Thursday 10 September 2020

Digestive system notes and work sheet with video link by AIIMIIT

Video link of this notes

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM NOTES of digestive system in humans are

Buccal cavity
Duodenum (liver and pancreas open here)
Small intestine
Large intestine

2.Buccal cavity
Space inside mouth is called buccal cavity
A.consists of
tongue ,
teeth ,
salivary glands and
helps in swallowing,speech, and taste
Swallowing scientifically called deglutition
helps in mastication(chewing food)
D.salivary glands
They are 3 in number secret saliva
They are submaxillary
Sub mandibular
Parotid glands
Saliva has enzyme PTYALIN or salivary amylase
Salivary amylase converts cooked starch in food to maltose

Conclusion is digestion begins in buccal cavity itself with help of saliva

It is common passage for both food and air and water

Which is rhythmatic contraction and relaxation of oesophagus
Which help food to pass in one direction only to stomach
Reverse peristalsis only occurs during vomiting which is under control of brain.


It is j shaped structure

Food is stored here for 3 to 4 hrs

Slowly released into duodenum

Stomach has many folds called RUGAE
they help in expansion and contraction of stomach according to food intake

Stomach has mucosal lining which prevents self digestion of stomach

The secretions of stomach are called as

Gastric juice consists of HCL and enzymes

Two important functions of stomach are
It help in release of HCL and enzymes

Hcl functions are

A.kills microbes in food
B.activates enzyme pepsinogen to pepsin


other function of stomach is

Stomach has 3 important enzymes

Pepsin helps in digestion of proteins

Renin helps in digestion of milk protein

Lipase helps in digestion of fats

Two sphincter muscles are present
Cardiac sphincter
Pyloric sphincter

Sphincter muscles helps in
One way passage of food


first part of small intestine is duodenum

Duodenum releases sodium and potassium ions

As they are metal ions
Metals are basic
Neutralise acidic food coming from stomach

Duodenum itself dont release any enzymes
But liver and pancreas ducts opens into duodenum


2imp function of bile
A.neutralise acidic food
B.emulsification of fats

Liver us largest gland in body
Liver secretes BILE JUICE
Bile JUICE consists of
Bile salts and bile pigments

Bile salts are sodium and potassium glycocholates and tarchocholates which help in making food alkaline

Bile pigments are bilirubin and biliverdin.
Which are formed by break down of blood.

Liver secretes bile JUICE into gall bladder
Gall bladder concentrates bilejuice
By removing water in bile juice
And scrtes bile JUICE into duodenum
Through bile duct

Pancreas is dual gland
Acts as both exocrine and endocrine glands
Endocrine because
It secretes harmones
Exocrine because
It release enzymes
Trypsin digest proteins
Amylase digest carbohydrates
Lipase digests fats

Pancreas release pancreatic juice
Through pancreatic duct
Into duodenum

7.illeum and jejunum

These are other 2 parts of small intestine
In small intestine complete digestion takes place

Digested food is absorbed by finger pike structures called VILLI

villi absorb digested food and gives it to blood

Blood gives digested food to all cells of the body

In each cell food is oxidized in mitochondria

Mitochondria is power house of cell

Mitochondria release energy ,co2 and water
Energy in the form of ATP

it is used in doing metabolic activities

8.caecum and appendix

First segment of large intestine is caecum

Rudimentary appendage called appendix is present at junction of caecum

Appendix is vestigial in humans

But useful in lower organisms for digesting cellulose present in grass

9.large intestine

Main function of large intestine is to absorb water from undigested food


All undigested and waste matter get settled in rectum


Waste excreta is passed out through anus

Passing out waste is called DAFEACATION

12.this is how digestion takes place

Enzymes acts as bio catalysts which enhance speed of digestion

After digestion

Carbohydrates are converted to glucose

Fats are converted to fatty acids and glycerol

Proteins are converted to amino acids

Glucose is stored in body glycogen

Glycogen is also often called as ANIMAL STARCH

during starvation stored glycogen again gets converted to glucose and gives instant energy

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