, Be, B ,C N ; Li has least value of electron gain enthalpy

479. Choose the correct option
I. The last electron in case of inner transition elements goes to f–orbital
II. The electron affinity is highest for fluorine
III. Metallic radius is smaller than covalent radii
IV. Ar has lesser ionisation enthalpy than K

480. Choose the correct option
I. All halogens exhibit variable oxidation state
II. s–Block elements do not exhibit variable oxidation state
III. the most stable oxidation state of Bi is +3
IV. N exhibits –3, +3 & +5 oxidation state

481.. Choose the correct option
I. O.S of ‘O’ in OF2
is –2
II. Ionisation enthalpy is the minimum amount of energy required to remove an electron
from an atom
III. Screening effect : it is the attraction of electron towards the nuclear
IV. Half filled orbitals are more stable half fully filled orbitals

482.. Set A (Atomic no.) Set B (Position of element)
1. 100 p) d–Block
2. 50 q) s–Block
3. 40 r) lanthanides
4. 11 s) Actinides
a) 1–t, 2–s, 3–p, 4–q
b) 1–r, 2–s, 3–p, 4–q
c) 1–t, 2–p, 3–s, 4–q
d) 1–r, 2–s, 3–q, 4–p

483.. The position of element A, B, C & D are Element Period Group
A 4 2
B 3 13
C 3 16
D 4 16

484. The molecular formula of the oxide of each element in its highest state are
a) AO2, B3O2, CO, DO
b) AO, B2O3, CO, DO
c) A2O, B2O3, CO2, DO2
d) AO, B2O3, CO3, DO3

485. With reference of above question the oxide which is (i) most ionic (ii) amphoteric (iii)highest M.P (iv) reacts most readily acid only
c) BO, AO, AO, DO
d) DO, AO, BO, CO

Assertion reason type

are assertion reason type for each question select the correct choice from
the following
a) Statement 1 is true, statement 2 is true & is correct explanation for statement 1
b) Statement 1 is true, statement 2 is true but is not correct explanation for statement 1
c) Statement 1 is true, statement 2 is false
d) Statement 1 is false, statement 2 is true

1. F atom has lesser electron affinity than atom
2. The size of F is very small therefore electron electron repulsion is high

1. The size of X+
,X & O–
are identical
2. The removal of electron decreases the size while addition of e–
increases the
size.This is primarily due to decreases increases

Question 488. Down a group, atomic radius property

(a) Remains unchanged(b) Increases(c) Decreases(d) None of these

Answer: (b) Increases
SOLUTION: Down the group no of atomic orbit around the nucleus increases and atomic radius increases.

Question 489. Down a group, electronegativity property

(a) Remains unchanged(b) Increases(c) Decreases(d) None of these

Answer: (c) Decreases
SOLUTION: Down the group due to an increase in size tendency to accept electron decreases and electronegativity decreases.

Question 490.. If an element gains one or more electrons with energy, it can be called as

(a) Metal(b) Nonmetal(c) Metalloid(d) None of these

Answer: (b) Nonmetal
SOLUTION: Nonmetals have a tendency to accept electrons.

Question 491  The trend of electron affinity from left to right across a period

(a) Remains unchanged(b) Increases(c) Decreases(d) None of these

Answer: (b) Increases
SOLUTION: From the left to the right tendency to accept electrons increases to get stability. So, electron affinity increases.

Question 492. The trend of nonmetallic character from left to right across a period

(a) Remains unchanged(b) Increases(c) Decreases(d) None of these

Answer: (b) Increases
SOLUTION: From the left to the right tendency to accept electrons increases to get stability. So, the nonmetallic character increases.

Question 493.. The trend of ionization potential from left to right across a period

(a) Remains unchanged(b) Increases(c) Decreases(d) None of these

Answer: (a) Remains unchanged

Question 494.. Increasing nuclear charge decreases the atomic size

(a) True(b) False(c) None of these(d) Can’t be determined

Answer: (a) True

Question 495. The amount of energy released when an atom in gaseous state accepts an electron from another source is known as

(a) Electronegativity(b) Electron affinity(c) Ionisation potential(d) Free energy

Answer: (b) Electron affinity

Question 496.. The largest atomic radius in period 2 is

(a) Li(b) Be(c) B(d) Na

Answer: (b) Be

Question 497.. Trend of atomic size from left to right across a period

(a) Remains unchanged(b) Increases(c) Decreases(d) None of these

Answer: (c) Decreases
SOLUTION: Due to effective nuclear charge atomic size from left to right across a period decreases.

498. Assertion (A) : Mendeléev concentrated on the compounds formed by elements with oxygen and hydrogen in his periodic table.
Reason (R) : Hydrogen and oxygen are very reactive and form compounds with most elements.


499. Assertion (A) : In Mendeléev Periodic Table, cobalt was placed before nickel.
Reason (R): The atomic mass of cobalt is less than nickel.


500.Assertion (A) : According to Mendeléev, the properties of elements are a periodic function of their atomic masses.
Reason (R) : Atomic number is equal to the number of protons.


501. Assertion (A) : Noble gases have zero valency.
Reason (R) : Noble gases have stable electronic configuration.


5502 Assertion (A) : Elements in the same vertical column have similar properties.
Reason (R) : Elements have periodic dependence upon the atomic number.


503  Assertion (A) : Silicon is a metalloid.
Reason (R) : Silicon shows only properties of non-metals.


504.. Assertion (A) : Fluorine has greater atomic radius than nitrogen.
Reason (R): Atomic radius decreases along a period.


505.. Assertion (A): Li, Na, K form Döbereiner’s triads.
Reason (R) : Atomic mass of Na is roughly the average of atomic masses of Li and K.


506. Assertion (A) : Magnesium belongs to 3rd period of modern periodic table.
Reason (R) : The valence electrons of magnesium is 2.


507.. Assertion (A) : Isotopes are placed together in the modern periodic table.
Reason (R) : Isotopes have same atomic number.

508.. According to Men deleef periodic law, the properties
of elements are periodic function of their-
(a) atomic masses (b) atomic numbers
(c) atomic volumes (d) densities
Ans : (a) atomic masses

509. If the two members of a Dobereiner triad are
phosphorus and antimony, the third member of this
triad is-
(a) arsenic (b) sulphur
(c) iodine (d) calcium
Ans : (a) arsenic

510. Select the correct pair that have largest and smallest
atoms respectively
(a) F and C (b) Li and C
(c) N and O (d) H and Li
Ans : (b) Li and C
The first element in any period has largest size in
that period. The size decreases as we move from left
to right in any period. Hence, lithium (Li) has largest
size, while carbon (C) has smallest size among the
given options.

511. Consider the section of the periodic table:
Period 1 2 13 14
Second Li C
Third A Mg Al Si
Fouth K B D
Identify ABC , , and D.
(a) Cs Be Ca C
(b) Na Ca B Ge
(c) Na B Ca Ge
(d) Cs B Ca C
Ans : (b) A-Na, B -Ca, C -B, D-Ge
A = Na B = Ca C = B D = Ge
Period 1 2 13 14
Li Be B C
Na Mg Al Si
K Ca Ga Ge

512.The correct order increasing acidic nature of SO2 ,
SiO2 , P O2 3 and Al O2 3 is
(a) Al O SiO P O SO 23 2 23 2 << <
(b) SO P O SiO Al O 2 23 2 23 < <<
(c) Al O SiO P O SO 23 2 23 2 << <
(d) SiO SO Al O P O 2 2 23 23 << <
Ans : (c) Al23 2 23 2 O SiO P O SO << <
Al forms amphoteric oxide. Non-metals (S, P) form
acidic oxide. Metalloid (Si) forms basic oxide.

513.How many periods are three in the long form of the
periodic table-
(a) 6 (b)7
(c) 8 (d) 9
Ans : (b) 7

514. Elements belonging to the same group have similar
properties because-
(a) they have similar electronic configuration of the
outermost shell
(b) their atomic numbers go on increasing as we move
down the group
(c) all of them metallic elements.
(d) none of the above
Ans : (a) they have similar electronic configuration of
the outermost shell

515.. Which of the following will not represent Dobereiner’s
(a) Li, Na, K (b) Be, Mg, Ca
(c) Cl, Br, I (d) N, P, As
Ans : (d) N, P, As
The triad N, P and As will not represent the
Dobereiner’s triad because the average of atomic
masses of nitrogen (N) and arsenic (As) is not equal
to the atomic mass of phosphorus (P).
Atomic mass of Nitrogen = 14
Atomic mass of Arsenic = .74 9
Average . . 2
74 9 14 0 = + . .44 5
Which of not equal to the atomic mass of P (i.e.,

516. The element with smallest size in the 4th period is-
(a) chlorine (b) iodine
(c) fluorine (d) bromine
Ans : (d) bromine
On moving along a period atomic radii decreases.

517. Cl, Br, I, if this is Dobereiner’s triad and the atomic
masses of Cl and I are 35.5 and 127 respectively the
atomic mass of Br is-
(a) 162.5 (b) 91.5
(c) 81.25 (d) 45.625
Ans : (c) 81.25
According to Dobereneir’s triad the atomic mass of Br
will be average of the atomic masses of Cl and I
. 2
35 5 127 = + = .81 25

518.. Which of the following element if not the member of
second period?
(a) Li (b) Ca
(c) F (d) C
Ans : (b) Ca
The member of the second-period elements are Li, Be,
B, C, N, O, F and Ne. Thus, calcium (Ca) is not the
member of second period. It belongs to 4th period
( ) Z = 20 .

519.The elements with atomic number 2, 10, 8, 18, 36, 54
and 86 are all-
(a) halogens (b) noble gases
(c) noble metals (d) light metals
Ans : (b) noble gases

520. Which of the following statement is incorrect for
atomic size?
(a) Atomic size of B Be >
(b) Atomic size of Be B >
(c) Atomic size of N O >
(d) Atomic size of C N >
Ans : (a) Atomic size of B B > e
In long form of periodic table, atomic size decreases
along the period, as we move from left to right in
any period due to increase in effective nuclear charge.
Thus, atomic size of B is less than of Be. Hence, (a) is
the incorrect statement.

521. An element X belongs to group 2 and period 3 of the  periodic table. The chemical formulae of its nitrate,sulphate and phosphate respectively will be
(a) XXX ( ), ( ), ( ) NO SO PO 33 2 43 2 43
(b) X XX 3 32 2 42 2 43 ( ), ( ), ( ) NO SO PO
(c) X XX NO SO PO 34 4 , ,
(d) X XX ( ), , ( ) NO SO PO 32 4 3 42
Ans : (d) X XX ( ) NO SO PO 32 4 3 42 , ,( )
An element X belongs to group 2 and period 3. So,
it is Mg which idvalent. Thus, the chemical formulae
of nitrate is Mg NO ( ) 2 3 2 + - , sulphate is Mg SO 2 4 + -2 and
phosphate is MG PO 3 ( ) 2 4
3 2 + - .

522. An element belongs to group 17. It is present in third period and its a atomic number is 17. What is the atomic number of the element belonging to same group and present in fifth period?
(a) 25 (b) 33
(c) 35 (d) 53
Ans : (d) 53
Group 17 and 3rd period = 17( ) Cl
Group 17 and 4th period = 17 8 35 + ( )
Group 17 and 5th period = 35 18 53 + ( )
16. Consider the following figure:
pq rRu Rh sOs lr Pt

Here, pqr , , and s respectively are:
(a) Fe, Co, Pd, Ni (b) Pd, Co, Ni, Fe
(c) Fe, Co, Ni, Pd (d) Fe, Ni, Co, Pd
Ans : (c) Fe, Co, Ni, Pd
8 9 10k
4 Fe Co Ni
5 Ru Rh Pb
6 Os lr Pt

523.. Which of the following property increases down the
(a) Electronegativity
(b) Electropositive nature of element
(c) Atomic size
(d) Both (b) and (c)
Ans : (d) Both (b) and (c)
Electronegativity decreases, as we move down the
group, while electropositive nature and atomic size
increases as we move down the group due to addition
of an extra main shell.

524.The correct order of first IE of C, N, O, F is-
(a) F>O>N>C (b) C>N>O>F
(c) O>N>F>C (d) F>N>O>C
Ans : (d) F>N>O>C
In a period, the value of ionisation potential increases
from left to right with breaks where the atoms

525. The atoms of elements belonging to the same group of
periodic table have the same-
(a) number of protons
(b) number of electrons
(c) number of neutrons
(d) number of electrons in the outermost shell
Ans : (d) number of electrons in the outermost shell

526. Which of the following is the correct order of relative
(a) III > > - + (b) I II > > - +
(c) II I > >+ - (d) III > > + -
Ans : (b) I I > > I - +

527.. Newlands could classify elements only upto-
(a) copper (b) chlorine
(c) calcium (d) chromium
Ans : (c) calcium

528. Mendeleev classified elements in-
(a) increasing order of atomic groups
(b) eight periods and eight groups
(c) seven periods and nine groups
(d) eight periods and seven groups
Ans : (c) seven periods and nine groups

529. An element M has an atomic number 9 and atomic
mass 17. Its ion will be represented by-
(a) M (b) M+2
(c) M- (d) M-2
Ans : (c) M￾The element is halogen and has one less electron than
inert gas configuration, hence can be represented as
M- ion.

530. Listed below are the locations of certain elements in group and periods of the periodic table.Arrange these elements in the expected order of increasing non-metallic character.
1. Element in the fourth period and group IV A
2. Element in the third period and group VI A
3. Element in the fourth period and group VI A
4. Element in the six period and group III A
5. Element in the second period and group VII A
The correct order is:
(a) 12345 <<<< (b) 54321 <<<<
(c) 41325 <<<< (d) 54213 <<<<
Ans : (c) 41325 <<<<
2. 5
3. 2
4. 1 3
6. 4
Non-metallic character decreases down the group and
increases across the period. Hence, increasing order of
first non-metallic of these elements are:
41325 <<<<

531.. The elements with atomic numbers 3, 11, 19, 37 and
55 belong to
(a) alkali metals (b) alkaline earth metals
(c) halogens (d) nobles gases
Ans : (a) alkali metals

532. If the two members of a Dobereiner triad are chlorine
and iodine, the third member of this triad is-
(a) fluorine (b) bromine
(c) sodium (d) calcium
Ans : (b) bromine

533. The most metallic element in the fifth period is-
(a) silver (b) rubidium
(c) gold (d) rhodium
Ans : (b) rubidium
The metallic character decreases as we move from left
to right in a period.

534. An element X combines with hydrogen to form a
compound XH3 . The element X is placed on the
right side of the peridic table. Which of the following
statement is correct for element X ?
1. Has two valence electrons.
2. Is a metal and is solid.
3. Is a non-metal and is a gas.
4. Has five valence electrons.

535.. XH3 reacts with water to form a basic compound.
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 4
(c) 3, 4 and 5 (d) 5, 1 and 2
Ans : (c) 3, 4 and 5
Element X is N(nitrogen) because it is placed on the
right side of the periodic table and the compound is
NH3 . X is non-metal and valence electrons are 5.
NH H O 3 2 + $NH OH Base 4 ( )

536.. Noble gases were included in Mendelev’s periodic
table in the-
(a) 1 st group (b) 7th group
(c) 8th group (d) none of these
Ans : (d) none of these

537. In the modern periodic table one of the following dos
not have appropriate position-
(a) transition elements (b) inert gases
(c) inner transition elements (d) halogens
Ans : (c) inner transition elements

538. The element with the smallest size in the group 13 is-
(a) beryllium (b) carbon
(c) aluminium (d) boron
Ans : (b) carbon

539.. The long form of periodic table consists of-
(a) seven periods and eight groups
(b) seven periods and eighteen groups
(c) eight periods and eighteen groups
(d) eighteen periods and eight groups
Ans : (b) seven periods and eighteen groups

540.. Dobereiner grouped the elements into triads and
Newlands gave the ..........
Ans : Law of Octaves.

541.The law of triads was given by ..........
Ans : Dobereiner

542.Valency of an element is either equal to the number of
valence electrons show similar ......... properties.
Ans : eight, chemical

543.According to Modern periodic law, the elements are
arranged in the periodic table in the order of their
increasing ..........
Ans : Atomic number

544. Mendeleev arranged the elements in increasing order of
their .......... and according to their .......... properties.
Ans : Atomic masses, Chemical

545. ......... arranged the known elements in order of their
increasing atomic weight in the form of a table called
Periodic Table.
Ans : Mendeleev

546.. The elements in groups, 1, 2 and 13 to 18 are known
as .......... elements.
Ans : Main group

547. The valency of an atom is equal to its ..........
Ans : Combining capacity

548.......... showed that group of three elements called
triad had similar properties.
Ans : Dobereiner

549.. The atomic size in a period ..........
Ans : Decreases

550.. Mendeleev predicted the existence of some yet to be discovered elements on the basis of .......... in his Periodic Table.
Ans : Gaps

551.. Elements in the Modern Periodic Table are arranged in .......... vertical columns called .......... and ..........
horizontal rows called .........
Ans : 18, groups, 7, periods.

552.. In Modern Periodic Table, there are ......... horizontal
rows called ......... and ......... vertical columns called
Ans : seven, periods, eighteen, groups

553. Elements with eight electrons in their outermost
energy shell are called ..........
Ans : Noble gases

554.. Anomalies in arrangement of elements based on
increasing atomic mass could be removed when
element discovered by Moseley.
Ans : atomic

555.. If two elements have the same number of valence
electrons, then they belong to the same .......... of the
periodic table.
Ans : Group

556. As number of shells increases, atomic orbitals become
larger and less stable.
Ans :

557.. Atomic radii decrease from left to right across a row
of the periodic table.
Ans : True

558.. Atomic radii increase from top to bottom down a
column of the periodic table.
Ans : True

559.Fluorine has highest electron affinity in the periodic
Ans : True

560. Valency changes down the group.
Ans : False

561.. The elements of group 17 are called halogens.
Ans : True

562. Along a period, acidic character of the oxide of the
elements increases and their basic character decreases.
Ans : True

563.. The elements X with atomic number 15 belongs to
third period and group 15.
Ans : True

564. The number of shells increases in a given period from
left to right in the periodic table.
Ans : False.
The number of shells remain same in a given period.

565.. The elements silicon, germanium and arsenic are
called metalloids.
Ans : True

566. When Mendeleev started his work, 63 elements were
Ans : True

567.567.. Dobereiner could identify only three triads of elements.These are: Li, Na, K; Ca, Sr, Ba and Cl, Br, I.
Ans : True
568.. Elements are classified on the basis of similarities in
their properties.
Ans : True

569.. Rows in the periodic table are called periods.
Ans : True
Rows in the periodic table are called periods. The
columns of the periodic table are called groups.

570. The columns of the periodic table are called groups.
Ans : True

571. You will find metals on the extreme right side of the
periodic table.
Ans : False
Inert gases are found on the far right of the periodic
table. Halogens are in the second group form the
right. Metals of all types are found around the left
and middle side of the periodic table. There may be
alkalitransition, or alkaline earth metals across the

572.. Although the order of elements is based on atomic
number, vertical families share similar chemical
Ans : True

573.As nuclear charge increases, atomic orbitals become
smaller and more stable.
Ans : True

574.. Noble gases are placed extremely left in the periodic
Ans : False
Noble gases are placed extremely right in the periodic

575.Magnesium is more metallic in nature than sodium.
Ans : False

576.. Assertion : Mendeleev’s a left the gap under aluminium
and silicon and called these Eka-aluminium and Eka￾silicon, respectively.
Reason : Dobereiner arranged elements on the basis of
increasing atomic number.
Ans : (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
Dobereiner arranged elements on the basis of
increasing atomic weights.

577.Assertion : According to Mendeleev, the properties
of elements are a periodic function of their atomic
Reason : Atomic number is equal to the number of
Ans : (b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are
true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of
assertion (A).

578.. Assertion : Noble gases are also called inert gases.
Reason : Noble gases have a complete octet.
Ans : (a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true
and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion
Noble gases are also called inert gases because they
don’t need to react with other elements to fill their
outer shell (octet), as they already posses full valence

579.. Assertion : Nitrogen has higher ionization energy than
that of oxygen.
Reason : Nitrogen has smaller atomic size than that
of oxygen.
Ans : (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
Nitrogen has higher ionisation energy as it has stable
half filled orbital structure.

580. Assertion : Electronegativity of fluorine is greater
than that of oxygen.
Reason : The electronegativity of the elements
increases along a period since the metallic character
Ans : (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.

581.Assertion is true but reason is false. Electronegative of
flourine is greater than that of oxygen, since the non￾metallic character increases along a period from left to
right in the modern periodic table.

582.Assertion : Be, Mg and Ca can be classified as
Dobereiner’s triads.
Reason : Atomic mass of Mg is approximately the
average of the sum of atomic masses of Be and Ca.
Ans : (a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true
and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion
According to the Dobereiner’s traids, the three
elements in a traid were arranged in the order of
increasing atomic masses, the atomic mass of middle
element was roughly the average of the atomic masses
of the other two elements. So, taking Be, Mg and Ca
as a traid.
Elements Be Mg Ca
9 24 40
Average atomic mass of first and third element
9 40 + = .24 5

583.. Assertion : The elements of the same group have
similar chemical properties.
Reason : The elements of the same group have the
different number of valence electronic.
Ans : (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.

584.Assertion is true but reason is false. The elements of
same group have similar chemical properties due to
the same number of valence electrons
585. Assertion : Elements of group 16 are monovalent.
Reason : Elements of group 16 have seven electrons in
their outermost/valence shell.
Ans : (e) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
Both Assertion and Reason are false. Elements of
group 16 are divalent as they all have six electrons in
their valence shell.

586. Assertion : Silicon is a metalloid.
Reason : Silicon shows only properties of non-metals.
Ans : (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.

587.. Assertion : According to Mendeleev, periodic
properties of elements is a function of their atomic
Reason : Atomic number is equal to the number of
Ans : (d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
According to Mendeleev, periodic properties of
elements is a function of their atomic masses.

588.Assertion : Ionization enthalpy is the energy released
to remove an electron from an isolated gaseous atom
in its ground state.
Reason : Element has a tendency to lose of gain the
electrons to attain the stable configuration.
Ans : (d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
Assertion is false but reason is true.
Ionization enthalpy is the energy required to remove
an electron from an isolated gaseous atom in its
ground state.

589.. Assertion : Group 1 (1s) elements are known as the
alkali elements.
Reason : s-orbital can accommodate only two electrons.
Ans : (b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are
true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of
assertion (A).
Group I elements are known as alkali metals as the
hydroxides of these metals are soluble in water and
these solutions are highly alkaline in nature.

590. Assertion : Noble gases have zero valency.
Reason : Noble gases have stable electronic
Ans : (a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true
and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion

591.. Assertion : In triad, the three elements have same
gaps of atomic masses.
Reason : Elements in a triad have similar properties.
Ans : (d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
In a triad, the atomic mass of the middle element is
the mean of the atomic masses of the first and third

592. Assertion : Sixth and seventh periods in the periodic
table contains 14 elements.
Reason : In the periodic table, 14 elements of sixth
and seventh periods are known as lanthanoids and
Ans : (d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
Sixth period contains 32 elements and seventh period
is incomplete and like sixth, the period would have 32

593. Assertion : Mendeleev’s arranged elements in
horizontal rows and vertical coloumns.
Reason : Mendeleev’s ignored the order of atomic
weight thinking that the atomic measurements might
be incorrect.
Ans : (b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are
true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of
assertion (A).
Mendeleev’s arranged elements in horizontal rows
and vertical columns. He ignored the order of atomic
weight thinking that the atomic measurements might
be incorrect and placed the elements with similar

594.Assertion : Smaller the size of an atom greater is the
Reason : Electronegativity refers to the tendency of
atom to share electrons with other atom.
Ans : (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
Assertion is true but reason is false.
Electro-negativity refers to the tendency of atom to
attract bonding electrons

595. Assertion : Fluorine has greater atomic radius than
Reason : Atomic radius decreases along a period.
Ans : (d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.

596. Assertion : Elements in the same vertical column have
similar properties.
Reason : Elements have periodic dependence upon the
atomic number.
Ans : (b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are
true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of
assertion (A).

597.Assertion : Smaller the size of an atom, greater is the
Reason : Electronegativity refers to the tendency of
atom to share electrons with other atom.
Ans : (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
Electronegativity refers to the tendency of atom to
attract bonding electrons.

598.Assertion : The atomic and ionic radii generally
decreases towards right in a period.
Reason : The ionisation enthalpy increases on moving
towards left in a period.
Ans : (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
The ionisation enthalpy increases on moving towards
the extreme right element in period and atomic and
ionic radii decreases in a period from left to right.

599. Assertion : Elements in the same vertical column have
similar properties.
Reason : Elements have periodic dependence upon the
atomic number.
Ans : (b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are
true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of
assertion (A).

600. Assertion : Be and Al show some similar properties.
Reason : The metallic radius of Be is less than the
metallic radius of Al.
Ans : (b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are
true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of
assertion (A).
Be and Al show diagonal relationship because Be
resemble in their properties with Al. Metallic radius
of the Be (111 pm) is less than the metallic radius of
Al (143 pm). Although smaller size is the reason for
the anomalous behaviour of Be but not a reason for its
diagonal relation with Al.

601.. Assertion : According to Mendeleev, periodic
properties of elements is a function of their atomic
Reason : Atomic number is equal to the number of
Ans : (d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
According to Mendeleev’ periodic properties of
elements is a function of their atomic masses.

602. Assertion : The highest I.E. in a period is shown by
noble gas.
Reason : Noble gases are at the extreme right of the
Ans : (b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are
true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of
assertion (A).
Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not
the correct explanation of assertion.
Noble gases have completely filled electron shells and
very stable electron configuration.

603.Assertion : Noble gases are highly reactive.
Reason : Noble gases have stable closed shell electronic
Ans : (d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
Inert gases (noble gases) are very less reactive due to
stable closed shell electronic configuration like ns np 2 6
or ns2

and vertical columns. He ignored the order of atomic
weight thinking that the atomic measurements might
be incorrect and placed the elements with similar

6o4.. Assertion : Smaller the size of an atom greater is the
Reason : Electronegativity refers to the tendency of
atom to share electrons with other atom.
Ans : (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
Assertion is true but reason is false.
Electro-negativity refers to the tendency of atom to
attract bonding electrons

605.Assertion : Fluorine has greater atomic radius than
Reason : Atomic radius decreases along a period.
Ans : (d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.

606.Assertion : Elements in the same vertical column have
similar properties.
Reason : Elements have periodic dependence upon the
atomic number.
Ans : (b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are
true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of
assertion (A).

607. Assertion : Smaller the size of an atom, greater is the
Reason : Electronegativity refers to the tendency of
atom to share electrons with other atom.
Ans : (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
Electronegativity refers to the tendency of atom to
attract bonding electrons
608.Assertion : The atomic and ionic radii generally
decreases towards right in a period.
Reason : The ionisation enthalpy increases on moving
towards left in a period.
Ans : (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
The ionisation enthalpy increases on moving towards
the extreme right element in period and atomic and
ionic radii decreases in a period from left to right.

609. Assertion : Elements in the same vertical column have
similar properties.
Reason : Elements have periodic dependence upon the
atomic number.
Ans : (b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are
true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of
assertion (A).

610.Assertion : Be and Al show some similar properties.
Reason : The metallic radius of Be is less than the
metallic radius of Al.
Ans : (b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are
true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of
assertion (A).
Be and Al show diagonal relationship because Be
resemble in their properties with Al. Metallic radius
of the Be (111 pm) is less than the metallic radius of
Al (143 pm). Although smaller size is the reason for
the anomalous behaviour of Be but not a reason for its
diagonal relation with Al.

611.Assertion : According to Mendeleev, periodic
properties of elements is a function of their atomic
Reason : Atomic number is equal to the number of
Ans : (d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
According to Mendeleev’ periodic properties of
elements is a function of their atomic masses.

612.Assertion : The highest I.E. in a period is shown by
noble gas.
Reason : Noble gases are at the extreme right of the
Ans : (b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are
true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of
assertion (A).
Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not
the correct explanation of assertion.
Noble gases have completely filled electron shells and
very stable electron configuration.

613.Assertion : Noble gases are highly reactive.
Reason : Noble gases have stable closed shell electronic
Ans : (d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
Inert gases (noble gases) are very less reactive due to
stable closed shell electronic configuration like ns np 2 6
or ns2

After the discovery of large number of elements it became necessary to classify them and arrange them in a regular manner in order of their periodic properties. In 1817, Johann Wolfgang Dobereiner tried to arrange the elements with similar properties into groups. He identified some groups of three elements having similar physical and chemical properties, known as Dobereiners triads.
In 1865, John Newlands arranged all known elements in the order of increasing atomic masses and found that the properties of every eighth element are similar to the properties of the first element.

(614.If CI, Br, I is a Dobereiners triad and the atomic masses of CI and I are 35.5 and 127 respectively, then the atomic mass of Br is

(a) 162.5(b) 91.5(c) 81.25(d) 45.625

(615.Example of Dobereiner's triad is

(a) Li, AI, Ca(b) Li,Na, K(c) Li, K, Na(d) K, AI, Ca

616. A and B are two elements having similar properties which obey Newlands' law of octaves. How many elements are there in between A and B?

(a) 7(b) 8(c) 5(d) 6

617.According to the Newlands' law of octaves, the properties of magnesium are similar to those of

(a) beryllium(b) lithium(c) sodium(d) potassium

618. On what basis the elements are arranged in Dobereiner's triad?

(a) Atomic number(b) Atomic mass(c) Number of neutrons(d) Number of electrons4

• Mendeleev arranged the 63 elements known at that time in order of their ascending atomic masses and prepared a periodic table. Mendeleev's periodic table contains vertical columns called 'groups' and horizontal rows called 'periods': Elements with similar properties were placed in same groups.
The basis of Mendeleev's classification is his periodic law which states that:
(I) Atomic mass is the fundamental property of elements.
(II) The physical and chemical properties of elements are periodic function of their atomic masses.

619. Which of the following metals is not placed in eighth group of Mendeleev's periodic table?
(a) Fe(b) Na(c) Co(d) Ni

620. In Mendeleevs periodic table, silver belongs to IB group. The group to which silver belongs in the modern periodic table is
(a) first(b) eleventh(c) tenth(d) sixteenth

621.In Mendeleev's periodic table, gaps were left for the elements to be discovered later. Which of the following elements found a place in the periodic table later?
(a) Chlorine(b) Silicon(c) Oxygen(d) Germanium

622.The properties of eka-aluminium predicted by Mendeleev were the same as properties of which element that was discovered later?
(a) Scandiumb) Germanium(c) Gallium(d) Aluminium

623. Which of the following statements is not correct about Mendeleev's periodic table?
(a) In the mendeleev's periodic table, some places were left vacant for new elements which were not discovered at that time.
(b) Group VIII like groups I-VII has been divided into two sub-groups A and B.
(c) The group of an element in the periodic table represents its valency.
(d) Li and C belong to same period in Mendeleevs periodic table.

• In 1913, Henry Moseley showed that the atomic number of an element is the more fundamental property than its atomic mass. Accordingly, Mendeleev's periodic law was modified and atomic number was adopted as the basis of modern periodic table.
In this periodic table, the elements are arranged in increasing order of their atomic numbers.
There are 18 vertical columns in the periodic table which constitute 18 groups or families. The groups are numbered as 1, 2, 3, ... up to 18. All the members of a particular group have similar outer shell electronic configuration. There are seven horizontal rows of the periodic table which are known as periods.

624. According to modern periodic law, the properties of elements are the periodic function of their

(a) atomic masses(b) atomic volumes(c) atomic numbers(d) densities

(625 All the elements in a period in the periodic table have the same

(a) atomic number(b) electronic configuration(c) atomic weight(d) valence shell

626. Which of the following combinations of elements belong to the same group?

(a) N, P, As(b) Li, Be, Al(c) Na, Mg, Al(d) O, S, Cl

627. The atoms of elements belonging to the same group of periodic table have same number of

(a) protons(b) electrons(c) neutrons(d) electrons in outermost shell

628.In the periodic table, the element with atomic number 16 will be placed in the group

(a) fourteen(b) sixteen(c) thirteen(d) fifteen4

• Maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in a shell is given by the formula: 2n2, where n is the number of the outermost from the nucleus.
For example,
K shell - 2 x (1)2 => 2, hence, K-shell can accommodate maximum 2 electrons.
L shell - 2 x (2)2 => 8, hence, L-shell can accommodate maximum 8 electrons.
In the modern periodic table, elements are placed according to their electronic configuration. The elements present in any group have the same number of valence electrons. The elements present in any period contain the same number of shells. The first period of the modern periodic table corresponds to the filling of electrons in the first energy shell, i.e., K-shell, first period has two elements. The second period of the periodic table corresponds to the filling of electrons in the second energy shell, i.e., L-shell, second period contains eight elements. The third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh periods have 8, 18, 18,32 and 32 elements respectively.

(629) Electronic configuration of an element 'X' is 2, 1. The number of elements present in the period to which 'X'belongs is

(a) 8(b) 32(c) 18(d) 2

630. Among the given elements A, B, C, D and E with atomic numbers 2, 3, 7, 10 and 30 respectively, which of these belong to the same period?

(a) A,B,C(b) B,C,D(c) A,D,Ed) B,D,E

631.The elements A, B, C and D have atomic numbers 4, 12, 17 and 19 respectively. Which pair of elements belong to the same period?

(a) B and C(b) A and B(c) A and D(d) C and D

632.Which of the following have the same number of electrons in outermost shell?
(a) Elements with atomic numbers 3, 11, 19
(b) Elements with atomic numbers 14, 15, 16
(c) Elements with atomic numbers 12, 20, 28
(d) Elements with atomic numbers 10, 18, 26

633. Which of the following elements has two shells and both are completely filled?

(a) Helium(b) Neon(c) Calcium(d) Fluorine4

• All the elements on the left side and in the middle of the periodic table (except hydrogen) are metallic elements or metals. Also, majority of elements in periodic table are metals. In the modern periodic table, the metals are separated from non-metals by a zig-zag line. Some non-metals are gases, some are liquids and rest are solids at room temperature. They generally differ from metals in appearance and in other physical properties. Some elements that lie along the zig-zag line that separates metals from non-metals, have properties that fall between those of metals and non-metals. These elements are regarded as semi-metals or metalloid

634 From the given set of metals and non-metals, identify the non-metals.
 {S}, {Mg}, {Al},P}, \{N}, \e{Na}, \mathrm{K}\)

(a) S, P, K(b) Mg, AI, Na(c) S, P, N(d) S, AI, K

635.Which of the following groups contains metals, non-metals and metalloids?
(a) Group 1(b) Group 17(c) Group 14(d) Group 2

636. Which of the following elements is a metalloid?
a) Pb(b) Sb(c) Bi(d) Zn

637. Silicon is a metalloid because
(a) its valency is 4
(b) it has three electron shells
(c) it shows properties of both metals and non-metals
(d) it is a liquid metal
(v) The lightest metal is

638.Mendeleev initially selected two elements to study the properties of the other elements named, as
a) H, He
b) H, O
c) H, C
d) C, O

639. In modern periodic table by Henry Moseley the elements were arranged in
order of
a) There physical properties
b) Their chemical properties
c) Their mass number
d) Their atomic number

640. Total number of non-metals in modern periodic table
a) 18
b) 19
c) 20
d) 21

641.Total number of metals in modern periodc
a) 90
b) 91
c) 92
d) 93

642.Total number of elements in Lanthanoides and actinoides together is?
a) 26
b) 28
c) 30
d) 32

643) Elements from atomic number 55 to 86 belongs to which period
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 7

644) Elements from atomic number 37 to 54 belong to which period?
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 7

645) The element presence in 12group and 5th period?
a) Cesium
b) Cadmium
c) Calcium
d) Chromium

646) The element present in 11th group and 4th period?
a) Chromium
b) Calcium
c) Copper
d) Cesium

647) The element present in 1st group 7th period
a) Francium
b) Rubedium
c) Cesium
d) Potassium

648) Lanthanides belong to which block?
a) S – block
b) p – Block
c) d - Block
d) f – block

649. Lanthanium belong to which block?
a) S – block
b) p – Block
c) d - Block
d) f – block

650.Actanoids belongs to which block
a) S – block
b) p– Block
c) d -block
d) f – block

651) Actinium belongs to which block
a) S – block
b) p – Bl
c) d - Block
d) f – block

652.) Atomic number of mercury (Hg) is
a) 80
b) 79
c) 82
d) 72

653) Atomic number of Gold (Au) is?
a) 80
b) 79
c) 82
d) 72

654) Element of atomic number 46 lies in which block?
a) S – block
b) p – block
c) d – block
d) f – block

655) Total how many elements are present in modern periodic table?
a) 115
b) 118
c) 112
d) 128

656) The first attempt to classify elements as triads was done by
a) Mendeleev
b) Mosley
c) Dobereiner
d) Newland

657. Total number of metalloid present in periodic table?
a) 6
b) 8
c) 7
d) 9

658) In Dobereiner’s triads which of the following element was placed with
Calcium and Barium
a) Lithium
b) Strontium
c) Sodium
d) Potassium

659) Element of atomic number 86 belongs to which block?
a) S – block
b) P – block
c) d – block
d) F – block

660) In Dobereiner’s triads which of the following element was placed with
Bromine and Iodine
a) Calcium
b) Potassium
c) Chlorine
d) Sodium

661) The last metalloid in periodic table
a) Tellurium
b) Polonium
c) Arsenic
d) Silicon

662) Which of the following scientist arranged the elements on the basis of
a) Mendeleev
b) Mosley
c) Dobereiner
d) Newlands

663. The first metalloid of periodic table is?
a) Carbon
b) Silicon
c) Boron
d) Germanium

664. How many elements were assumed by Newland during the preparation of
octave theory?
a) 56
b) 63
c) 86
d) 76

665.) Atomic number of Uranium is?
a) 98
b) 96
c) 92
d) 94

666) The Last element in Newland’s law of octaves was?
a) Ce
b) La
c) Sr
d) Th

667. In Newland’s law of octaves which element resembles the some properties
as Berillium and Magnesium ?
a) Calcium
b) Aluminium
c) Silicon
d) Potassium

668 ) How many elements were present in Mendeleev’s periodic table?
a) 56
b) 63
c) 86
d) 76

669) The unknown element named as ‘eka-aluminiun by Mendeleev, was named as what in modern periodic table
a) Germanium
b) Scandium
c) Gallium
d) Boron

670) Atomic number of thorium
a) 90
b) 92
c) 94
d) 96

671. The periodic table prepared by Mendeleev has VIII group and 6 Period, the  last element of the table was?
a) Cs
b) Ba
c) Bi
d) U

672) Number of elements present in group 18 is?
a) 7
b) 8
c) 6
d) 9

673) Modern periodic table was prepared by
a) Mendeleev
b) Mosley
c) Dobereiner
d) Newland

674) How many groups are present in Modern periodic table?
a) 8
b) 18
c) 10
d) 7

675) In modern periodic table Group number 13 is named as ?
a) C- Family
b) B - Family
c) N – Family
d) O – Family

676) Which of the following is not a metalloid
a) Germanium
b) Arsenic
c) Antimony
d) Bismuth

677) Number of elements in group 13 are?
a) 5
b) 4
c) 6
d) 7

678) In modern periodic table Group number 16 is named as?
a) C- Family
b) B - Family
c) N – Family
d) O – Family

679) Molecular mass of Nickel is?
a) 35.45
b) 58.69
c) 23
d) 40

680) In modern period table Group 15 known as?
a) C- Family
b) B - Family
c) N – Family
d) O – Family

681) Number of element in group 4 are?
a) 5
b) 4
c) 6
d) 7

682) Heavy metals or transition metals are placed between group number
a) 2 – 12
b) 3 – 12
c) 4 – 13
d) 3 – 12

683) The first metal of the periodic table

a) Hydrogen
b) Lithium
c) Helium
d) Berellium

684) With the reference to zig-zag line in periodic table which of the following
statement is not correct
a) The Line has metalloid along with it
b) The division between metal and non metal
c) The line starts from group 13
d) The line ends up in period 7

685) Number of Actinoids in periodic table
a) 14
b) 4
c) 6
d) 7

686) In periodic table group 17 represents
a) Alkali metal
b) non – metals
c) Noble gas
d) Halogens

687) Which among the following element is metal
a) Selenium
b) Bromine
c) Hofmaniun
d) Chlorine

688.Up to which element, the Law of Octaves was found to be applicable?
(a) Oxygen (b) Calcium
(c) Cobalt (d) Potassium

689 According to Mendeleev’s Periodic Law, the elements were arranged in the periodic table in the order
(a) increasing atomic number (b) decreasing atomic number
(c) increasing atomic mass (d) decreasing atomic mass

690.In Mendeleev’s Periodic Table, gaps were left for the elements to be discovered later. Which of the
following elements found a place in the perioidc table later?
(a) Germanium (b) Chlorine
(c) Oxygen (d) Silicon

II. Assertion-Reason Type Questions (1 Mark)
For question numbers 1 and 2 two statements are given-one labeled as Assertion (A) and the other labeled
Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) as given below:
(a) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true and ‘R’ is correct explanation of the assertion.
(b) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true but ‘R’ is not correct explanation of the assertion.
(c) ‘A’ is true but ‘R’ is false.
(d) ‘A’ is false but ‘R’ is true.

691.. Assertion: Increasing order of atomic masses could not be maintained in Mendeleev’s periodic table.
Reason: His periodic table helps in correction of atomic masses of some of the elements in the

692.. Assertion: Dobereiner adjusted two elements in the same slot.
Reason: Dobereiner could not classify all the elements in triads. [CBSE 2020]

693. Which of the given elements A, B, C, D and E with atomic number 2, 3, 7, 10 and 30 respectively belong
to the same period?
(a) A, B, C (b) B, C, D (c) A, D, E (d) B, D, E

694.Where would you locate the element with electronic configuration 2, 8 in the Modern Periodic Table?
(a) Group 8 (b) Group 2 (c) Group 18 (d) Group 10

695. Element ‘X’ forms a chloride with formula XCl2
, which is a solid with high melting point. ‘X’ would most
likely to be in the same group of the periodic table as:
(a) Na, (b) Mg, (c) Al (d) Si [HOTS]

696. On the basis of electronic configuration of 5 x 9., the group number and period of the element ‘X’ is:
(a) Group 15 period 2 (b) Group 13 period 2
(c) Group 19 period 5 (d) Group 13 period 5 [CBSE 2020]

697. An element ‘X’ with atomic number 11 forms a compound with element ‘Y’ with atomic number 8. The
formula of the compound formed is
(a) XY (b) X2Y (c) XY2 (d) X2Y3

698. An element ‘X’ is forming an acidic oxide. Its position in modern periodic table will be
(a) Group 1 and Period 3 (b)Group 2 and Period 3(c) Group 13 and Period 3 (d) Group 16 and Period 3 [CBSE 2020]

699. Consider the following statements about an element ‘X’ with number of protons 13.
(A) It forms amphoteric oxide (B) Its valency is three
(C) The formula of its chloride is XCl3
The correct statements(s) is/are
(a) only (A) (b) only (B) (c) (A) and (C) (d) (A), (B) and (C) [CBSE 2020]

II. Assertion-Reason Type Questions (1 Mark)
For question numbers 1 to 4 two statements are given-one labeled as Assertion (A) and the other labeled
Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) as given below:
(a) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true and ‘R’ is correct explanation of the assertion.
(b) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true but ‘R’ is not correct explanation of the assertion.
(c) ‘A’ is true but ‘R’ is false.
(d) ‘A’ is false but ‘R’ is true.

700.. Assertion: SiCl4 is covalent compound
Reason: Si can lose electrons and chlorine can gain electron.

701. Assertion: Ionic compounds have high melting point.
Reason: Ionic compounds do not conduct electricity in solid state

702.. Assertion: The formula of oxide of nitrogen is N2O5. and H2O is oxide of hydrogen.
Reason: N2O5 is acidic oxide H2O is neutral oxide.

703. Assertion: Element with atomic number 118 belongs to group 18.
Reason: Element with atomic number 118 has 8 valence electrons.

I Choose the correct answer from the given options.

704.. Which of the following gives the correct increasing order of the atomic radii of O, F and N?
(a) O < F < N (b) N < F < O (c) O < N < F (d) F < O < N

705.. Which among the following elements has the largest atomic radii?
(a) Na (b) Mg (c) K (d) Ca

706. Which of the following elements would lose an electron easily?
(a) Mg (b) Na (c) K (d) Ca

707. Which of the following elements does not lose an electron easily?
(a) Na (b) F (c) Mg (d) Al

708.. Elements P, Q, R and S have atomic numbers 11, 15, 17 and 18 respectively. Which of them are reactive
(a) P and Q (b) P and R (c) Q and R (d) R and S

[CBSE Sample Paper 2019-2020]
II. Assertion-Reason Type Questions (1 Mark)
For question numbers 1 to 2 two statements are given-one labeled as Assertion (A) and the other labeled
Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) as given below:
(a) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true and ‘R’ is correct explanation of the assertion.
(b) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true but ‘R’ is not correct explanation of the assertion.
(c) ‘A’ is true but ‘R’ is false.
(d) ‘A’ is false but ‘R’ is true.

709.. Assertion: X with atomic number 13 is a metal.
Reason: It belongs to group 13 and 3rd period.

710. Assertion: Carbon is a metalloid.
Reason: Carbon forms CO2
which is acidic oxide whereas CO is neutral oxide.

Cases study

Around the year 1800, only 30 elements were known. Dobereiner in 1817 and Newlands in 1866 tried
to arrange the then known elements and framed laws which were rejected by the scientists. Even after
the rejection of the proposed laws, many scientists continued to search for a pattern that correlated the
properties of elements with their atomic masses.
The main credit for classifying elements goes to Mendeleev for his most important contribution to the
early development of a Periodic table of elements wherein he arranged the elements on the basis of their
fundamental property, the atomic mass and also on the similarity of chemical properties. The formulae
of their hydrides and oxides were treated as basic criteria for the classification of the elements.
However, Mendeleev’s classification also had some limitations as it could not assign the position to
isotopes. He also left some gaps in the periodic table.

(711) According to Mendeleev’s Periodic Law properties of elements are periodic function of
(a) atomic mass (b) atomic number
(c) number of protons (d) number of electrons

(712. Why did Mendeleev leave some gaps in the Periodic table?
(a) For elements to be discovered (b) For isotopes
(c) For isobars (d) None of these

(713. If the letter ‘R’ was used to represent any of the elements in the group, then the hydride and oxide of
carbon would respectively be represented as
(a) RH4, RO (b) RH4, RO2 (c) RH2, RO2 (d) RH2, RO

(714) Isotopes are:
(a) Atoms of an element with similar chemical properties but different atomic masses.
(b) Atoms of different elements with similar chemical properties but different atomic masses.
(c) Atoms of an element with different chemical properties but same atomic masses.
(d) Atoms of different elements with different chemical properties but same atomic masses.

(715) How many groups and periods are there in Mandeleev’s periodic table?

(a) 6 group, 8 period (b) 18 group, 7 period (c) 7 group, 18 period (d) 8 group, 6 period

. Modern periodic table has 18 vertical columns known as groups and 7 horizontal rows known as
periods. First period contains 2 elements second and third period contain 8 elements. 4th and 5th period
contains 18 elements and 6th and 7th period contains 32 elements. The graph is plotted between atomic
number and atomic radius of group 17 and group 1 elements

(716. Which group elements will have largest atomic size?
(a) Group 1 (b) Group 2 (c) Group 3 (d) Group 18

(717. Which group elements will gain electrons to form negative ions?
(a) Group 1 (b) Group 2 (c) Group 17 (d) Group 18

(718) Which element in group 17 has smallest size?
(a) Flourine (b) Bromine (c) Chlorine (d) Iodine

(719) What happens to atomic radii in a group from top to bottom?
(a) Increases (b) Decreases
(c) First decreases then increases (d) Number of shells remains the same

(720. Atomic size decreases from left to right in a period because
(a) Effective nuclear charge increases
(b) Number of shells remains the same

721. An element ‘X’ with atomic number 12 forms a compound with element ‘Y’ with atomic number 17. The formula of the compound is
(a) XY (b) XY2(c) X2Y (d) X2Y3 [CBSE 2020]

722. An element ‘X’ is forming acidic oxide. Its most probable position in the modern periodic table is
(a) Group 1 and Period 3 (b) Group 16 and Period 3(c) Group 17 and Period 3 (d) Group 2 and Period 3 [CBSE 2020]

723. Assertion: A. ‘X’ has mass no. 35, number of neutrons are 18.
Reason: X belongs to Group 17 and 3rd period, it is non-metal

724. Assertion: Out of A(4), B(9), C(14), D(19), E(20), D(19) has one valence electron.
Reason: Valency of A(4) and E(20) are equal to 2.

Question 725
Which of the following statements about the Modern Periodic Table is correct?
(a) It has 18 horizontal rows known as Periods
(b) It has 7 vertical columns known as Periods
(c) It has 18 vertical columns known as Groups
(d) It has 7 horizontal rows known as Groups

Question 726
Modern Periodic law is based upon:
(a) Number of neutrons
(b) Number of electron
(c) Atomic number
(d) Atomic mass

Question 726
In Mendeleev’s Periodic Table, gaps were left for the elements to be discovered later. Which of the
following elements found a place in the periodic table later ?
(a) Germanium
(b) Chlorine
(c) Oxygen
(d) Silicon
(a) Germanium

Question 728
Which of the following set of elements is written in order of their increasing metallic character?
(a) Na Li K
(b) C Q N
(c) Mg Al Si
(d) Be Mg Ca
(d) Be Mg Ca

Question 729
The non-metals are present:
(a) On the right hand side of the periodic table.
(b) In the middle of the periodic table.
(c) In the centre of the periodic table.
(d) On the left hand side of the periodic

Question 730
An element has 12 protons. The group and period to which this element belongs to is
(a) 2nd group, 3rd period
(b) 2nd group, 2nd period
(c) 3rd group, 2nd period
(d) 3rd group, 3rd period
(a) 2nd group, 3rd period

Question 731
Which one of the following statements is not correct about the trends in the properties of the
elements of a group on going down in a group?
(a) The chemical reactivity of metals increases.
(b) The metallic character of elements increases.
(c) The size of the atom increases.
(d) The valence electrons increase.
(d) The valence electrons increase.

Question 732
An element X combines with oxygen to form an oxide XO. This oxide is electrically conducting.
Write the formula of the compound formed when X reacts with chlorine.
(a) XCl3
(b) XCl
(c) XCl2
(d) XCl5
(c) XCl2

Question 733
An element ‘A’ belongs to the third period and group 16 of the Periodic Table. Find out the valency
of A.
(a) Valency = 6
(b) Valency = 2
(c) Valency = 1
(d) Valency = 3
(b) Valency = 2

Question 734
Which of the following is the outermost shell for elements of second period?
(a) K shell
(b) L shell
(c) M shell
(d) N shell
(b) L shell

Question 735
Dobereiner’s triad arranged the elements with similar properties into:
(a) Periods
(b) Groups
(c) Both period and group
(d) None of these
(b) Groups

Question 736
Element X forms a chloride with the formula XCl2, which is a solid with high melting point. X would
most likely be:
(a) Si
(b) Al
(c) Na
(d) Mg
(d) Mg

Question 737
Pick out the chemically most reactive elements from the given triads.
Li, Na, K F, Cl, Br
(a) Li and F
(b) Li and Br
(c) K and F
(d) K and Br
(c) K and F

Question 738
What is the atomic number of element of period 3 and group 17 of the Periodic Table?
(a) 10
(b) 4
(c) 17
(d) 21
(c) 17

Question 739
Where would you locate the element with electronic configuration 2, 8 in the Modern Periodic
(a) Group 8
(b) Group 2
(c) Group 18
(d) Group 10
(c) Group 18

Question 740
An atom of an element has the electronic configuration 2,8,2. To which group does it belong?
(a) 4th group
(b) 6th group
(c) 3rd group
(d) 2nd group
(d) 2nd group

Question 741
New lands relation is called
(a) Musical Law
(b) Law of Octaves
(c) Periodic Law
(d) Atomic Mass Law
(b) Law of Octaves

Question 742
At the time of Mendeleev, the number of elements known was
(a) 63
(b) 65
(c) 62
(d) 64
(a) 63

Question 743
According to IUPAC recommendations, the number of groups in the long form of the periodic table
(a) 7
(b) 8
(c) 16
(d) 18
(d) 18

Question 744
The most distinctive property of the noble gases is that they are:
(a) Unreactive
(b) Radioactive
(c) Metalloid
(d) Metallic
(a) Unreactive

Question 745
Upto which element, the Law of Octaves was found applicable?
(a) Oxygen
(b) Calcium
(c) Cobalt
(d) Potassium
(b) Calcium

Question 746
As we move from left to right in a period in modern periodic table, Atomic size

Question 746
As we move from left to right in a period in modern periodic table, Atomic sizes of the elements
(a) increase
(b) decrease
(c) remain same
(d) approach zero
(b) decrease

Question 747
The arrangement of elements in the Modem Periodic Table is based on their
(a) increasing atomic mass in the period
(b) increasing atomic number in the horizontal rows
(c) increasing atomic number in the vertical columns
(d) increasing atomic mass in the group
(b) increasing atomic number in the horizontal rows

Question 748
Carbon belongs to the second period and Group 14. Silicon belongs to the third period and Group
14. If atomic number of carbon is 6, the atomic number of silicon is
(a) 7
(b) 14
(c) 24
(d) 16
(b) 14

Question 749
In Mendeleev’s Periodic Table, gaps were left for the elements to be discovered later. Which of the
following elements found a place in the Period
) Silicon
(c) Oxygen
(d) Germanium
(d) Germanium

Question 750
The law of the modern periodic table was proposed by:
(a) H.G.I Moselly
(b) Dobereincer
(c) D.I. Mendeleev
(d) Newlands
(a) H.G.I Moselly

Question 751.
The elements A, B and C belong to groups 1, 14 and 17 respectively of the Periodic Table. Which
two elements will form ionic compounds?
(a) A and B
(b) A and C
(c) B and C
(d) None
(b) A and C

Question 752
Which one of the following statements is not correct about the trends in the properties of the
elements of a period on going from left to right?
(a) The oxides become more acidic
(b) The elements become less metallic
(c) There is an increase in the number of valence electrons
(d) The atoms lose their electrons more easily
(d) The atoms lose their electrons more easily

Question 753
Name the neutral atom in the Periodic Table which has the same number of electrons as K+ and
(a) Helium
(b) Argon
(c) Neon
(d) Krypton
(b) Argo

Question 754
An element X has mass number 40 and contains 21 neutrons in its atom. To which group of the
Periodic Table does it belong?
(a) Group 1
(b) Group 4
(c) Group 2
(d) Group 3
(a) Group 1

Question 755
How many elements are placed in lanthanide and actinide series?
(a) 57, 89
(b) 14, 14
(c) 89, 57
(d) 14, 16
(b) 14, 14

Question 756
Which of the following elements of noble gases participate in chemical reaction?
(a) Kr, Rn
(b) He, Kr
(c) Rn, He
(d) He, Ne
(a) Kr, Rn

Question 757
The element which has least tendency to lose electron is
(a) H
(b) Li
(c) He
(d) Ne
(c) He

Question 758
The metal which is hard and has high melting point and used in filaments of electrical bulbs is
(a) Ni
(b) Fe
(c) Pt
(d) W
(d) W

Question 759
Mendeleev’s classification was based on.
(a) Increasing atomic mass
(b) Decreasing atomic number
(c) Increasing atomic number
(d) Decreasing atomic mass
(a) Increasing atomic mass

Question 760
The elements of group 16 are called
(a) Chalcogens
(b) Halogens
(c) Pnicogens
(d) Noble gases
(a) Chalcogens

Question 761
Nitrogen and phosphorus belong to the group 15 of the periodic table. Which of these will be more
electro negative?
(a) Phosphorus
(b) Both are equally electro negative
(c) Nitrogen
(d) None of these
(c) Nitrogen

Question 762
Which one of the following elements exhibit the maximum number of valence electrons?
(a) Na
(b) Al
(c) Si
(d) P
(d) P

Question 763
Up to which element, the Law of Octaves was found to be applicable:
(a) Oxygen
(b) Calcium
(c) Cobalt
(d) Potassium
(b) Calcium

Question 764
Chlorine (17) belongs to which group and period
(a) 7, 3
(b) 17, 3
(c) 1, 3
(d) 16, 3
(b) 17, 3

Question 765
Which of the following sets of elements do not belong to the same group?
(a) F, Cl, Br
(b) Na, K, Rb
(c) P, S, Cl
(d) C, Si, Ge
(c) P, S, Cl

Question 766
What is the basis of long form of the periodic table?
(a) Atomic mass
(b) Atomic number
(c) Atomic size
(d) Metallic and Non-metallic character
(b) Atomic number

Question 767
Which of the following is most reactive
(a) Li
(b) H
(c) Na
(d) K
(d) K

Question 768
The element with atomic number 14 is hard and forms acidic oxide and a covalent halide. To which
of the following categories does the element belong?
(a) Metal
(b) Metalloid
(c) Non-metal
(d) Left-hand side element
(b) Metalloid

Question 769
Assertion: There are 118 elements dis-covered so far.
Reason: Sulphur (16) belongs to Group 16 and belongs to 3rd period.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
(e) Both A and R are false.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.

Question 770
Assertion: K is more reactive than Na.
Reason: K is smaller in size than Na.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
(e) Both A and R are false.
(c) A is true but R is false.

Question 771
Assertion: Fluorine is more reactive than chlorine.
Reason: Fluorine and chlorine belong to Group 17 called Halogen.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
(e) Both A and R are false.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.

Question 772
Which of the following is most reactive
(a) Li
(b) H
(c) Na
(d) K
(d) K

Question 773
What is the basis of long form of the periodic table?
(a) Atomic mass
(b) Atomic number
(c) Atomic size
(d) Metallic and Non-metallic charac
(b) Atomic number

Question 774
An element has an atomic number of 15 with which of the following elements will it show similar
chemical properties.
(a) Be (4)
(b) Ne (10)
(c) N (7)
(d) O (8)
(c) N (7)

Question 775
Which of the following is most reactive
(a) F2
(b) Cl2
(c) Br2
(d) I2
(a) F2

776. d-block elements are also called ____.
777. Electro negativity is assigned by ____.
778. Father of periodic table____.
779Atomic radius is measured in ____units.
780. Inner transition elements are ____block elements.
781. II a group elements are called____.
782. Noble gases belong to ____ group of periodic table.
783. Group IA is called ____ family.
784 ____is the most electronegative element.
785.Gallium is named by Mendeleev as ____.
786.VIIA group elements are called ____.
787.____is the least electronegative element.
788.Who proposed law of Octaves? ( )
a) Dobereiner b) New Land c) Bhor’s d) Mendeleev
789According Mendeleev physical and chemical properties of elements periodic functions
of their ____. ( )
a) Atomic Volume b) Atomic Weight
c) Atomic Number d) Electronic Configuration

790.Predicted properties of Eka-Silicon is close to the observed property
of _____ ( )
a) Germanium b) Scandium c) Gallium d) Sodium

791. 101 element was named as in honour of a scientist ( )
a) Mendelevium b) Einsteinium c) Rutherfordium d) Bohr

792.How many groups are present in long form of periodic table ( )
a) 15 b) 16 c) 17 d) 18

793General electronic configuration of Noble gases ( )
a) ns1
b) ns2np5
c) ns2np6
d) ns2np6, nd5

794Which period is in complete
a) 4 b) 7 c) 5 d) 6

795.5f elements are called ( )
a) Rare gases b) Actinides c) Lanthanides d) None

796.1 Pm = ( )
a) 10-8m b) 10-10m c) 10-12m d)10-14m

797.The element with highest electro negativity is ( )
a) F b) Cl c) Ca d) Ar


1b  2b 3d 4a 5c 6d 7b 8c 9b 10b 11b 12c  13c 14 b 15b 16a 17b 18b 19c 20a 21d 22b 23d 24d 25d
26. Dobereiner
27. atomic mass
28. atomic no.
29. (a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) decreases
30. position
31. 17
32.. 12th
33. Period
34.. increases, decreases
35. right

36a 37a 38c 39b 40a 41a 42 c 43c 44c 45b 46d 47a 48b 49c 50a 51c 52a 53d 54c 55d 56d 57a 58d 59d 60a 61b 62a 63c 64b 65d 66c 67b 68b 69c 70c 71c 72c 73b 74b 75c 76c 77d 78a 79b 80a 81b 82d 83c 84d 85b
86b 87c 88d 89b 908 91a 92c 93c 94b 95a 96d 97b 98b 99c 100b 101c 102d 103a 104c 105c
106a 107b 108b 109c 110d
111.a  112.c  113b 114c 115b
116c 117b.  118d 119a 120b
121c 122b 122d 124c 125d
126b 127b 128a 129c 130b
131c 132b 133d 133d q35d
136a 137b 138b q39b 140c
141b 142c 144d 144c 145c
146c 147c 148b 149b 150c
151b 152c 153c 154d 155c
156a 157c 158b 159a 160b
161b 162b 163d
164atomic number
Thirty two
Noble gases
First Inc and then decreases
Atomic number

175c 176a 177b 178c 179d 180d
181a 182c 183b 184b 185a
186c 187b 188d 189d 190c

195b 196c 197a 198a 199b
200c 201b 202c 203b 204d
205.b 206a 207b 208d 209b
210.a 211b 212a 213b 214c
215b 216b 217c 218a 219d 220b
221a 222a 223a 224b 225c
226d 227b 228a 229b 230c
231b 232a 233b 234d 235b
236c 237a 238c 239c 240b
241b 242a 243d 244d 245d
246b 247d 248a 249b 250c
251a 252c 253d 254d 255b
256b 257a 258d 259a 260b
261a 262b 263a 264d

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