Monday 14 September 2020

circulatory system notes with video link by aiimiit

Circulatory system notes

Circulatory system consists of
2.blood vessels

Blood is fluid connective tissue

Blood has many functions

A.transportation of gases immunity to body
C.tranport of digested food to all cells of body
D.transport of excretory material
E.temperatire regulation
F.transport of harmones
And so on

2.blood vessels

The 3 blood vessels are
And capillaries


A.they carry oxygenated blood always
B.except pulmonary artery
C.they have thick walls to withstand pressure exerted by flowing blood
D.they dont have valves
As already blood is under high pressure
Wont flow back
E.they are deep seated


A.they carry deoxygenated blood
B.except pulmonary vein
C.they have thin walls
D.they have valves to prevent backward flow of blood
E.they are siperficial


A.they are single celled thickness
B.after artery enters into organs it divides into many capillaries
C.each capillary enters into each cell
D.then all capillaries after entering each cellsupplies blood
E.again all capillaries come out and form into vein
F.this division of capillaries and again joining is called PORTAL SYSTEM


1.heart is size of our fist
2.main pumping organ in our body has 4 chambers
4.upper chambers are called auricle or atrium(right and left atria)
5.lower chambers are called ventricles
(Right and left ventricles)
6.atria are separated by inter aurucular septum
7.ventricles are separated by inter ventricular septum
8.atria and ventricles are separated by auriculo ventricular septum
9.between right atrium and right ventricle TRICUSPID VALVE is present
10.between left atria and left ventricle BICUSPID OR MITRAL VALVE is present
11.valves allow unidirectional flow of blood and prevents back flow
12.aother valves are semi lunar valves present at junction off pulmonary artery and at junction of aorta
13.pace make is present in heart which initiates heart beat in right atrium and I called as SINO ATRIAL NODE(AV NODE,PRKINGEE FIBRES,BUNDLIE OF HIS)
all take up function of heart beat
14.Coronary artery is blood vessel which supplies blood to heart
15.ventricles have thick walls because
They have to pump blood with high pressure
16.the covering of heart is called PERICARDIUM between 3 layers of heart walls there is pericardial fluid is present acts as shocking absorber
18.since heart is sensitive structure it is protected by
Ribs ,sternum bones
19.heart neat is measured by stethoscope


1.deoxygenated blood from upper parts enter heart through superior vena cavae into right atrium the same time
Oxygenated blood from lungs comes through pulmonary vein into left atrium both deoxygenated blood in right atrium and oxygenated blood in left atrium enters respective ventricles deoxygenated blood from right atrium enters into pulmonary artery
5.oxygenated blood enters aorta
6.aorta is big artery which supplies oxygenated blood to all parts of body
7.pulmonart artery is only artery which Carrie's deoxygenated blood to lungs lungs exchange of gases takes place
9.deoxgygenated blood becomes oxygenated blood contraction and one relaxation of heart is called heart beat
11.contarction of heart is called SYSTOLE
12.relaxation of heart is called
DIASTOLE systole and one DIASTOLE is called heart beat


1.the pressure exerted by blood on blood vessels is called blood pressure
2.norml blood pressure in humans is 120/80 mm of hg
3.blood pressure is measured by
4.120 is called systolic blood pressure
Pressure during systole or contraction of heart
5 .80 is diastolic blood pressure or pressure exerted during DIASTOLE or during relaxation of heart
6.systolic pressure more than 150 is called high bp
7.systolic pressure less then 100 is called low bp
8.person suffering from high bp should reduce intake of salt

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