Monday 14 September 2020

respiration notes with video link by aiimiit

Respiratory system

The different parts of respiratory system are
1.nasal cavity

1.nasal cavity

Space in the nose is called nasal cavity

Nasal cavity has

Hair and
Mucous membrane

Hair prevents dust particles entering when breathing air

Mucous membrane makes air warm
Because lungs cant bear cold air


It is common passage for air and food


It is also called voice box

It has vocal chords

They vibrate to produce sound

Opening of larynx is called GLOTTIS

Covering of glottis is called EPIGLOTTIS


Trachea is called wind pipe

Trachea is protected by C shaped cartilaginous rings
Which prevents collapse of trachea


Trachea divides into 2 bronchi

Each bronchi enters into each lung

Bronchi also have c shaped rings


Each bronchi divides into several bronchioles

Each bronchioles enters into one alveoli


Lungs are filled with millions of alveoli

The structural and functional units of lungs are alveoli

Covering of lungs is called pleura

Lungs rest on diaphragm

Since lungs are sensitive they are protected by
Sternum bone in front
Ribs bones on sides
Vertebral column in back


The structural and functional units of lungs are called alveoli

Alveoli helps in exchange of gases

They take oxygen from air we breathe
And gives to blood

Blood gives oxygen to all cells of body

In each cell food is oxidized by oxygen and liberated energy

Respiration is exothermic process where food is oxidized and liberates energy

Energy is liberated in the form of ATP

ATP means adenosine triphosphate

1 ATP releases 7.3 kcals/mole

9.Blood plays vital role in exchange of gases

Haemoglobin in bcoz takes oxygen as oxyhaemoglobin and gives to cells

But co2 formed is not naught back by hemoglobin

Instead co2 dissolves in blood and comes back to alveoli

10.Residual volume

Lungs always have residual volume of air

Which allows proper space and time for breathing


Breathing and respiration is not same

Breathing involves inspiration and expiration

Inspiration means

Lungs expand

Ribs come forward

Diaphragm becomes flat

Space in lung increases

Pressure decreases in lungs

Outside air rushes inside

Expiration means

Lungs contract

Rib come back

Diptagm becomes dome

Space in lungs decreases

Pressure increases in lungs

Inside air rushes outside

Better write this in tabular column if asked in exam

12.alveolii has some special characters suitable for respiration
They are
A.many in number to increase surface area of respiration
B.they have extensive blood capillary network for exchange of gases
C.they have thin and porous wall for exchange of gases
D.they are microscopic and many in number

13.respiration is of 2 types
aerobic and anaerobic

Aerobic occurs in presence of air

Aerobic release more energy 38 ATP

Aerobic has both glycolysis ,Krebs cycle and electron transport


Anaerobic occurs in absence if air

It release only 2 atp

Only glycolysis is present

Eg.bacteria ,blue green algae, yeast, muscle cells etc

14.respiration is divided into 2 steps


Krebs cycle

Electron transport system

14.differnet organisms respiratory organs are
A.insects trachea
B.earthworm skin
C.fishes gills
D.Frogs lungs,skin and buccal cavity
E.scorpion book gills

15..fishes respire vigorously
They have to take dissolved oxygen present in the blood.
They dont have free oxygen in water

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