Friday 3 July 2020

allotropes of carbon work sheet and video link by aiimiit

Video link for this work sheet

1.Define allotropy
2.What is difference between crystlline and amorphous forms of allotropes
3.what are 3 different crustalline allotropes of carbon
4.write any for differences between diamond and graphite
5.why graphite conducts electricity
6.why graphite is used in electodes
7.why graogite ised as electodes
8.what is fullurene what is its formula
9.what is shape of fullurene molecule how many carbon rin gs are present in it
10.what are 3 firfferent types of charcoal
11.How do you prepare charcoal
12.what are components we get on detructive distillation of wood
13.Among wood and wood charcoal which is better fuel and why
14.Apart from carbon name tow other elements which show allotropy
15.Name some allotropes of phosphoris.16.what is difference between allotropes and isotopes

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