Monday 8 August 2022

carbon compounds worksheets for practice 10th

1.An organic compound A on reduction gives compound B molecular formula  C2H6 which when reacted with chlorine gives compound C .
A.identify a,b,c
B.write 2 reactions involved  

2)A.Name the functional groups organic compounds that can be hydrogenated .
B.with the help of reactions explainpricess of hydrogenation
C.mention the conditions needed one change in physical property with the formation of produ t any one natural sour e of organic compounds that can be hydrogenated

3.).An organic compound A with molecular formula C2H60 on oxidation I'm presence of oxidising agents gives compound B
A.identify a and b
B write reaction
C.what do you mean by oxidign agents
D.give 2 examples of oxidising agents
E.identify c2H60 and write its next 2 homologues 

4.A test tube contains brown liquid in it .the colour of liquid remains unchanged when methane is passed into it ,but changes when ethene is passed
A.identify brown liquid
B.why is did not change with metha ne and changed with ethene
C.justify with reaction
D.what type of reactions are this many moles of hydrogen is needed to break 2 double bonds

5.the formula of Ester is C3H7COOC2H5.
A.write the formula of acid and alcohol from which it's obtained
B.justify with reaction
C what is the reagent used here
D .what type of reactions are this
E.NaMe the Ester given C5H11COOC6H13

6).3 mL of ethanol is taken in a test tube and warmed gently in a water bath. A 5% solution of alkaline potassium permanganate is added first drop by drop to this solution, then in excess.
(A) How is 5% solution of KMnO4 prepared?
(B) State the role of alkaline potassium permanganate in this reaction. What happens on adding it in excess?
(C) Write chemical equation of this reaction.
D.what is other oxidising agent we can use here
E.why this reaction is called oxidation reactions

7).A carbon compound ‘P’ on heating with excess cone. H2SO4 forms another carbon compound ‘Q’ which on addition of hydrogen in the presence of nickel catalyst forms a saturated carbon compound ‘R’ One molecule of ‘R’ on combustion forms two molecules of carbon dioxide and three molecules of water.
A)Identify P, Q and R  2 marks
B) write chemical equations for the reactions involved.  3 marks

8).carboxylic acid (molecular formula, C2H4O2) reacts with an alcohol in the presence of an acid catalyst to form a compound ‘X’. The alcohol on oxidation with alkaline KMnO4 followed by acidification gives the same carboxylic acid C2H4O2.
A) Write the name and structure of
(i) carboxylic acid,  1 mark
(ii) alcohol and.       1 mark
(iii) the compound ‘X’  1 mark
Iv) Write all reactions involved  2 marks

9).dropping a small piece of sodium in a test tube containing carbon compound ‘X’ with molecular formula C2H6O, a brisk effervescence is observed and a gas ‘Y’ is produced. On bringing a burning splinter at the mouth of the test tube the gas evolved burns with a pop sound.
A) Identify ‘X’ and ‘Y’. 2marks
B)Also write the chemical equation for the reaction. 1 mark
C) Write the name and structure of the product formed, when you heat ‘X’ with excess cone, sulphuric acid. 

10).Write the name and molecular formula of an organic compound having its name suffixed with ‘ol’ and having two carbon atoms in its molecule.
Write balanced chemical equation to indicate what happens when this compound is heated with excess cone. H2SO4 and the name of main product formed.2 matks
Also state the role of cone. H2SO4 in the reaction. 1 matks

11).An organic compound ‘X’ on heating with cone. H2SO4 forms a compound ‘Y’ which on addition of one molecule of hydrogen in the presence of nickel forms a compound ‘Z’. One molecule of compound ‘Z’ on combustion forms two molecules of CO2 and three molecules of H2O.
Identify giving reasons the compounds ‘X’, ‘Y’ and ‘Z’.3marks
Write the chemical equations for all the chemical reactions involved. 2marks

12).Give a chemical test to distinguish between saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbon. 1marks
(b) Name the products formed when ethane bums in air. 1marks
Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction showing the types of energies liberated.
(c) Why is reaction between methane and chlorine in the presence of sunlight considered a substitution reaction? 1mark
D)Justify with reaction 1mark

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