Thursday 2 July 2020

matallurgy work sheet by AIIMIIT

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1.Define metallurgy
2.Deefine mineral
3.Define ore
4.what are 4 steps of metallurgical process
5.Define enrichemeant or concentaration of ore
6.Define terms gangue,flux,slag
7.what is enrichemant proces used for oxide ores
8.what is emrichment  process used for sulphide ores
9.what is enrichemant process used for allumi ium oress
10.what is bayers process
11.what is bauxite
12.why do we convert ores to oxides
13.what are 3 differences between calcination amd roasting
14.Define calcination and roasting
15.what are cheif iron ores
16.How do u extract upper metal from their oxides
17.How do you extract middle metalss from their oxides
18.How do you extract lower metals from their oxides
19.What are 3 important steps of refining of metal
20.what do you mean by liquation,distilation
For what type of metals we employ this refining process
21.what is smelting
22.what is difference between pig iron and wrought iron
23.what is cinnabar
24.what is calamine
25.what is Galena
26.whay do we keep impure metal at anode 
27.what are impurities collected at anode are called as

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