Thursday 15 September 2022

Electromagnetism Worksheet for 10th class

Magnetism Worksheet

1.Name the type of current. (a) used in household supply (b) given in cell (CBSE (CCE) 2011)

2.  Name the physical quantities of electromagnetic induction. (CBSE (CCE) 2012)

3.  Give one application of electromagnetic induction. (CBSE (CCE) 2012)

4.  Name any two appliances which are based on the application of heating effect of electric current. (AI 2009C)

5.  What constitutes the field of a magnet? (DELHI 2006)

6.  A compass needle is placed near a curtp for the following cases, and give reason for the same in each case.

a. Magnitude of electric current in the wire is increased

b. The compass needle is displayed away from the wire. (CBSE (CCE) 2012)

7.  Explain the role of fuse in series with any electrical appliance in an electric circuit. Why should a fuse with defined rating for an electric circuit not be replaced by one with a larger rating? (CBSE (CCE) 2011)

8.  What is meant by the term frequency of an alternating current? What is the value in India? Why is an alternating current considered to be advantageous over direct current for long range transmission of electric energy? (CBSE SAMPLE PAPER 2009)

9.  What is an electromagnet? Draw a circuit diagram to show how a soft iron piece can be transformed into electromagnet. (DELHI 2008)

10.  With the help of neat diagram describe how you can generate induced current in the circuit. (DELHI 2006C)

11.  a. Mention effect of electric current on which the working of an electrical fuse is based.

          b. Draw a schematic labeled diagram of a domestic circuit which has a provision of a main base, meter, one light bulb and a socket.

          c. Explain the term overloading of an electric circuit. (CBSE (CCE) 2012)

12.  a. Describe an activity to demonstrate the pattern of magnetic field lines around a straight conductor carrying current.

          b. State the rule to find the direction of magnetic field associated with a current carrying conductor?

          c. What is the shape of a current carrying conductor whose magnetic field pattern


State the rule that is used to find the direction of field acting at a point near a current carrying straight conductor.

Q2. Distinguish between Permanent magnet and Temporary magnet

Q3. What are the factors on which the magnetic field due to a current carrying solenoid depends?

Q4. Write any 3 methods of demagnetising a permanent magnet ?

Q5. What is an electromagnet?. How does it differ from a permanent magnet ? State three factors on which the strength of an electromagnet depends.

Q6. A proton is moving with velocity 104 m/s parallel to the magnetic field of intensity 5T. Find he force on the proton

Q7. Mentions the angle between a current carryings conductor and magnetic field for which the force experienced by fair current carrying conduct is the magnetic field the larger.

Q8. Explain the function of fuse in a domestic electric circuit? An electric oven having power rating 2000 W, 220 V is used in an electric circuit having a fuse of 5A rating. What is likely to happen when the oven is switched on? Explain

Q9. Write one difference between direct current and alternating current. Which one of the two is mostly produced at power stations in our country? Name one device which provides alternating current. State one important advantage of using alternating current.

Q10. Can two magnetic lines of force intersect each other? Give reasons in support of your answer.

Q8. If a soft iron piece is buried under the surface of earth in the north and south direction, then:

• It will acquire properties of a magnet

• Its properties will not change

• It will behave like an insulator

• Can’t say with surety

Q9. Force acting on a stationary charge Q in the magnetic field B is:


• BV/Q

• Zero

• BQ/V

Q10. A wire of length ‘ℓ’ is placed in a magnetic field B. If the current in the wire is I, then maximum magnetic force on the wire is:

• BI ℓ

• B/Iℓ

• Iℓ /B

• I/Bℓ

Section 2 - Subjective

Question 1 How can you show that the magnetic field produced by a given electric current in the wire decreases as the distance from the wire increases?

Question 2 What is the advantage of the third wire of earth connection in domestic appliances?

Question 3 How is the strength of the magnetic field at a point near a wire related to the strength of the electric current flowing in the wire?

Question 4 On what effect of an electric current does an electromagnet work?

Question 5. With the help of a neat-diagram, describe how you can generate induced current in a circuit.
Question 6 Explain terms: (a) overloading and (b) short-circuiting

Question 7 List in tabular form two major differences between electric motor and electric genrator

Question 8 Explain the function of earth wire. Why is it necessary to earth metallic appliances?

Question 9 All household appliances are connected in parallel. List two advantages of this type of arrangement.

10.Explain briefly two different ways to induce current in a coil. State the rule which determines direction of induced current.

Question 11 (a) A stationary charge is placed in a magnetic field. Will it experience force? Give reason and justify your answer.
(b) On what factors does the direction of force experienced by a current carrying conductor when placed in a magnetic field depends?
(c)  Under what conditions is the force experienced by a current carrying conductor placed in a uniform magnetic field is maximum.

Question 12 List four important features of domestic electric circuit. Draw a diagram of common domestic circuit showing live, neutral and earth wires.

Identify the poles of a magnet in the figure.

What is the direction of magnetic field lines outside a bar magnet ?  (CBSE 2010, 2011)

Question 3.
What does crowding of magnetic field lines indicate ? (CBSE 2010, 2011)
What does the degree of closeness of magnetic field lines near the poles signify ? (CBSE 2012)

Question 4.
At what place of the magnet are the magnetic field lines denser ? [CBSE (

Question 5.
What is meant by magnetic field ? [CBSE (Delhi) 2007, 2009, 2014]

Question 6.
How is the direction of magnetic field at a point determined ? [CBSE (Delhi) 2007]

What is SI unit of magnetic field ?

What is the direction of magnetic field lines inside a bar magnet ?

Question 9.
Define a magnetic field line ? (CBSE (All India) 2006, 2010, 2015)
What are magnetic field lines ? (CBSE 2011, 2013)

Give two uses of a magnetic compass. (CBSE 2013)

Question 11.
How is the strength of the magnetic field around a wire related to the strength of the electric current flowing in the wire ? (CBSE 2004)

Question 12.
How can it be shown that magnetic field exists around a wire through which direct current is passing ?
[C.B.S.E; (Delhi) 2004]

Question 13.
What is the nature of magnetic field lines around a current carrying wire ?

Question 14.
State the rule used to determine the direction of magnetic field produced around a straight conductor carrying current. [CBSE (Delhi) 2009; CBSE (All India) 2009, 2011, 2012, 2015]

State the rule to determine the direction of a force experienced by a current-carrying straight conductor placed in a magnetic field which is perpendicular. (CBSE 2013, 2014, 2015)

compass needle shows deflection when brought near a current carrying conductor. Why ? (CBSE 2015)

Question 17.
Draw a sketch of the pattern of field lines due to a current flowing through a straight conductor.
[CBSE (Delhi) 2009, 2011]

Draw the magnetic field lines through and around a single loop of wire carrying electric current.

Draw the pattern of magnetic field lines of the field produced by a current carrying circular loop.

What is a solenoid ? (CBSE (Delhi) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015)

Question 21.
Write one application of magnetic field of current caWhat does the direction of thumb indicate in the right hand thumb rule ?
Direction of the flow of current.

Question 24.
How is an electromagnet made ?

Question 22.
Draw the pattern of field lines of magnetic field through and around a current carrying soleniod.
(CBSE (Delhi) 2009, 2011

Write an expression for the force acting on a conductor of length l carrying current (I) and placed perpendicular to the magnetic field (B).

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